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2024 General Elections and the Stock Market
The Traders in the Indian Stock Markets may have been anticipating eagerly for what comes next after the seven week long election came to an end. But they may have had a rather huge shock on June 4th as India began counting the votes. While the end result was very much in favor of the current ruling...
Risk management in the banking sector
The banking sector is important for both economic expansion and financial stability. Numerous risks that could impact this industry's operations, profitability, and general stability do exist. For the upcoming banking and government exams like RBI Grade B, SEBI, NABARD, SBI PO, etc., major risks in the banking sector is one of the essential topic to glance on....
RBI Gold
Recently, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) processed more than a hundred tonnes of gold shipped from the United Kingdom returned to India. This is an alternative giant event and represents the primary time since 1991 this massive gold was repatriated. The decision to return this gold is a clear indication that there is an increased confidence...
SSC CGL mock tests, SSC CHSL Mock tests, SSC CGL Exam, SSC CHSL Exam, SSC CGL and SSC CHSL, SSC Exam
SSC CGL exam and SSC CHSL exam are major opportunities for aspirants who want to start a career in government departments. Both exams provide financial security and the opportunity to serve in important government roles, providing candidates with excellent career options.  The SSC CGL exam is perfect for graduates to begin their careers with....
Previous Year Question Papers for SSC CHSL- enough or not?
SSC CHSL exam- an overview SSC jobs are considered one of the best jobs in the government sector and therefore chased by a lot of job aspirants. SSC gives you one of the best opportunities to make a stable and rewarding career in the government sector. Be it SSC CHSL, CGL exam or any...
The Staff Selection Commission Joint Graduate Level (SSC CGL) exam is one of the most preferred government exams in India. It provides a route to prestigious positions in various departments of the government of India. Getting a good rank in the SSC CGL exam not only provides a stable and lucrative career but also opens the door...
Best Jobs after Qualifying the SSC CGL Exam 
SSC CGL offers a variety of jobs having different roles once you crack that exam. You have to be well aware of various posts in terms of job roles, salary and other factors that matter to you in your career growth. To get the best job in the SSC CGL completely depends upon the candidate. The best...
The SEBI Grade A Notification for 2024 is out and aspirants for this highly-sought after position are eager to know everything they can expect in this year's exam. Before starting your SEBI Grade A exam preparation, you need to everything important about this year’s exam details. Once you do that, you can analyze all the exam...
Central Board of Directors in RBI
Every School has staff members like teachers, bus drivers etc. to perform the daily operations of the school. Then there is management that takes major decisions to form the rules, regulations and frameworks for the betterment of the school. Similarly in the RBI, the officers of various departments possess dedicated responsibilities but the major decisions of RBI as...
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) often conducts the SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam so that they can hire more people for the Lower Divisional Clerk/Junior Secretariat Assistant, Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, and Data Entry Operators posts in various Ministries, Departments, and Offices of the Indian Government. Are you eager to appear for the SSC CHSL exam...