NABARD Grade A and Grade B 2019: 30 Days Study Plan to Nail NABARD Prelims exam


The National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), an apex development financial institution in India, has rolled out the most awaited notifications for posts of NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B 2019. NABARD has announced 79 vacancies for the NABARD Grade-A 2019 post and 08 vacancies for the NABARD Grade B 2019 post. This is a golden opportunity for students who were waiting for these notifications to be out and NABARD has released the notification for NABARD Grade B after a span of one year, NABARD announced Grade B in 2016 last.

Important Dates for NABARD Grade A 2019 and NABARD Grade B 2019 exams

Online Application Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges May 10-26, 2019
NABARD Grade A – Phase I Prelims Exam Date June 15-16, 2019
NABARD Grade B – Phase I (Preliminary) Exam Date June 16, 2019

NABARD Grade A  2019 and NABARD Grade B 2019 Exam Pattern:

Please note that the Prelims exam pattern is the same for both NABARD Grade A 2019 and NABARD Grade B 2019 posts.

Subject Marks Duration
Test of Reasoning 20 Marks 120 minutes (composite time)
English Language 40 Marks
Computer Knowledge 20 Marks
Quantitative Aptitude 20 Marks
Economic & Social Issues (with focus on Rural India) 40 Marks
Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India) 40 Marks
Total 200

Click here to learn more details about the NABARD Grade A exam

Click here to know more details about the NABARD Grade B exam

You are left with exactly one month for the NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B exams.

  • Can I clear the NABARD Grade A or NABARD Grade B  exam by studying now??
  • Is it possible to crack the NABARD Grade A or NABARD Grade B  exam by preparing for 30 days?
  • Will I be able to cover the vast syllabus in 30 days??

These questions might be lingering in your mind and you might be feeling anxious thinking about what can be done in the next 30 days??

Here we are with a 30-day study plan for the NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B 2019 exams:

Since the time is limited and the content to study is much, we suggest the following time distribution to help you cover the entire syllabus and prepare well for the Prelims.

Distribution of time for NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B Prelims Exam:

Total study time available: 120 -150 hours in 30 days (Taking approximately 4-5 hours per day)

No. of Study Hours To be utilized for
100 Hours ·         Watching short and crisp videos and attempting questions after video lessons (Concept check questions)·         Studying PDF study notes

·         Attempting Chapter tests

20-30 Hours ·         Attempting mock tests
10 -15 Hours ·         Attending Live Doubt Clarification Classes
•          Watch short and Crisp videos (10 – 12 minutes each)•          Attempt Concept check questions available after each video (8 -12Qs) 30 % of total time
•          Go through PDF study notes•          Attempt Chapter Tests of related chapters 30 % of total time
•          Attend Live classes and clear doubts 10 % of total time
•          Attempt Mock Tests•          Ask Queries and doubts in live classes and again attempt new Mocks 30 % of total time 

  Click Here to practice the Free Mock Test for the NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B exams.

Subject Approx. Time distribution(Out of 120 hours) Number of questions in exam  
Quants + Reasoning 20 hours 40 questions 40 marks Assuming that you have a basic idea and need practice and doubt clarification, also it is not very tough in the exam, So you can attend live classes for doubt clarification, attempt tests, and choose to watch specific videos (out of 150 available) to save time
English 20 hours 40 questions 40 marks Watch 43 videos + attempt Quizzes
Computer 10 hours 20 questions 20 marks Read PDF notes
General Awareness 10 hours 20 questions 20 marks Daily GK updates + Weekly capsules available on website covering all current affairs
Economics and Social Issues 20 hours 40 questions 40 marks 50 videos + CCQs +50 PDF notes + Quizzes
Agriculture and Rural Development 20 hours 40 questions 40 marks 55 videos + 60 notes + CCQs + Quizzes
Mock tests 20 – 30 hours
Live Classes 10 hours
Total time 120 – 140 hours  

All the above can be completed by subscribing to ixamBee’s NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B 2019 online course prepared by ex-RBI and ex-Bank POs. Important features of NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B online course are:

NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B 2019 Online Course for Prelims consists of:

  • More than 300+ Video lessons on different topics of all the seven sections of NABARD Grade A and Grade B Phase I Examination
  • Study Notes wherever required to supplement or ease the learning
  • 4000+ Practice Questions in the form of Concept clearing questions after each video lesson, Section tests, and Mock Tests.
  • 10 section tests for each of the subjects
  • 15 Full-Length Mock Tests based on exact exam pattern and difficulty level.

Click Here to view the Free DEMO of the NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B Online Course.

To help you prepare 50% faster for competitive exams, ixamBee provides a free Mock Test Series and all the Current Affairs in English and Current Affairs in Hindi in the BeePedia capsules for GA Preparation. You can also get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI Grade B, NABARD, and Other Government Jobs.

Also Read

How should working aspirants prepare for the NABARD Grade A Examination?

How to Study ARD and ESI for the NABARD IT & Finance Exam?

NABARD Grade A Decision Making Syllabus & Preparation

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