RBI Assistant Prelims 2020 Result Out : Mains date Released


The wait is finally over! Reserve Bank of India has released the result of RBI Assistant Prelims exam 2020. Candidates who have applied for the exam can check their result on the official website of RBI. On December 23, 2020, RBI had invited the applications for the recruitment of Assistant in 926 posts. The Prelims of the same was held on February 14 and 15, 2020. In this article, I am bringing you step by step process for checking your result of RBI Assistant Prelims 2020. The date of the RBI assistant Mains examination will also be mentioned here.

How to Check RBI Assistant Prelims 2020 Result:

  • Go to the official website of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or Click on the link below .
  • Click on Opportunities section followed by Vacancies drop down menu.
  • Click on Result tab of RBI Assistant.
  • A Pdf of the same will be generated. You can check your result with your Roll Number on the list.

Click Here to Download the Result of RBI Assistant Prelims 2020

ixamBee congratulates those who have made it to the list. As you know that RBI Assistant selection process consists of two Phases i.e. Prelims and Mains. Prelims is over and all that is left is Mains which will decide the final selection. The RBI Assistant Mains examination 2020 is scheduled to be held on March 29, 2020. As not much time is left for the exam you need to revise what you have already covered. For General awareness section you can refer our Weekly and monthly BeePedia and BeeBooster to brush your Current affairs. For Static G.K and Banking Awareness you can refer our informative blogs. This will take care of your General Awareness section.  

To improve your score and analyze your preparation, it is advised to attempt as much mocks as possible. If you are worried about the amount an RBI Assistant Mains Mock test could cost you, you just need to relax. It’s on us. We are providing High Quality Full Length Mock Tests absolutely free of cost. Yes! You heard it right, we provide Free mock tests of all the Competitive exams related to Banking, SSC, Teaching, Defence and more.

For those who haven’t made it this time doesn’t need to demotivate themselves but to speculate where they went wrong in the preparation. As a lot of banking exams like SBI PO, IBPS PO, IBPS RRB PO, RRB Assistant and IBPS Clerk are in pipeline, you have time to take this result as a lesson and prepare for your success in the coming examinations. If you need assistance in any of the exam, you can ask our experts through our different social media handles like Telegram, You Tube, Facebook etc., they will be more than happy to help you. Also, if you need any help in the courses, you can have a look at our Online courses of different examinations. There, you will get to know all the insights of the course and a demo video for your help. At last please remember,

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

ixamBee Wishes you All the Best for the exam

Important Static G.K Articles:

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Banking Awareness Articles:

History of Banking India

Banks and its classification (Part 1)

Banks and its classification (Part 2)

Types of Accounts

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