RBI Grade B 2021 Phase 2: Revised Strategy for ESI and FM


Reserve bank of India’s direct recruitment notification for Grade B officers came as a bolt from the blue on January 28, 2021, because the notification carries some major changes in the exam pattern, syllabus, eligibility and more. 

Candidates preparing for this for over a year now are in a state of shock as not much time is left for the exam. Whereas, the candidates going to appear for the first time are equally disturbed as the Phase 2 of RBI Grade B has become partially subjective from objective. 

This piece of news may be overwhelming for you but trust me, not much has changed, you just have to gather yourself and give your hundred percent to the preparation. 

Good news is, the changed exam pattern may work in your favor if you are good in explaining things. Also, Phase 1, to be held on March 06, 2021,  hasn’t changed at all which implies that we have enough time to prepare for RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam. In the following article, we will discuss the detailed strategy for Economic and Social Issues along with Finance and Management that will be asked in Phase 2 exam. As we are discussing Phase 2 exam here, let’s see what all we have in RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam Pattern. 

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern Phase 2

PaperName of PaperType of PaperTime Allotted (Minutes)Marks
Paper IEconomic and Social Issues50% Objective Type, 50% Descriptive; answers to be typed with the help of the keyboard30 for Objective and 90 for Descriptive50 for Objective & 50 for Descriptive
Paper IIEnglish (Writing Skills)Descriptive Type, to be typed on the computer with the help of keyboard90100
Paper IIIFinance and Management50% Objective Type and 50% Descriptive; answers to be typed with the help of the keyboard9050 for Objective & 50 for Descriptive

Know your syllabus first

In order to approach ESI and FM, you will need a well-researched syllabus. Few topics of ESI and FM have been added in 2021. Spend a subsequent amount of time to understand the revised syllabus and print it if possible. You can also note it down and mark it done after you finish your topic. This is an effective way of studying as this keeps a check on your preparation progress. 

Click here to download the RBI Grade B Official Notification 2020-21 PDF

Resources for ESI and FM:

Economic & Social Issues (ESI) 

Economic & Social Issues or ESI plays a vital role in scoring in the RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam Pattern. This section carries 100 marks and duration is 120 minutes (30 for objective and 90 for descriptive). In this section your knowledge about the Economic & Social concepts and the current issues related to National & International Economic & Social issues will be tested. 

Resources for preparation

As not much time is left for studying books, try to study topic wise.  After a thorough analysis of RBI Grade B question paper by our experts, we have found that the Economics & Social Issues section are asked majorly from the Press Information Bureau, Economic Survey of India, The Budget, Basic concept (NCERT) and Newspapers (Current events). 

You can refer to the Hindu Newspaper for covering current affairs. Don’t forget to evaluate The Economic Survey of India and The Union Budget (2021-22) as these are the most important topics from exam point of view. 

Finance and Management (F&M)

Finance and Management is said to be one of the toughest sections in the exam due to its technical nature. As not many who apply for RBI Grade B have a background in finance and management, therefore, this is the paper you need to give most attention to. This  section also carries 100 marks but the duration here is 90 minutes. 

Resources for preparation 

You can study the important topics from the following books. Try to make notes separately.  

Book NameAuthor’s Name
Financial ManagementPrasanna Chandra or IM Pandey
Indian Financial SystemBharti Pathak
Principles of ManagementLN Prasad
Organisational BehaviourSP Robins

Detailed strategy for ESI and FM is beautifully explained by Mrs. Prachi Agarwal. She is an expert faculty for Finance and Management in ixamBee. Please watch the video to get a detailed preparation strategy for ESI as well as FM. This video will build your confidence and help you in cracking RBI Grade B 2021 exam. 

If you need any kind of assistance in clearing the RBI Grade B Exam 2021, you can join ixamBee along with other aspirants through our RBI Grade B Comprehensive Online Course. This course has been curated to make your RBI Grade B Preparation journey smooth and effective. Please note that RBI Grade B Online Course is designed as per the NEW exam pattern announced by RBI. Our experts have covered thoroughly descriptive papers for ESI and FM in the course content.

The reason why ixamBee is a one stop destination for high end exams like RBI is because it has expert faculty for each section. They will not beat around the bush and will teach exactly what is needed to crack the exam. Some salient features of the RBI Grade B online course are provided below.

  • Video Lessons: Short & crisp videos for concepts, covering all important topics for all the subjects of Phase 1 and Phase 2. There are approximately 480+ video lessons for phase 1 and 220+ video lessons for phase 2 preparation
  • Study Notes: Detailed notes as PDFs for the ease of learning and building fundamentals. There are 300+ Study notes for Phase 1 + 2
  • Mock Tests: Get 20 Full-length Mock tests for Phase 1 and 15 full-length Mock Tests (15 Tests for FM and 15 MTs for ESI) for the Phase 2 exam. Please note that out of 15 tests each for ESI and FM, only 5 FM tests and 5 ESI tests will be evaluated. Rest 10 tests each for ESI and FM would be for practice and no evaluation will be provided for the same. 
  • Descriptive English: This can be a real game-changer. Get access to video lessons and study notes on writing skills, sample essays, suggested topics, and 5 Descriptive English Mock Tests with individual Performance Feedback
  • Interview Guidance: Our experts will provide interview guidance in the form of Mock Interviews and personal feedback on your performance.

ixamBee Faculty that will help you in Clearing RBI Grade B 2021 Phase 1 exam.

ixamBee’s Faculty that will sail you through RBI Grade B 2021 Phase 2 exam.

As per the new exam pattern, you will also need Descriptive guidance. ixamBee’s RBI Grade B Online course also includes Descriptive Guidance in which you get guidelines from our experts. These experts have themselves cleared different government exams and that is why they know what works and what not. These experts will help you in the interview as well. 

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ixamBee believes in providing education to all. Therefore, you can attempt 1000+ Mock tests of various government exams absolutely free of cost. Attempt RBI Grade B Free mock tests here.

All the best for RBI Grade B 2021 Exam!!

Also Read:

RBI Grade B 2021 Notification Out! What’s New?

RBI Grade B 2020-21: RBI Grade B Notification, Exam Pattern, Vacancy And Other Details

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