RBI Grade B Exam 2019: Last Minute Tips To Crack Phase 1


RBI Grade B Phase 1

India’s Central Bank RBI or Reserve Bank of India has some months ago released the official notification for the recruitment of RBI Grade B officer in its organisation. The recruitment to RBI Grade B officer will take place in three stages – Phase 1, Phase 2 (objective type online mode) followed by Interview. The online exam for RBI Grade B Phase 1 is scheduled to take place on 9th November. This piece of writing is dedicated to last minute tips or strategy which will help you nail the RBI Grade B officer 2019 exam.

Last Minute Tips for RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam

As not much time is left for RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam so it is essential that you know some easy and basic preparation tips that will help you achieve your cherished goal. As every competitive exam demands a proper strategy and consistent efforts to achieve success and RBI being the Central Bank needs a more strict, planned and dynamic approach. So tips given below will help you maximize your effort and focus on the important things with whatever time left.

  • Familiarity with the exam pattern 

 Whatever competitive exam you are giving it is very essential that you are familiar with the exam pattern and marking scheme of that exam so that you have a rough idea of how to minimize your wrong attempt and do more questions with greater accuracy and confident approach. So make yourself familiar with the exam pattern of RBI Grade B so that you deter from attempting questions in which you are not so sure.  You can also go through the previous year question paper.

  • Focus on Revision

You all would have completed the entire syllabus by now as there is hardly any time left for the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam. So do not start any new topic or rush for any new thing that you come across while revising. Any new thing that you would try to learn now may not be properly retained. Focus more on revising important topics to get a command over them.

  • Time Management

To crack the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam is not a cakewalk. RBI being the premier bank will set a tough standard for the candidates so that the best among them are recruited as RBI Grade B officer. In order not to miss this opportunity you must manage your time according to the pattern of the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam so that you don’t have to face break down during examination. As each section has sectional timing so time management becomes essential.

  • Keep Negativity away

Negative thoughts are a hindrance in the path of success. Surround yourself in the company of friends and people who can motivate you. Mediate, dance, read or do any other activity that you like to let your mind imbibe new thoughts. Do not make yourself a victim of negative thoughts. You are unique in yourself and can face any challenge.

  • Eat Healthy 

Unbalanced diet and lack of sleep trigger nervousness before the exam so avoid eating junk, sugary and oily food and enrich your body with the supply of nutrients so that you have the right amount of energy and do not get exhausted. This will help you to give your best in the exam.  

  • Practice 

As you all are aware of the saying- Practice Makes a Man Perfect so practice and analyse your preparation by giving mock test for RBI Grade B exam given by ixamBee at no cost. Once done with all the important topics, go with these speed test as it will test your speed and accuracy that defines your success rate in the exam. With the introduction of sectional timing in every section of RBI Grade B Phase 1, it is important that all the aspirant goes through these mock test. But make sure that you are not disheartened even if you scored less. Always remember these are not your actual score. They are made just to make you aware of the latest trends in the exam.

  • Relax

Do not stress yourself by studying late at night before the day of the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam. Have faith in yourself that you will give your 100% and there is nothing in the world that is difficult to achieve. Do not panic if the paper is too tough as you have prepared well and if it’s tough for you then it’s tough for others as well. Maintain your composure and attempt the question in which you are comfortable to gain that lost confidence.

  • Keep Your Essential Documents Ready

Keep all your essential documents like call letter of RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam, valid ID proof in original and its photocopy and all other documents that are asked ready so that you do not forget to carry any important documents. Also, leave early from home so that you reach the examination on time as all-time great English Poet William Shakespeare also said- Better Three Hours Too Soon Than a Minute Too Late.

As RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam also tests your General Awareness skills besides judging you on Quantitative, Reasoning, English Language and respective field knowledge so keep yourself updated with all the latest happenings around the world. At the same time prevent yourself from indulging into learning something new. ixamBee wishes you ALL THE BEST for RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam and hopes your hard work will be awarded as WITHOUT HARDWORK NOTHING PROSPERS. 

Also ixamBee has introduced new feature where you can get 700+ mock test absolutely free. You just have to share your ixamBee key with your friends or anyone to unlock all your mocks. So why wait, register and share your key to practice.

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