NIACL AO Prelims 2021 Exam Analysis


On October 16, 2021, NIACL conducted a Preliminary exam for Administrative Officer post in three shifts. This exam was earlier held in the year 2019. The exam in all shifts can be considered as of moderate level. In this article, we will discuss the exam analysis of NIACL AO exam 2021 in detail. 

The exam was held in the following order: English Language < Reasoning Ability < Quantitative Aptitude. The exam was of a total of 100 marks and 1 hour (20 minutes per section) was allotted for it. Let’s look at the exam pattern to understand better. 

English Language3020 Mins
Reasoning Ability3520 Mins
Quantitative Aptitude3520 Mins

English Language 

English language was one of the easiest subjects asked in the exam but was time consuming. The RC was quite lengthy but easy to understand. Here are the other topics that were asked in the exam. 

Name of the TopicNumber of Questions askedLevel of the topic
Reading Comprehension 10Easy to Moderate
Spotting Errors5Easy 
Word Swap /Spelling errors 5Easy 
Cloze Test 5Easy to Moderate
Parajumbles 5Easy 

Reasoning Ability 

The Reasoning ability section can be considered within the moderate level. The exam was dominated by the Puzzles and Seating arrangement. Other than puzzles, few questions were asked from the Syllogism and inequality section.  

Name of the Topic No. of QuestionsLevel of the Topic
Syllogism3Easy to Moderate
Inequality3Easy to Moderate
Puzzle 8/10Moderate
Seating Arrangement8/10Moderate
Blood Relation + Direction5Easy to Moderate
Misc. 5Easy to Moderate

Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude was of moderate level. DI asked was time consuming and miscellaneous topics were also of medium difficulty. In Shift 1, Quadratic equations were asked whereas in the rest of the shifts Approximation was asked instead of Quadratic Equation.

Name of the TopicNumber of Questions askedLevel of the topic
Data Interpretation (Pi , Table , Caselet)10-15Moderate
Approximation ( Not in 1 shift)5Easy to Moderate
Number Series ( M  W  M)5Easy to Moderate
Arithmetic 10Moderate
Quadratic Eq (1 shift only)5Easy to Moderate

Overall Analysis

Overall the exam can be considered as Moderate. Good attempts are in the range of  68 to 72. Here are the section wise good attempts provided in the table below. 

Name of the Topic Level of the Exam Good Attempts 
English Language Easy to Moderate22-27
Reasoning Ability Easy to Moderate21-24
Quantitative Aptitude Moderate18-20

ixamBee wishes you all the best for NIACL AO Prelims result 2021. It is advised to start your preparation instead of waiting for the prelims result. ixamBee is providing assistance for NIACL AO Mains exam through NIACL AO 2021 Online Course. Also, you can attempt the mock tests for NIACL AO Mains exam 2021 on our website absolutely free of cost. 

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