NIACL AO Mains: Last Minute Tips To Shine in the NIACL AO Mains 2019 Exam


NIACL AO Mains 2019 is scheduled to be held on March 2, 2019. You have cleared Prelims however Mains is another milestone you need to clear to enter NIACL as Administrative Officer. This is the day where all your preparation and hard work you did for NIACL AO Mains 2019 will bear fruit. A total of 324 vacancies have been announced and you need one seat to join your dream organization.

As an aspiring student, you know that exam pattern plays a major role in your performance. Therefore first thing you need to know is NIACL AO Mains 2019 exam pattern to perform better on the D-day of the exam.

Let us look at NIACL AO Mains 2019 Exam Pattern:

NIACL AO Mains Exam pattern (For Generalists)

S.No. Name of Test/Section (not in sequence) No. Of Questions Max. Marks Medium of Exams Duration
1 Test of Reasoning 50 50 English/Hindi  
2 Test of English Language 50 50 English 120 min
3 Test of General Awareness 50 50 English/Hindi  
4 Test of Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 English/Hindi  
  Total (Aggregate)   200    

NIACL AO Mains Exam pattern (For Specialists)

S.No. Name of Test/Section (not in sequence) Type of test Max. Marks Medium of Exams Duration
1 Test of Reasoning Objective 40 English/Hindi  
2 Test of English Language Objective 40 English 120 min
3 Test of General Awareness Objective 40 English/Hindi  
4 Test of Quantitative Aptitude Objective 40 English/Hindi  
5 In Specialist stream, an additional test to assess technical& professional knowledge in the relevant discipline Objective 40 English/Hindi  
  Total (Aggregate)   200    

Now you are aware of the NIACL AO Mains exam pattern. You are now all geared up for the examination.

Below are section wise last minute tips for NIACL AO Mains (Generalists) to give a final touch to your exam preparation and which will help you outperform your competitors on the D-Day of the exam:

Test of Reasoning:

Reasoning section is for 50 marks and this section requires only logic to solve the questions and doesn’t require any usage of short cut tricks or formulae.

  • Focus on topics such as Syllogism, Inequalities, Blood-relation, order/Ranking as these chapters consume less time and can be answered quickly.
  • Puzzles and Seating Arrangement questions are the tough ones to crack but constant practice will help you solve these questions accurately. However, if you are not able to solve do not waste much time on them and move on to the next question.
  • Coding-Decoding is another trickiest topic which requires lots of practice.
  • While reading any question in this section keep in mind that you need to focus on the logic part.
  • If practiced well, Reasoning section can be a high scoring one for you.

Test of English Language:

Test of English Language section has 50 questions and you can score high in this section if you have a clear understanding of fundamentals, rules of Grammar, usage etc.

  • Cloze Test, spotting errors, Sentence Improvements are few important topics which you can focus upon and score well.
  • Try to learn new words from newspapers or any articles and use them to frame sentences. This will help you on the day of the exam
  • You need to be careful with tricky topics such as para jumble questions, as they may be difficult to answer sometimes.
  • Reading comprehension is a scoring topic; therefore try to answer all questions in Reading Comprehension.
  • If you find any new pattern questions, answer only if you are confident else skip it.

Test of Quantitative Aptitude:

This section is for 50 marks in NIACL AO Mains 2019 exam. Good calculation speed will make you score high in this section.

  • It is one of the scoring sections and speed and accuracy is what will make you get a good score in this section. You need to be focused and calculate as fast as possible but keeping accuracy in mind.
  • Focus on topics such as number series, simplification, Data interpretation, Quadratic Equations Ratio and proportion, Time and Distance as these are scoring topics.
  • To score high, focus on Data Interpretation sets and miscellaneous questions.
  • Mark your answer only if you know it accurately, else just skip it. Do not just blind guess and lose your marks.

Test of General Knowledge:

General Knowledge section is for 50 marks and would be a scoring one if you have knowledge about the current ongoings.

  • Questions will be asked from currents affairs and static GK however the majority of the questions will come from the Insurance and Banking Industry.
  • You need to focus on Static GK questions as there are plenty of facts and information available and you need to have thorough knowledge about them. Answer only the questions you are confident about, rest just skip.

Now you know what strategies to need to follow while answering questions in each section. Let us look at some general last-minute tips which will help you elevate your score in NIACL AO Mains 2019 exam.

Practice Free Mock Tests for NIACL AO Mains 2019

General Tips for NIACL AO Mains 2019 exam:

  • Do not spend too much time on any question.
  • Be familiar with exam center prior to the exam date.
  • Please read all the instructions carefully and take along Colored Admit Card, and Aadhar Card as ID proof.
  • Reach the examination hall at least an hour before the mentioned time to avoid any last minute stress.
  • Eat healthy breakfast on the day of the exam this will give you an added edge during exam time.
  • Last but not least take proper sleep night before the exam, to keep your mind fully active in the exam hall.

Self-Confidence is the key to success. Look forward to the positive outcome of passing the exam with flying colors and it will soon become a reality.

Success is supposed to be difficult; the difficulty is what makes it sweet.

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