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Information technology benefits the business world and allows organizations to work more efficiently. With the advent of various digitals tools, we always look for ways to do more work in a shorter amount of time. Faster communication, electronic storage and the protection of records are some advantages that IT provides in our enterprise. But this renewed sense...
GIC Re vs LIC: Preparing for Managerial Level Exams..
Thousands of aspirants appear for insurance exams every year in India. GIC AM and LIC AAO are two important exams that we will discuss in this article. These exams are highly coveted for several reasons such as less work pressure compared to other government banking jobs and limited public dealing.  The GIC AM exam...
SSC Exams 2022
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is an esteemed organization and falls under the Government of India. This commission was founded to recruit staff for various posts in the various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India and Subordinate Offices. The need to form SSC (then Service Selection commission) was initiated from the 47th report...
SBI Clerk Pre Tips
SBI Clerk 2021 State Bank of India (SBI) had recently announced 5454 vacancies for SBI Clerk 2021 post on April 26, 2021. SBI has now released the admit cards for SBI Clerk Prelims and the exam is scheduled to be held on July 10,11,12 & 13.  SBI Clerk is an excellent...
World Population Day
World Population Day is a United Nations-mandated holiday observed on July 11, every year. This holiday was first declared in 1989. The day is dedicated to creating awareness about population rise and related issues. This day was drawn out from the inspiration of the buzz created by “Five Billion Day” on July 11, 1987. On this day...
Full Form & Other Details of EMRS
EMRS Full Form EMRS stands for Eklavya Model Residential School. An initiative started by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, it is an idea inspired by the thought of providing basic amenities and quality education to the tribal children who live in remote areas and are completely exempted from basic education and life skills.
IBPS RRB PO,Clerk Exam
IBPS conducts a recruitment drive to fill in vacant positions in various Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) every year. IBPS being punctual in its process, will definitely be conducting the respective examinations in time. IBPS conducts exams for various posts such as: Officer Scale 1 - Probationary Officer (PO)Officer Scale 2 - General Banking Officer...
NPS Trust Mains Exam Preparation 2021. Preparation Tips.
The National Pension System Trust (NPST) Grade B Mains 2021 Exam will be held on July 31, 2021. The First Phase of the exam has already been conducted on March 20, 2021. A total of 5 vacancies were released for the post of Manager (Grade B Officer) of which 4 were for General Manager and 1 for...
RRB PO& Clerk Preparation Strategy
IBPS had recently announced vacancies for RRB PO & Clerk posts. In these unpredictable Covid times, this can be counted as a golden opportunity for those who have been preparing for bank exams. IBPS RRB PO/Clerk exams are one of the most popular exams in the banking field and this year, RRBs have announced the most vacancies...
SEBI Grade A Final Results Out!
SEBI Grade A 2021: Final Results Out!! SEBI has released the final results for SEBI Grade A Officer recruitment 2020 on July 02, 2021. A large number of candidates had applied for this exam. The results have been uploaded on the official website @sebi.gov.in. All those who appeared for the final Interview can check...