RBI Grade B Phase 2: Effective Essay Writing Tips


RBI Grade B Phase 1 results are out, congratulations to those who made it to RBI Grade B Phase 2 and those who couldn’t; don’t be disheartened, everything happens for a reason and something better will come along for you. Those who cleared Phase 1, RBI Phase 2 preparation might be in full swing. When we talk about RBI Grade B Phase 2 preparation, what strikes us first is Finance and Management and Economic & Social Issues and Descriptive English paper is always given a back seat. We tend to ignore the fact that to reach the interview round scoring good in Descriptive English is equally important.

Descriptive English paper in RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam consists of Essay, Precis’ and Reading Comprehension for a total of 100 marks. Descriptive English has a unique power of bringing the world within you to the reader and if you bring out this power on the day of the RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam, you are for sure sitting in the RBI Grade B interview round. Essay writing, which is for 40 marks in RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam, is a daunting affair for many and therefore we are here with essay writing techniques that will take your essay writing to new-heights.

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RBI Grade B Phase 2 Essay Writing Tips:

Essay Writing for RBI Grade B Phase 2 is a vital cog in your selection.

Essay Writing broadly comprises two aspects –

  1. Content
  2. Delivery

Under the “Content” section, we have the following items that influence your score –

  1. The topic you choose (Always pick the topic you can write best in and not the one that is more “popular” or around economy)
  2. The strength of your points / arguments
  3. Supporting Data
  4. Supporting Examples
  5. Supporting Comparisons

A much ignored part about Essay Writing is that one should focus on “how” the essay is written and not just on “what” is written. The “what” is our content and the “how” is our delivery. Let us see how we can make the “how” better in this article. Broadly, there are two ways by which you can punch your content in a better manner –

  1. Advanced Vocabulary
  2. Advanced Grammar

Advanced Vocabulary

This is all about using better words that EXACTLY describes the situation. Remember to not memorize and force-fit a fancy word.

For example,

Waiving loans for farmers cannot be the only solution to reduce all their worries. – GOOD

Waiving loans for farmers cannot be the panacea to alleviate all of their concerns. – BETTER

Let us see what we can do around advanced grammar now.

Advanced Grammar

Regarding Grammar, you need to use fancy structures that would help you to not only make your essay fancy but also reduce the length of your essay so that you can pack more content in lesser words.

  1. So much so..

To indicate that your previous statement is true to a great extent

Example – India supports global warming greatly, so much so that they are willing to sacrifice their growth to protect the environment.

2.            Not only.. But also..

To indicate two pieces of info with 2nd piece being slightly more surprising.

Example – India not only supports global warming but also vehemently acts on its stated commitments at various forums.

3.            Though / Even though / Although

These are used to indicate contrasting clauses.

Example – Though / Although / Even though GDP growth slowed down to around 5%, global investors remain upbeat about the Indian market.

Hope the above tips will help you take your Essay in the RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam from great to brilliant.

Our faculty Mr. Abhishek Iyer sir have provided more such tips, strategies, sample essays and many more in our RBI Grade B Phase 2 Descriptive English online course. You will be happy to know that Abhishek Sir will personally review all your Descriptive mock tests and provide feedback on each Descriptive mock test you attempt. Check our RBI Grade B Descriptive English online course here and decide for yourself. Do not make the mistake of ignoring “100 Marks”.

Click here for free demo.

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