NABARD Grade A Prelims Previous Year Cut Off


NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam 2020 is scheduled to be held on February 25, 2020. With a handful of time left for the exam, candidates must be preparing for the exam in force. Only those candidates who will score sufficiently high marks in the Prelims exam will be considered for the Mains exam so, it is essential to be aware of the Previous Year Cut-offs. With the Previous Year Cut-off, one can evaluate the level of the examination. To assist candidates with this, we are providing Previous Year Cut-off for NABARD Grade A Prelims exam 2020.

NABARD Grade A Prelims Cut-off 2019(Category Wise)

(20) (40) (20) (20) (40) (40) (20)
SC, ST, OBC, PWBD 1.00 5.75 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25
EWS, Unreserved 3.00 10.75 4.00 2.50 3.00 3.25 4.25

NABARD Grade A Prelims Cut-off 2019(Discipline Wise)

Discipline Category
General 109.50 100.50 117.00 111.00 129.00
Animal Husbandry / Dairy Technology 31.50 60.25 62.75
Economics & Agricultural Economics 66.00 66.50 75.00 74.25 101.25
Environment 48.50 33.50 70.25 94.00
Food Processing 41.25 67.75 88.50
Forestry 47.25 55.25 79.25
Finance 53.00 24.00 35.25 62.00 94.50
Land Development (Soil Science) 80.00 93.00 102.50
Plantation & Horticulture 59.00 69.25

NABARD Grade A Prelims Cut-off 2018

Discipline SC ST OBC UR
General 99.75 94.75 105.25 116.50
Animal Husbandry 19 55.00 64.75
Chartered Accountant 53 34.50 74.50
Economics 61.75 67.50 90.50
Environmental Engineering 68.75 90.75
Food Processing/Food tech. 25.50 69.25 86.00
Forestry 28.75 57.00 77.75
Land Development (Soil Science)/Agriculture 76.00 62.25 79.25 91.50
Minor irrigation 35.25 29.25 46.25 59.75
Social Work 23.50 39.25 70.75

In order to crack the examination, a candidate must be aware of every facet of the examination. Apart from completing the Syllabus, attempting the mock tests is one more important aspect of the preparation. Mock tests not only help in improving the score but also helps in boosting confidence. Attempt mock tests as much as possible. To abet candidates with this, ixamBee is providing Free Full Length Mock Tests on NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam 2020. NABARD Grade A Mock tests are prepared under the supervision of our expert faculties. Candidates just need to log in to the website and they can attempt the mock tests right away.

IxamBee has also launched an Online Course on NABARD Grade A exam 2020. The Online course contains crisp and to the point content which will save a lot of time of candidates and help them to complete the syllabus in the given set of time. In the video below please check yourself how our course helped one of our students in clearing the NABARD Grade A exam 2019.

Also Read:

NABARD Grade A Preparation strategy

NABARD Grade A Notification 2020


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