NABARD Grade A vs NABARD Grade B: Exam, Job Profile and More


The National Bank of Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) was established in 1982 for the distribution and regulation of credit to ensure the development of agriculture and small-scale industries in rural India. 

This article will begin by looking at the differences between NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B exams and syllabi. This will be followed by a discussion of the differences between NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B concerning job profile, salary and such. We will conclude the article by briefly talking about the similarities between both.

NABARD Grade A vs NABARD Grade B 

Firstly, let us begin by introducing the two exams in discussion. NABARD Grade A exam is conducted for the recruitment of Assistant Managers. As for NABARD Grade B, this is the next step in the management hierarchy. Grade B officers work as Managers (RDBS). 

NABARD Grade A vs NABARD Grade B Exam Overview

Recruitment postsAssistant ManagersManagers (RDBS)
Age criteria21-3021-35
Education criteriaGraduate Degree from an authorized University with a minimum of 50% marks in any stream. Or, 
Chartered Accountant /Cost Accountant / Company Secretary with Bachelor’s degree. Or,
Full- time MBA degree or P.G. Diploma in Management. 
Learn more about educational requirements for Specialist Officers. 
Graduate Degree from any authorized University with a minimum of 60% in any stream. 
Exam PatternPhase 1- Preliminary Exam
Phase 2- Mains Exam
Phase 3- Personal Interview
Phase 1- Preliminary Exam
Phase 2- Mains Exam
Phase 3- Personal Interview
Exam-Marks and DurationPhase 1- 200 mark paper to be solved in 120 minutes. 
Phase 2-
Paper 1- 100 mark paper to be solved in 90 minutes. 
Paper 2- 100 mark paper to be solved in 90 minutes. 
Interview- 25 marks
Phase 1- 200 mark paper to be solved in 120 minutes. 
Phase 2-
Paper 1- 100 mark paper to be solved in 90 minutes. 
Paper 2- 100 mark paper to be solved in 90 minutes. 
Paper 3- 100 mark paper to be solved in 90 minutes. 
Interview– 40 marks
Exam Sections/Syllabus Phase 1: Paper 1:
Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Economic & Social Issues (with particular focus on Rural India)Agriculture & Rural Development (with particular focus on Rural India).
Phase 2: 
Paper 1: Common for all posts- General English Paper 2: Separate exams for Grade A (RDBS), Rajbhasha and Legal Service Officers.  
Phase 1: Paper 1:
Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Economic & Social Issues (with particular focus on Rural India)Agriculture & Rural Development (with particular focus on Rural India).
Phase 2: 
Paper 1:
Descriptive English
Paper 2: Economic & Social Issues (ESI) and Agriculture & Rural Development (ARD). 
Paper 3: Finance & Management, Statistics, and Development Economics 

For NABARD Grades A and B, as aforementioned, the recruitment is for officers at different levels of the managerial hierarchy. Grade B officers rank one level higher than the Grade A officers. When Grade A officers are promoted, they become Grade B officers. Since the Grade B exam is for a higher rank, the age bracket (21-35 years) has also been expanded as compared to Grade A. 

While the basic educational requirement for both Grades A and B is a graduate degree in any field, Grade A requires only 50% qualifying marks whereas Grade B requires 60%. While the overall exam pattern is the same for both exams, candidates must note that there are 2 papers in Phase 2 for the NABARD Grade A exam while the NABARD Grade B exam has 3 papers in its second phase. Study the detailed syllabus for all the papers here. The weightage of the interview round for both exams is also different. 

NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B Job Overview

In the table below, we have provided an overview of the job profile, duties and salaries of the NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B officers. Take a look at the table below to understand the difference between the two posts and what the jobs entail. 

Job ProfileAssistant Manager Manager
1) They work closely with the government’s programs and policies for Agriculture and Rural Development.
2) Act as a link between the State Government and the Banking Industry.
1) Maintaining relationships with customer
2) Keeping track of the accounting procedures
3) Approving loans
4) Other managerial duties for the smooth functioning of the office
5) Facilitating inter-departmental working 
SalaryBasic salary – Rs, 28,150 Scale of 28150-1550(4)-34350-1750(7)–46600–EB-1750(4)-53600-2000(1)-55600
Approximately Rs. 62,600 per month
Basic pay – Rs. 35150/- p.m. Pay scale – Rs.35150 – 1750 (9) – 50900 – EB – 1750(2) – 54400 – 2000 (4) – 62400 (16 years)
Approximately Rs. 73600 per month.
Next PromotionManager (Grade B)Assistant General Manager

NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B: Similarities 

  • The exam is conducted over 3 phases- the first 2 phases are written examinations while the third is an interview. 
  • The Prelims exam for both grades is for 200 marks with 200 questions each. The time allotted for both is 2 hours. The sections assessed are the same as well.
  • The perks and allowances offered are the same for both. 
  • You can prepare for either or both at ixamBee!

You can find online courses for both NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B at ixamBee. Moreover, we also provide mock tests and previous years’ questions papers for aspirants to review and evaluate their overall preparation. These mock tests and previous years’ question papers are completely free and you can make use of them at any stage of your preparation.

At ixamBee you can find free Mock Test Series, GK updates in the form of BeePedia, as well as latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI  NABARD and Other Government Jobs.

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10 Mistakes to Avoid in NABARD Grade A Preparation

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