RBI Grade B Phase 2 (DR-General) 2021: Detailed Exam Analysis, (April 01, 2021)


Finally, the day has come, RBI Grade B Phase 2 (DR-General) exam has been conducted smoothly all over India. Aspirants have called the level of the exam Easy to Moderate. Finance and Management section or Paper 3 was conducted in the morning whereas Paper 1 (ESI) and Paper 2 (English) took place in the afternoon.  Let’s look at the RBI Grade B (DR-General) Phase 2 exam analysis for 2021 in detail.

RBI Grade B Phase 2- Finance and Management Exam Analysis- Morning Shift

The first paper that was conducted was on Finance and Management. The questions asked from this section were straightforward and easy. This can be counted as the most scoring section for the aspirants. Some of the questions that were asked are as follows.

  1. Functions of NABARD, SIDBI, EXIM Bank, and NHB  
  2. A question on Basel norms was asked. What are the pillars of Basel norms?
  3. A question on Corporate Governance. Why is it needed? What are the key principles? 

Descriptive Questions ( 10 Markers) 

  1. A question on Behavioral Reinforcement. Explain negative and positive reinforcement? 
  2. A major announcement in Budget 2021 
  3. Difference between Transformational and Transactional leadership
Paper Type of Paper and Number of Questions Level of the exam Maximum Marks Duration (Minutes)
Paper-III 30 Objective type questions Easy 50 30
6 Descriptive type questions were asked, of which candidates were required to attempt 4 questions [2 of 15 marks each (easy level) and 2 of 10 marks each] Easy 50 90
Total Easy 100 120

RBI Grade B Phase 2- Economic and Social Issues Exam Analysis

The first paper to take place in the afternoon shift was that of ESI followed by a Descriptive English paper. In the Economic and Social Issues Exam section, 30 multiple choice questions were asked which were of Moderate level. The questions asked in ESI were not as direct as in FM paper but the topics asked were expected. Out of 6 descriptive questions you were required to answer any 4 were required to answer. The level of the questions was Moderate.  Few questions that were asked from this section are provided below.

  1. A question on the Finance commission was asked. 
  2. There was one question related to poverty with reference to per capita income, inflation and consumption, and safety net programs. 
  3. Disinvestment measures in budget with respect to strategic and non-strategic sectors and their impact
  4. Demographic transaction impact on economic growth 
  5. Change in globalization after financial crisis 2008
Type of Paper and Number of Questions Level of the exam Maximum Marks Duration (Minutes)
30 Objective type questions Moderate 50 30
6 questions (Descriptive type) were asked, of which candidates were required to attempt 4 questions [2 of 15 marks each (with Moderate level) and 2 of 10 marks each] Moderate 50 90
Total Overall-Moderate 100 120

RBI Grade B Phase 2- English (Writing Skills) Exam Analysis

In a Descriptive English paper, a candidate’s ability to frame answers is judged. This time RBI has kept the level of this section was Easy to Moderate.  Questions that were asked in the exam are given below.

Essay Topics :

  1. Outsourcing of business
  2. Pros and cons of teaching coding to children 
  3. Prevention is better than cure
Paper Type of Paper and Number of Questions Level of the exam Maximum Marks Duration (Minutes)
Paper-II 3 Descriptive type questions Easy to Moderate 100 90

Overall the exam can be called Easy to Moderate. If you have prepared enough for this exam, this exam was no shocker for you. Please note that only the candidates who will score sufficiently high marks will be called for the interview. The interview has a weightage of 75 marks. If you are confident enough to clear the RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam and need assistance for the RBI Grade B Interview you can join us by pinging on this link. 

You must know your status by now through our detailed RBI Grade B Phase 2 (DR -General) Exam Analysis for 2021 and where you stand in the overall competition. In case you are not happy with your performance in the Phase 2 exam and want to give RBI Grade-B one more chance, You can prepare with #SRCP.

The acronym #SRCP should not be confused with any economic jargon.

Susheel Ragade (SR) and Chandraprakash Joshi (CP) form SRCP, a lethal mix of wisdom, knowledge, and experience! What else will you require in order to crack the RBI Grade B exam?

you are welcome to join ixamBee through our RBI Grade B Exclusive Online Course 2022. This course has been curated by our experts. We have experts like Dr. Chandra Prakash Joshi, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, and Mr. Susheel Ragade who are ex-RBI (Grade B) themselves. 

ixamBee wishes you all the very best for RBI Grade B Phase 2 result.

Also read:

RBI Grade B Phase 2 DEPR Exam Analysis: March 31, 2021

RBI’s Monetary Policy: February 2021

RBI: Financial Stability Report 2021

RBI Grade B 2021: How to Approach ESI Descriptive Paper?

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