PFDRA Grade A 2020: Notification and All Details


                                   Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has rolled out the official notification for the recruitment of Assistant Manager (Grade A). This is a piece of good news for aspirants looking to start their career in the government sector. One can apply for the post after going through the process of examinations/ interview, Eligibility Criteria, Online Registration processes, payment of prescribed application fee/intimation charges, Exam Pattern, etc. You are advised to ensure that you fulfill the stipulated criteria announced by PFRDA and follow the prescribed processes.  The application process for the same has been started from June 16, 2020, and will remain open till July 31, 2020.

PFRDA Grade A 2020: Important Dates

PFRDA has released tentative dates for online registration and two phases of the recruitment process. Important dates are mentioned in the table below:

PFRDA Grade A PFRDA Tentative Dates
Online Registration Process date June 16, 2020 to July 31, 2020
Download of Call Letter for Preliminary Exam To be notified later
Phase 1 Examination Date (Objective Test) To be notified later
Date of Phase 2 exam (Group exercise and Interview) To be notified later
Final Result To be notified later

PFRDA Grade A 2020 Vacancies:

PFRDA has announced a total of 5 vacancies for recruitment of Assistant Manager under General and Legal post, however, these vacancies are provisional and may vary as per PFRDA requirements. The detailed table for the vacancies is provided below:

Stream Number of Posts Out of which PwBD* Total Posts
General 1 2 1(D & HH) 3
Legal 2 2

PFRDA Grade A 2020 Eligibility Criteria:

It is advised to go through the eligibility criteria very carefully before applying for PFRDA Assistant Manager (Grade A) because any misinformation can lead to the cancellation of your candidature.

PFRDA Grade A 2020 Education Qualification:

The educational qualification for PFRDA Grade A (Assistant Manager) exam varies for both General and Legal stream. For General stream you need to possess a Master’s Degree in any discipline while for Legal stream you need to have a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from any recognized University. For further details on the same please see the table below:

Post Educational Criteria
PFRDA OFFICER GRADE ‘A’ (ASSISTANT MANAGER) General Stream- Master’s Degree in any discipline, Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from a recognized University, CA, CFA, CS, CWA. Legal Stream- Bachelor’s Degree in Law from a recognised University / Institute

PFRDA Grade A 2020 Age Limit:

PFRDA has also mentioned required age criteria failing into which you can apply for the post.  To apply for the PFRDA Grade A exam, you must not exceed the age of 30 as on April 30, 2020, i.e. you should not have been born earlier than May 01, 1990. No minimum age is mentioned in the official notification. Further details are mentioned below:

Post Age Criteria
PFRDA OFFICER GRADE ‘A’ (ASSISTANT MANAGER) Maximum Age- 30 years as on April 30, 2020 i.e., the candidate must have been born on or after May 01, 1990.

PFRDA Grade A 2020 Age Relaxation:

There is certain age relaxation provided by PFRDA to the candidates belonging to reserved categories. For further details please see the table provided below:

Category Age-Relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit
SC/ST 5 years
OBC 3 years
PwBD PwBD- 10 years, PwBD (OBC)- 13 years, PwBD (SC/ST)- 15 years
Ex-servicemen 5 years

PFRDA Grade A 2020 Selection Procedure:

PFRDA will conduct the recruitment of PFRDA in a three-tiered process.

  • Phase-1: Preliminary Exam
  • Phase-2: Group discussion & Interview

PFRDA Grade A 2020 Phase 1 Exam Pattern:

PFRDA Grade A phase 1 Exam will consist of an Objective test and Descriptive Test (for legal stream). PFRDA Grade A exam will conduct both the test online.

PFRDA Grade A  Phase 1 Objective Test for General Stream

Stream Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
General Stream English Language 40 40 35 minutes
Reasoning 40 50 35 minutes
General Awareness + Financial Sector Awareness 40 40 25 minutes
Computer Awareness 40 40 25 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 30 30 35 minutes
Total 190 200 2 hours 30 minutes

PFRDA Grade A Phase 1 Objective Test for Legal Stream

Stream Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
Legal Stream English Language 40 40 35 minutes
Reasoning 40 50 35 minutes
General Awareness + Financial Sector Awareness 40 40 25 minutes
Computer Awareness 40 40 25 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 30 30 35 minutes
Professional Knowledge 50 100 30 minutes
Total(Objective) 240 300 3 hours
Descriptive Test (Subjective): Four (4) Legal Case Studies (situation-based questions) each carrying Ten (10) marks i.e. Total Forty (40) marks [for four (4) cases]. The time allotted for the descriptive paper would be thirty (30) minutes.
Overall Total(Objective + Subjective) 244 340 3 hours 30 minutes

PFRDA Grade A Group Discussion & Interview:

You will be shortlisted for PFRDA Phase 2 i.e. Interview and Group discussion if you are able to secure minimum cut-off marks in each test as decided by the PFRDA. You can opt for group discussion and interview in Hindi or English as per your convenience.

