NRA CET 2022: Best Preparation Tips for Class 12-level Exam


The newly set up National Recruitment Agency (NRA) will be conducting a national level Common Eligibility Test (CET). The NRA CET exam will replace the Preliminary level exam of various central government jobs conducted by SSC, IBPS and Railways. The NRA CET exam will be conducted twice a year and is expected to begin from March 2022. Moreover, the NRA CET 2022 notification is expected to be out soon.

Furthermore, the NRA CET exam will be conducted separately at three levels-

  • Class 10 (Matric Level)
  • Class 12 (Higher Secondary Level)
  • Graduation Level

Since the NRA CET 2022 notification will be out soon, we must start our preparation right away. In this blog, we will understand how to prepare for the NRA CET 2022 for class 12-level exam.

NRA CET 2022: Best Preparation Tips for Class 12-level Exam

Exams Covered Under Higher Secondary level CET

Given below is a list of exams that are covered under the NRA CET class 12-level (Higher Secondary level).

Also See: NRA CET 2022 Eligibility Criteria

NRA CET 2022: Exam Pattern & Syllabus

Before we jump into the preparation tips, it is essential that you acquaint yourself with the NRA CET 2022 syllabus and exam pattern.

NRA CET 2022: Expected Exam Pattern

Given below is the expected NRA CET 2022 exam pattern

Name of the ExamNumber of QuestionsMarks
General Awareness/General Knowledge/General Science2550
General Intelligence & Reasoning 2550
Mathematics/ Quantitative Aptitude2550
Language and Comprehension (Hindi/English)2550
Total 100200

Note- The candidates will be allotted a total of 60 minutes for this exam.

NRA CET 2022: Expected Syllabus

The expected NRA CET 2022 syllabus has been given below-

Subject Topics 
General Intelligence & ReasoningAnalogies
Similarities and Differences
Space Visualisation
Spatial Orientation
Problem Solving
Analysis Judgement
Decision Making
Visual Memory
Relationship Concepts
Arithmetical Reasoning and Figural Classification
Arithmetic Number Series
Non-verbal Series
Coding And Decoding
Statement & Conclusion
Syllogistic Reasoning
Semantic Analogy Symbolic/ Number Analogy Figural Analogy
Semantic Classification Symbolic/ Number Classification Figural Classification
Semantic Series
Number Series
Figural Series
Numerical Operations/ Symbolic Operations
Space Orientation/Space Visualisation
Venn Diagrams
Drawing Inferences
Punched Hole/ Pattern- Folding & Unfolding
Figural Pattern-folding & Completion
IndexingAddress Matching
Date & City Matching Classification of Centre Codes/ Roll Numbers Small & Capital Letters/Numbers
Critical Thinking
Emotional Intelligence
Social Intelligence
Quantitative AptitudeWhole Numbers, Decimals, Fractions & Relationships Between Numbers
Ratio & Proportion
Square Roots
Simple and Compound Interest
Profit, Loss & Discount
Mixture & Alligation
Time and Distance/Time & Work
Basic Algebraic Identities of School Algebra & Elementary Surds
Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and Its Various Kinds of Centres
Congruence and Similarity of Triangles Circle and Its Chords
Bar Diagram & Pie Chart
English ComprehensionGrammar
Reading Comprehension
Error Spotting
Jumbled Words
Sentence Framing
Fill in the blanks
Candidates’ ability to comprehend English and their reading and writing ability would be tested
General AwarenessCurrent events and such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect.
Questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research.

Also Read: Important Books for NRA CET 2022 Exam

NRA CET 2022: Subject-wise Preparation Tips

Let’s look at some subject-wise tips on how to prepare for the NRA CET 2022 higher secondary level exam.

General Intelligence & Reasoning

  • General Intelligence & reasoning is aimed at testing the analytical and problem solving ability of the candidates.
  • Focus on topics like Syllogism, Ranking, Blood relations, Direction sense, Coding-Decoding, Alphanumeric Series, Embedded Figures, Puzzles, Seating Arrangement,  etc.
  • Start with easy topics and then increase the difficulty.
  • Moreover, take as many mock tests as possible to assess your preparedness.

Quantitative Aptitude

  • This section is aimed at testing the basic mathematical aptitude of the candidates.
  • The important topics in this section are- Number Systems, Ratio and Proportion, Data Interpretation, Percentages, Mensuration, Simple and Compound Interest, Time & Work, Profit & Loss, Algebra etc.
  • Work on clearing your basics before diving into difficult topics.
  • You must have the following things on your tips- tables up to 20, squares up to 40 and cubes up to 30.
  • Make a note of frequently used formulas and short tricks and revise them daily.
  • Develop a habit of doing paperwork to practice instead of solving orally. This will help in improving accuracy and room for error will be minimised.
  • Most importantly, focus on taking mock tests.

General Awareness

This section consists of questions based on various topics/ areas such as-

Current Affairs

  • It includes the present and ongoing events of the past one year in different fields like politics, finance, banking, economy, sports, etc.
  • Commit to watching/reading the news everyday to stay updated with the current events. Pick one newspaper of your choice and read it diligently.
  • Make notes of the most important events/dates as this will make last minute revision easier.
  • Analyse your strong areas in this section and prioritise those topics first.
  • If you still don’t know where to start, ixamBee provides GK updates in the form of BeePedia. These updates are free and available in Hindi as well.
  • Moreover, you can take a daily GA Quiz, which is available for free at ixamBee.

Static GK

  • In Static GK, you will be asked about school-level Static GK. 
  • Questions will be based on subjects like- History, Geography, Civics, Elementary Science, etc
  • Try including one topic daily and revise regularly.
  • Go through the NRA CET syllabus thoroughly to identify the relevant topics as this section is quite scoring.

English Language

  • This section will test your basic knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and verbal ability. 
  • You can expect questions from Reading Comprehension, Error Detection, Synonym, and Antonym, Fill in the blanks, Sentence Correction, etc. 
  • To do well in this section, you need to have a strong hold on the grammatical rules. 
  • To improve vocabulary, read the editorial page of newspapers, articles, magazines and books.
  • Develop a reading habit to improve your speed. This will help in the Reading Comprehension questions.

NRA CET 2022: General Preparation Tips

  • Create a timetable that you can easily follow. Divide your time in such a manner that you are able to give time to all the subjects.
  • Go through the exam pattern and syllabus properly to identify the easy and difficult topics.
  • Start with topics that carry more weightage.
  • Understand your attention span to figure out how long you can concentrate productively and make modifications accordingly.
  • Take small breaks to refresh yourself.
  • Furthermore, we encourage you to take free online mock tests that are available on ixamBee for various government exams.

To know more about the NRA CET exam 2022, you can visit ixamBee’s website to find all the details about the same.

All the Best!

Get Free Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of BeePedia. Similarly, get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD and Other Government Jobs as well.

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NRA CET 2022: Exam Date, Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2022

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