RBI Grade B Phase 2: What should be written in the Biodata Form?


This year RBI has introduced new criteria for the students appearing in the Phase 2 examination of RBI. This is something new that RBI has done this year only. The students writing the Phase 2 exam of RBI Grade B 2021(General/DEPR/DSIM) have to submit a detailed biodata form before March 22, 2021.

The RBI Grade B Phase 2 BIO-DATA form is crucial and you should ensure that the information is presented clearly. It won’t be wrong to say that the information mentioned in the RBI Grade B Biodata form will influence your interviewer even before you two meet. The information should be presented clearly so that the interviewer and you can make the most of the interview.

The filling of the biodata form requires a detailed understanding otherwise there are chances of committing mistakes. Here we are discussing the instructions and details of how to fill the form and what information has been asked from you. The chronological order represented here is the same as the sequence given in the biodata form.


The form starts with the heading of “post applied” where you have to write about your stream i.e., General/DEPR/DSIM. Write the roll number in the roll number column and the medium of interview either English or Hindi. The recent photograph should be pasted and it should be the same as was in the RBI form. The photograph should be self-attested, which means after pasting the photograph it should have your signature on it.

  1. Name (As recorded in Matriculation or equivalent certificate; in case of a change in name, please produce necessary documentary evidence)
  2. Postal Address (Write your present postal address along with the nearest Railway station in the column given by the side)
  3. Father’s /Husband’s Name and Occupation
  4. Category (Tick on the appropriate category column) and in the next column mention the physical disability (if any). Column 4A belongs to the minority community. If you belong to any minority community mark YES along with your community i.e., Buddhist/Christian/Muslim/Sikh/Zoroastrian
  5. Nationality (The nation you belong to, e.g, for Indian citizens your nationality is INDIAN.)
  6. Ex-Serviceman (Tick on the appropriate box if you served as an ex-serviceman).
  7. Date of Birth in Christian Era (Write your date of birth in the given format i.e., DD/MM/YYYY)
  8. Academic/Technical/Professional qualification (Fill in column 8 with your educational details starting from matriculation to any professional degree. You have to mention the sequential order of your education. 10th, 12th, graduation (with stream either B.Sc., B.tech, BA or any other), post-graduation, and the last is the professional degree (JIB, CIB, CA, CFA, FRM, and other if any)
  9. Column 9A says, Particulars of very high academic or professional qualifications/experience of value to the Bank (Here you have to mention the professional degree i.e., JIB/CIB or CFA/FRM. Any professional course you have done that can be an asset to the bank) 9B– Gross Salary per month drawn from previous/existing employer (write your gross salary of the month. The gross salary includes the PF and other deductions. You have to mention per month gross salary, not per year) 9C– Whether on the basis of (a) & (b) the candidate would desire to have advance increment/s in the pay scale offered if selected. If so, how many and the justification for the request (It’s better to write NA here instead of expressing your desires to have an increment. Don’t show that you are asking way too much from the organization even before you have not been selected. So write NA here)
  10. Particulars of Prizes/Medals/Scholarship obtained (If you have any prize/medal/scholarship in the past mention it. The objective of telling all this information here is that you are telling the board that you have been an intellectual person. They might ask any theoretical question on any particular you mention here. Mention those prizes or medals on which you can prepare and answer the questions asked by the selection committee)
  11. Proficiency in sports/extra-curricular activities (If you have any proficiency in sports or any extracurricular either district/state or national level mention that. Remember these are meant to tell the examiner that you have been involved in these things and they can ask questions from this area. Thus, prepare accordingly)
  12. Knowledge of Languages other than English (Mention the languages you have command on)
  13. Particulars of present and previous employment (Mention your employer details, if you have worked in a public sector or private sector you can mention. Designation and the nature of duties – be very clear about what you have done and what work you have knowledge of. Every word matters here. Whatever you are writing you need to be specific and thorough about it.)
  14. Previous attempts for recruitments for the post advertised by RBI Services Board (If you have any previous attempts mention them here)
  15. Have you ever been debarred or disqualified by any Public Service Commission/any other Recruitment Board including the RBI Services Board for any of their Examination/Selections? If the answer to the above is “Yes” give details (Mention the details you think your examiner should know. Don’t mention things that will have a negative impact on the examiner.)
  16.  16A Are you free from debt? (Write yes/no depending on your debt if you have any.) 16B: If you are under any liability to repay money advanced by any institution of the party for your education or for any other purpose, state the particulars. (Mention about your Institutional debts (loans taken from co-operatives, commercial banks including the SBI Group, RBI, NABARD, or any other), if any. You should mention Education, Personal, or any other sorts of loans that you may have borrowed.)
  17. Additional particulars which the candidate may like to furnish (Mention any useful detail you want your examiner to be aware of. Writing unnecessary information will have a negative impact on the examiner.)
  18. Particulars of copies of certificates enclosed (Mention about your certificates/documents enclosed with the application form.)

Fill in the form carefully and be particular about points 10, 11, 13, and 17. No unnecessary information should be given to the examiner that can have a negative impact.

You can have a look at ixamBee blogs which give all the necessary details about the preparation strategy for the RBI Grade B exam. We have a host of courses and will soon be launching an interview course. To get such updates and much more information, register with us.

All the best!

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