The final merit for PFRDA Grade A (Assistant Manager) will be decided on the marks obtained by you in both the phases. The final merit consists of a weightage of 80% marks obtained in PFRDA Grade A (Assistant Manager) Phase 1 and a weightage of 20% marks obtained in PFRDA Grade A (Assistant Manager) Phase 2.

Salary Structure of PFRDA Grade A:

PFRDA Grade A (Assistant Manager) not only provides job security but also entitles its employees with a handsome salary that will amount to a total gross emolument of 16 lacs per annum which includes all benefits like Grade Allowance, Special Allowance, Dearness Allowance, Local Compensatory Allowance, Housing Allowance etc.  The pay scale of Officers in Grade ‘A’ is Rs. 28150-1550(4)-34350-1750(7)-46600-EB-1750(4)-53600-2000(1)-55600 (17 years) as per official notification.

PFRDA Grade A 2020 Application Fee:

Given below are the application fees you need to pay in order to apply for the exam under the General or Legal stream. Please note that Fee/Intimation charges once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.

Category Application Fee
Unreserved, EWS & OBC Rs. 500

PFRDA Grade A 2020: How to Apply

To apply for the PFRDA Grade A exam, you need to follow certain steps very carefully given below:

  • Visit the official website of PFRDA
  • Click on the link that states: “PFRDA – RECRUITMENT OF OFFICER GRADE ‘A’ (ASSISTANT MANAGER) – 2020”.
  • Go to the “Click on New Registration” button where you need to enter all the basic details like Name, phone number, and Email address along with other important details. Please make sure that the phone number and email address entered are correct because these will be used further for communication.
  • A Password and Registration Number will be generated by the system.
  • You need to use this system generated registration number and password to log in again.
  • You can apply online for PFRDA Grade A (Assistant Manager) from June 16 to July 31, 2020. You are required to have a valid email ID along with a mobile number which should be kept active until the result has been declared.
  • After all this, you need to fill all the required details asked in the application form.
  • The next step would be uploading the picture of the photograph and Signature. There are certain dimensions that are specified by PFRDA for uploading the same. The specifications are provided below:
  • The size of the scanned photograph must lie between 20kb to 50 kb.
  • For the Signature, the size must lie between 10kb to 50kb.
  • Left thumb impression is also needed to fill the application form. The size of the Scanned Left thumb impression must lie between 10kb to 20kb.
  • Along with all this, you also need to scan and upload a handwritten declaration. The text for the handwritten declaration is as follows – “I, (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true, and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.” Please note that you need to write the exact sentence in English Only. The file size of the same must be in between 50kb to 100kb.
  • After completing the complete online application form of the PFRDA Grade A 2020 exam, click on the submit button and you will be directed to the payment gateway for further process.
  • The application fee can be done through online mode only as no other mode is valid.
  • It is advised to take out the print of the PFRDA Grade A online application form for the future.

PFRDA Grade A 2020: Online Course

To assist you with the preparation we have launched a PFRDA Grade A Online Course on PFRDA Grade A for General stream. You can visit our online course section to have a brief of the course. Some features of the course have been provided below:

  • 400 + video Lessons covering the entire Syllabus of PFRDA Officer Grade ‘A’ (Assistant Manager) exam
  • 10 full-length practice Tests for PFRDA Officer Grade ‘A’ (Assistant Manager) General Phase I exam
  • 10,000+ Practice questions covering the entire syllabus of PFRDA Officer Grade ‘A’ (Assistant Manager) General 2020 exam.
  • 75+ Chapter Tests for easy understanding of concepts
  • Daily Live Online Classes for doubt clarification with the subject experts 
  • All video lessons are self-explanatory and available for the students to access and prepare during the time most feasible for them.

Also, we are providing the PFRDA Grade A Mock test series absolutely free of cost. For that, you just need to login to the website and you can attempt free mock tests right away.

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