Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana


PM Matsya Sampada Yojana: Introduction

Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana is one of the various flagship schemes launched by the Government of India. The scheme aims at enhancing fish production and filling in all the existing infrastructural gaps while thoughtfully bringing development in the Fisheries sector. The scheme also intends to focus on the welfare of fish farmers & fishers simultaneously. The ‘yojana’ has been specifically launched under the aegis of the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying. The scheme is being implemented in all the states for a period of 5 years.

  • The scheme was initially announced by the Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman while presenting the Union Budget for 2019-20 on July 05, 2019. 
  • The PM Matsya Sampada Yojana was thereafter launched on Sept 10, 2020 through video conferencing in the presence of the Governor and Chief Minister of Bihar with the Union Minister & MoS for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying.

Budget & Finances

  • Rs. 20,050 crores is the estimated investment set for the PM Matsya Sampada Yojana, comprising Central share of Rs. 9,487 crore, State share of Rs 4,880 crore and Beneficiaries contribution of Rs. 5,763 crore.
  • The Government aims to spend Rs 11,000 crore on exercises in marine, inland fisheries, and aquaculture.
  • Rs 9000 crore has been set aside to be utilized in assembling foundations, such as angling harbors and cold chains.


At the time of the launch of PMMSY, the then Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying was: Shri Giriraj Singh

The current Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying is Shri Parshottam Rupala.

Scheme Investment 

The Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana is an ‘umbrella’ scheme with two components:

  • Central Sector Scheme – Rs 1720 crores of investment
  • Centrally Sponsored Scheme – Rs 18330 crores of investment

Central Sector Scheme

A Central Sector Scheme is one that is implemented by a central agency and is funded totally by the Central government.

Centrally Sponsored Scheme

A Centrally Sponsored Scheme is one that is ‘jointly funded’ by the Central and State Governments. As the Central government is supposed to have more ‘resources’ at hand, it basically adds to the steps taken by the State government by providing financial assistance.

Beneficiaries of PMMSY

  • Fish farmers
  • Fishers
  • Fish workers and Fish vendors
  • Fisheries Federations & Cooperatives
  • Fisheries Development Corporations
  • Fish Farmers Producer Organizations/Companies (FFPOs/Cs)
  • State Fisheries Development Boards (SFDB)
  • SCs/STs/Women/Differently abled persons
  • State Governments, Central Governments & their entities

Current Status

India has attained the status of the second largest aquaculture and 4th largest fish exporting nation in the world by constituting about 7.73% of the global fish production and export earnings of Rs.46,589 Crores (2018-19).

PM Matsya Sampada Yojana: Aims & Objectives

The Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana intends to carry out a ‘Blue Revolution’ through proper planning and successful implementation towards the development of the Fisheries sector. The Government means to actually aim at increasing productivity, strengthening the foundation, and improving the quality. Some of the major objectives behind this scheme are as follows:

  • To see India in the first place with respect to ‘fish production’.
  • To increase fish production to 220 lakh metric tons by 2024-25 from 137.58 lakh metric tons in 2018-19.
  • To double the fishers’ and fish farmers’ income by 2022–23.
  • To introduce new and emerging technologies into the Fisheries sector that will lead to higher productivity along with quality.
  • To build a conducive environment for private sector participation, development of entrepreneurship, business models, promotion of ease of doing business, innovative project activities including start-ups, incubators etc. in the fisheries sector.
  • Added contribution to Agriculture GVA (Gross Value Added) and exports.
  • Forming a strong regulatory framework and infrastructure in the Fisheries sector.

Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana – Expected Outcome

  • Generating about 55 lakhs direct and indirect employment opportunities in the fisheries sector over a period of next five years.
  • Doubling the export earnings to Rs.1,00,000 crore from existing Rs 46589 crores.
  • Increase in the contribution to total Agriculture GVA from 7.28% – 9%.
  • Reduction in the post-harvest losses from 20-25% to 10%.
  • Increase in the domestic fish consumption from 5kg to 12 kg per capita.

Major Reforms & Steps taken by the Government towards Development of Fisheries Sector

  • The Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) was launched with the highest ever investment.
  • A  separate Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying in the Union Government was created.
  • A separate department focusing on the Fisheries sector with independent administrative structure has been set up.
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF) during 2018-19 with a fund size of Rs. 7,522.48 crore was created.

Application to PMMSY

If someone is eligible and wishes to claim the benefits provided through this scheme needs to follow certain steps as follows:

  • You just need to visit the Fisheries department’s official website and log in.
  • You will be directed to a page where you can fill up all your information and other details that are required.
  • Submit the form & upload all the documents

You can first go through the important instructions on the official website.

e- Samadhan Scheme

An e-Samadhan Scheme has also been developed for the sake of farmers’ convenience. The scheme focuses on sorting out all the issues of fish farmers. They will be able to use this communication platform in case of any problem related to fish farming.

The Government is thus focusing on the development of the Fisheries & Aquaculture sector and launched this scheme and many other similar schemes aiming at enhancing fish production and also ensuring that the income of fish farmers and the fishers is doubled and that maximum benefits reach up to them.

We sincerely hope that the above information will be able to make a quality addition to your GA preparation. This topic specifically will be useful for your NABARD Grade A, NABARD Grade B, and other bank exams as well where General Awareness forms an important section.

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