Important Points to Know Before RBI Grade B Interview!


RBI has announced RBI Grade B result 2021 for Phase 2 on May 4, 2021, at 05:08 PM. Congratulations to all who have made it to the RBI Grade B interview round. More than 760 Students have been selected in RBI Grade B Phase II for 270 vacancies. Mark list & category wise cut-off for the RBI Grade B Phase II, will be displayed on the RBI website after completion of the selection process and declaration of final results of the recruitment. Check your RBI Grade B Phase 2 results here on the link provided below.

RBI Grade B Phase II 2021 Results Out!

There are certain guidelines to be followed before the RBI Grade B interview process. The important points for you are covered below. Read further to know the instructions for all the shortlisted candidates.

Important Instructions to know!

  • The RBI GR B –DEPR and DSIM-2021 results will be separately uploaded
  • Applicants who have cleared the RBI Grade B Phase II DR (General) exam and are yet to forward a scanned copy of their qualifying documents to, should give the same on or before 15 May 2021. Otherwise, there will be no further recruitment process and their names will be omitted from the list of nominees.
  • Candidates will be informed in due course of the interview schedule. The call letters (which include the date, time and location) of the interview will be sent to shortlisted candidates on their registered email address in Phases (in due course). The candidates are requested to search the spam and junk box of their mailbox.
  • A link will be sent to the shortlisted candidates at their registered e-mail address to complete the psychometric assessment with instructions. The evaluation shall be done five days after receipt of the mail.
  • All the candidates should print out an RBI Grade B interview call letter by email ID and carry the hard copy along with ORIGINAL documents in support of their eligibility on the day of the interview
  • Along with the original documents please include a document of proof to substantiate your date of birth, educational qualifications, experiences, caste (SC/ST/OBC/EWS, etc.), and the status of PwBD

The following can be used as a document of proof

  • Proof of birth date: certificate of matriculation, or certificate of leaving the secondary school leaving certificate or birth certificate granted by the competent authority. No other records shall be considered for proof of the date of birth. 
  • The name listed in a Matriculation Passing certificate shall be considered for verification of name on the online application form. Candidates demanding a name change after matriculation should ensure that an Affidavit in ORIGINAL must be provided at the moment of an interview if there is a disparity among the names entered in the Matriculation and any other certificate/documents.
  • Educational Qualification Certificate: Graduation/technical or technical equivalents or post-graduation/technical equivalents of each semester and graduation/diploma certificate granted by the university shall be considered.
  • OBC candidates: In addition to the proof of birth date and educational qualification certificate, a copy, in the original prescribed format of the current OBC CASTE CERTIFICATE released on or after 1 January 2020, and OBC DECLARATION must also be presented.
  • Candidates from SC/ST: In the original specified format latest SC/ST CASTE CERTIFICATE in addition to the proof of birth date and educational qualification certificate.
  • Applicants for the EWS: With the proof of birth date and educational qualification certificate, the original Income and Assets certificate issued by a competent authority in the format specified in Memorandum No36039/2009-Estt(Res) of the DoPT Office dated 31 January 2019, the “Recommendation and Assets Certificates”  must be submitted.

RBI Grade B 2021 Interview Course

RBI has shortlisted 776 students for 322 vacancies. It implies that less than half of you will make it through the interview round. More than 6.5 million students trust ixamBee and its courses. Again we are here with ixamBee’s best learning experience. We have curated an interview course for your RBI Grade B interview preparation.

The expert panel in our interview course include the ex-AGM, ex-CGM and ex-Regional Director of RBI, NABARD, SEBI. These experts have taken numerous interviews and have a diverse experience of the field. You have an opportunity to prepare under these expert’s by enrolling in RBI Grade B Interview Course.

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