NABARD Grade A Preparation 2022: Strategy to Prepare for NABARD Exam


Read here how to prepare for NABARD Grade A by learning the best NABARD preparation tips and detailed strategy to prepare for NABARD Grade A 2022 exam.

NABARD Grade A Preparation 2022

The NABARD Grade A exam notification 2022 has been released. If you have not yet started with your preparation, hopefully, this notification will serve as an alarm to get you going! In this article, we will go over the NABARD Grade A preparation tips and strategies in order to understand how to prepare for Prelims and Mains of the NABARD Grade A exam 2022.

NABARD Grade A Preparation 2022

Before You Begin

Before you begin, we heartily suggest that you go over the NABARD Grade A notification 2022 by watching the video below. We have made a detailed analysis of everything you need to know for this exam before and during your preparation.

NABARD Grade A Exam 2022

If you are preparing for the NABARD Grade A 2022 exam, you should begin by studying the NABARD Grade A exam pattern and syllabus 2022 first.

Essentially, there will be three phases in the exam. They are:

  1. Prelims
  2. Mains
  3. Interview

Before you move ahead, please ensure you study the following carefully.

NABARD Grade A exam pattern 2022

NABARD Grade A syllabus 2022

NABARD Grade A Preparation Strategy 2022

What is the best strategy to clear NABARD Grade A exam?

Now, the question remains, how to prepare for the NABARD Grade A exam 2022? For this, we have listed important tips to prepare for NABARD Exam that will help you prepare for this exam smoothly and successfully.

  • Step-by-Step: The first step towards your exam preparation is obviously to familiarize yourself with the exam and what it entails. So, do your background study to get a proper hold of what you can expect from the upcoming exam. Kindly scroll to the last section to learn more about the NABARD Grade A syllabus and exam pattern 2022.
  • Timetable: It is very important for you to plan out your studies over the course of the coming weeks. You should have a clear idea of the amount of syllabus you need to cover and the time within which you need to do so. For this, you must ensure that you have a proper well-drafted NABARD Grade A study plan 2022 in place that can serve as the North Star of your preparation that will ultimately lead you to success in this exam. A haphazard and unorganized study plan will hold you back from achieving the progress you need in the upcoming weeks.
  • Identify: When you begin your study, or in its early phases, you must be able to identify which sections are your strengths and which require more effort from you. Prepare in a way that you hone your strengths and eliminate your shortcomings. For example, if Reasoning is a subject that you find difficult, then, you must include it early in your schedule so you have proper time to study and revise.
  • Past analysis: It is very important for you to go over the NABARD Grade A previous year question papers to understand how questions are distributed over the various sections. This will give you a proper idea of what you can expect in your exam as well and therefore prepare accordingly.
  • Prelims & Mains: It would be wise of you to prepare for the Prelims and Mains exam simultaneously. Do not think that you will begin preparing for the NABARD Grade A Mains exam only when the Prelims results are out. You must begin your preparation process with the mindset that you will clear all three phases of the exams successfully. Please remember, that you may not have sufficient time to cover the entire Mains syllabus after the results are announced. Moreover, studying for the Prelims and Mains exams in tandem will make your study more diverse and therefore, more enjoyable.
  • ARD+ESI: In connection with the last point, it would be a good idea for you to keep up with the latest agriculture affairs, government schemes and such that will help you in your Prelims and Mains examination. Agriculture & Rural Development and Economic and Social Issues are topics that are assessed in both the papers and therefore, need more of your preparation time. It would be advisable that you spread the syllabus for these topics out over the course of the weeks so you can study them over a distributed period of time. It would not be advisable that you try to mug up information a few days before the exams.
  • Decision Making: As you may know, last year in 2021, NABARD introduced a section on “Decision Making” to be assessed in the NABARD Grade A Prelims exam. Since this is only the second year in which this section will be assessed again, we sincerely and assertively encourage you to pay extra attention to this section. It would a great idea to review the NABARD Grade A previous year question paper 2021 to understand more about the kind of questions that were asked in this section.
  • Theory + Practice: Very importantly, we recommend that you practice what you are studying as you go along. For this, you can count on the NABARD Grade A free mock test available at ixamBee to supplement your study with exercise.

Watch and Learn

We understand that many aspirants are able to study better when they get a real-class stimulus. To help you with this, ixamBee provides a number of study and preparation videos on our AgriBee YouTube Channel. For your benefit, we have added a couple of videos so you may better understand the kind of study material that you can avail of completely for free on our channel.

Some Resources for Preparation

Please take a look at the table below. You will find that ixamBee has all the resources you need to carry out a successful NABARD Grade A preparation strategy.

NABARD Grade A Prelims Previous Year Question Papers  NABARD Grade A Mains Previous Year Question Papers  
Free Mock Test NABARD Grade A Phase 1  Free Mock Test NABARD Grade A Phase 2
NABARD Grade A Comprehensive Online Course  NABARD Grade A Study Plan 2022  

If you’d like to combine all the resources and get the best study experience, the NABARD Grade A exclusive online course is for you. Moreover, you will get the best mentorship from our experts who are committed to helping you succeed.

NABARD Grade A Exclusive Online Course

At ixamBee you can find free Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of BeePedia, as well as latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD and Other Government Jobs.

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