NPS Trust Grade B Officer- Preparation Strategy


NPS Trust Grade B Planning and Preparation

National Pension System Trust or NPS Trust as commonly called is an undertaking under Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority whose work domain is mainly confined to take care of the assets and funds under the National Pension System (NPS) and other similar schemes. Its headquarter is situated at Delhi. Recently NPS Trust invited online applications from all the eligible candidates for filling up the posts of NPS Officer Grade B (Manager) and Grade A (Assistant Manager) across different streams on direct recruitment basis. 

This opportunity was like a blessing in disguise amid the COVID-19 pandemic that had shattered many dreams and aspirations of the young generation. As the admit card for NPS Trust Grade B Officer is already out and Phase 1 is scheduled to take place on March 20, 2021, so now is the time to give final shape to your preparation tools. It’s time to give your best and work in a smart way so that you outperform others on the final eve of the NPS Trust Grade B exam.

As we are different individuals so the process to adopt and carry out things also differ. The planning and schedule for every aspirant varies but there are some habits common in all of us. So have a look below and enjoy your preparation phase as still you got some time in your hand before the NPS Trust Grade B Officer exam.

Some Basic Preparation Tips for NPS Trust Grade B Officer

Some basic tips for you to follow-

  • Proper plan and Knowing Syllabus

The first and foremost step is to get a hold over the NPS Trust Grade B syllabus along with exam pattern and level of questions asked. You must be aware of the different topics from the syllabus so that you devise a plan that suits your style of reading. The key to excel in the NPS Trust Grade B exam is to segregate the syllabus and allot time to each topic so that you do not miss a section at the expense of others. Always remember- Planning is the stepping stone for effective exam preparation. If you are studying in such a way that you don’t even know from which topic the questions are asked, then you won’t be able to concise all your basics no matter how effective your NPS Trust Grade B study schedule is. Also make sure that your plan is realistic.

  • Self-Study timetable 

A well-constructed timetable establishes a natural rhythm and routine. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or an expert if you don’t have a proper time table regarding your self-study, you won’t succeed. You need to know where you are lagging and on what topics you need to work so that besides meeting the sectional cut-offs, you clear the overall cut off too. A self-study time table will not only enable you to set your study goals and keep you focussed on them but at the same time it prevents wastage of time and energy so that you strike a balance between study and fun.

  • Online resources

Technology has changed many aspects of our lives, and the recent outbreak of COIVD-19 pandemic has proved it that technology has become a bigger part of education too. It not only makes learning accessible to a vast section of society but also provides a wide range of resources for all learning styles and patterns. 

            As the market is full of various online platforms for NPS Trust Grade B preparation, so you should be wise enough to choose what’s authentic and what’s fake. Here ixamBee becomes an obvious choice. Its NPS Trust Grade B course not only provides instant feedback on your work practice but also emulates a one-to-one teaching style so that each and every student’s need is taken care of and they are prepared to face the NPS Trust Grade B exam heat.

Also reading daily newspapers will enhance your verbal skills and cover the general awareness section simultaneously.

  • Practice- The Hardest Part Of Learning

 Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.  – Anton Chekhov. So no matter how much information you have in your mind, until you don’t put that on paper work your success is delayed. After you are done with your NPS Trust Grade B syllabus, practice is the next step. Practicing mocks for NPS Trust Grade B Officer will not only help you in tracking time and accuracy while solving practice problems but also help you in judging how much time you should devote for each question so that you don’t get wedded to a particular question thus maintaining a close check on the proper time duration for each question. ixamBee provides you the facility of attempting free mocks for NPS Trust Grade B officer so that you are aware of the exam pattern and question level. They have been designed by the experts who have vast experience in the education sector.

  • The Last But Most Important – Revision

No Body remembers you if you aim at the target, everybody remembers you if you hit at the target. Hitting that target requires the most important tool – Revision. Revision will not only help you to remember facts, figures, topics and methodologies that you have covered but will also boost your confidence and reduce anxiety for the NPS Trust Grade B exam. Make a revision plan, including all the areas to be covered. Give enough time to revise properly with breaks in between for relaxation. The NPS Trust Grade B revision plan should be flexible enough to allow the things taking longer than expected. Revise those subjects and topics first that make you feel anxious in the revision plan as it will boost your confidence then move to difficult areas but don’t keep things for the last minute.

Also if you feel you are lacking somewhere and need guidance and a right approach for NPS Trust Grade B officer do checkout out ixamBee youtube exclusive NPS Trust Grade B series. Lastly good luck for your NPS Trust Grade B exam. May you outperform and outshine others.

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