NABARD Grade B Mains 2019: How to Succeed in Paper III?


NABARD Grade B Exam 2019

NABARD Grade B has always been one of the most sought-after examinations. It has been a dream for every job aspirant to join an organization like NABARD. NABARD had released its recruitment notification for Grade B Officers few months back and the Preliminary Examination for the same was held on 15th & 16th June 2019. The results will be out soon but for those who have been preparing for this major exam since long would be aware that there is not much time left for the Main Exam and therefore they should be on their toes right now for the preparation of NABARD Grade B Phase II (Mains). NABARD Grade B Main Exam consists of three papers: General English (Descriptive), Agriculture & Rural Development and Economic & Social Issues and Development Economics, Statistics, Finance and Management. Except the first paper, both the papers are ‘objective type’. Qualifying with good scores in objective test depends on various factors except knowledge about the subject. We will discuss one of these factors with respect to Paper III in NABARD Grade B Mains here. Read on to know more.

NABARD Grade B Paper III: How to Score Well?

NABARD Grade B Paper III in Phase II consists of questions from Development Economics, Statistics, Finance and Management. Looking at the subject it is clear that it requires good preparation and knowledge about the topics if you wish to score well. But, apart from knowledge & information, what is the most important point that you should be focusing on if you want to score well?? It is none other than ‘PRACTICE’. All the exams today are conducted in online mode and therefore you need to be adept in all the skills required to ace the exam. If you are not able to attempt the exam well in the computer based mode, your knowledge will go waste. The tests being in objective mode, you need not worry about the expression of your answers but you do need to have enough practice online so that you do not waste your time and make the most out of it.

NABARD Grade B Paper III: How is Practice Useful?

NABARD Grade B is an important exam and you would probably not want to leave any stone unturned in qualifying it. Paper III forms a very significant part of the NABARD Grade B Mains and you should not neglect it any case. The major point that we all miss while preparing for an exam is ‘practice’ and that’s what converts into a loophole eventually. We probably ignore it thinking that we have prepared enough and possess all knowledge but what we ignore is that online practice helps in many ways.

  • Gives you a feel of the real exam.
  • Helps in revision.
  • Helps in bringing out your negative & positive points.
  • Makes it easier to spot your errors.
  • Increases your knowledge.
  • Enhances your confidence.

What do we mean by Practice?

By ‘practice’ here, we mean practicing ‘online mock tests’. Practicing online assures if you have a knack of cracking the exam and if not, it will help you develop that. If you are worried about where to find the content, we got it all sorted for you. ixamBee has all the required material for NABARD Grade B preparation and provides free mock tests that cover complete syllabus of the exam. Therefore, make the most out of this opportunity and start practicing NABARD Grade B Mains online mock tests if you wish to succeed in the test with good marks.

NABARD Grade B 2019 Mock Tests: Why Choose ixamBee?

You might come across numerous options for NABARD Grade B mock test series. How do you know which is the best? We at ixamBee have made it simpler for you by giving you the reasons clearly why our mock tests are the best among all options.

  • A team of qualified professionals at ixamBee come together to bring out the best for you.
  • Thorough analysis and research is done before putting together the questions for mock test series.
  • Previous year papers are given extreme importance while preparing the test series.
  • All mock tests are based on the latest exam pattern, syllabus and difficulty level of the actual exam. Our team stays constantly updated to not miss any lates information regarding the exam.

To give a better direction to your preparation, you can watch our youtube video which will guide you through the NABARD Grade B Paper III preparation.

We are also providing NABARD Grade B Online Course which is the complete solution to all your preparation related queries and worries.

All The Best!

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