Every company needs funds to grow and expand. To raise money, the company either borrows from financial institutions or issues shares. If the company decides to issue shares, it must invite the general public to buy its shares. This will be its first public invitation in the stock market. This is known as the Initial Public Offering...
The IBPS SO Prelims exam 2021 will be held on December 26, 2021. In order to clear the exam successfully, you must prepare for all three sections of the exam properly. In case you are not familiar with the Prelims exam pattern, there are 3 subjects assessed, namely, English, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning. Although there are some...
SEBI Grade A 2021-22
SEBI conducts an examination every year to recruit eligible and aspiring candidates to the post of Grade A Officer. The final result for SEBI Grade A 2020 exam was released on July 02, 2021.
The SEBI Grade A notification for 2022 was released on...
Bank SO
How to Prepare Quantitative Aptitude for IBPS SO 2021 Prelims? With Practice Questions
Naquiya Nadeem -
The IBPS SO Prelims exam 2021 will be held on December 26, 2021. If you want to ace this exam, you must prepare for all the subjects assessed in the exam, namely Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and English Language, properly.
Quantitative Aptitude is assessed in the Prelims paper for all streams. Please note, Quantitative Aptitude...
In the Indian context, when you hit the age of 24, you should either be settled in your job or must be gearing up for higher education. You must be ready to take on the surreptitious gossip behind your back if you are preparing for a government job at this age. It is normal to feel stressed...
The IBPS PO Prelims exam 2021 will be held on December 4 & 11 2021. Now that the exam is so close, it is time to switch your preparation strategy to focus primarily on revision and preparing yourself for the exam day.
We believe that you have used your time constructively over the course...
The NIACL AO Mains exam 2021 will be held on December 4, 2021. We understand that you may be splendidly nervous as the exam date comes closer. However, we sincerely urge you to calm your nerves and use these last few days wisely and to the best of your ability.
The long and short...
With the IBPS SO Prelims 2021 exams at your doorstep, we hope you are spending all your time fruitfully to prepare for the exam. In this article, we’re going to walk you through the IBPS SO IT Officer Syllabus 2021 and then try to understand what are the resources available for you that will help you study.
Current Affairs
Kisan Credit Card Scheme: Latest Information, Features & Objectives
Naquiya Nadeem -
The Kisan Credit Card Scheme was launched in August 1988 and is a flagship public sector scheme. The primary purpose of the scheme is to provide short-term loans to farmers.
In this article, we will learn all about the scheme, its features and objectives. We will also look at how the scheme has fared...
The Thanksgiving SALE is running live and will conclude on November 30. ixamBee is offering a FLAT 38% discount on all its online courses. This is your chance to learn from the best in the industry and get the competitive edge over your peers.
We know how much competition...