The PFRDA Grade A online exam for Phase 1 is going to be held on October 17, 2021. Before you go for PFRDA Grade A Phase 1 exam, last-minute preparation tips can be a great help for you.
With an increased level of competition and a soaring number of applicants each year, these last minute exam tips will surely help you in keeping your mind calm and excelling in the PFRDA Grade A exam. Taking too much stress or revising many things at the last moment can also lead to anxiety. This article will help you overcome all your doubts and will guide your preparation strategies to ace the PFRDA Grade A exam.

Last Minute Tricks To Ace PFRDA Grade A exam
Here are some last-minute tips for the PFRDA Grade A exam.
- Revise
One of the most important things before appearing for the PFRDA Grade A exam is to revise all the important updates that you have learned. Focus and dedicate more time to the areas you are weak at by practising some mock papers and polishing the strong areas.
- Be stress free
It is very commonly observed that candidates stress themselves at the last minute. Before you sit for the PFRDA Grade A exam, you should provide the required amount of rest to your brain so that you can remember efficiently all that you have studied.
- Focus on accuracy and speed
You should concentrate on the questions that you are confident in solving with full precision. Maximum attempts with an excess negative marking can deter your selection to the next stage of the PFRDA Grade A exam. Skip the questions that confuse you or you are not confident about.
- Take care of your health
Take good care of your health. Make sure you eat good and healthy food along with drinking lots of water. A minimum of seven hours of sleep is a must. An unclear mind can have a bad effect on your PFRDA Grade A exam preparation.
- Practice some mock papers
Practice enough of PFRDA Grade A mock papers and test series to check your exam preparation. Prevent yourself from repeating the same mistake over and over by carefully analyzing the corrections.
- Be at exam centre on time
Check all the documents like admit card, ID proof and other essentials before proceeding towards the PFRDA Grade A exam centre. Ensure that you leave early to reach the exam centre on time. This will help you to stay calm and focused on the exam. Reaching the exam centre early will fetch you extra time to go through all the instructions mentioned there carefully.
- Go through all the Instructions Mentioned in PFRDA Grade A Admit Card Carefully
PFRDA Grade A admit card will have certain instructions that need to be mandatorily followed. This includes the list of things that can be carried to the PFRDA Grade A exam centre, do’s and don’ts at the exam venue, reporting time and date and other prerequisites.
- Say no to any study material at the Exam Centre
Many candidates tend to carry notes to the exam centre for revision. This practice should be avoided. Your mind must be fresh and calm before the PFRDA Grade A exam. Studying or revising a few things before the PFRDA Grade A exam will not be helpful. It will only raise anxiety and nervousness.
Hope these last-minute PFRDA Grade A preparation tips will be beneficial and helpful.
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