
Everything to know about RBI Grade B Previous Year Cutoffs 

The RBI Grade B exam is one of the most prestigious and competitive banking examinations in India. Conducted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), this exam serves as a gateway for aspirants aiming to secure a lucrative and respectable position in the country’s central banking institution. It is highly sought after by candidates due to its prestige, job security, attractive salary, and career growth opportunities. 

Understanding the previous years’ cut-off marks is crucial for candidates as it helps them gauge the difficulty level, competition, and preparation strategy required to excel in the exam. The cut-off marks serve as a benchmark that determines a candidate’s qualification for the next stage of the selection process. Each year, the cut-offs vary based on several factors, including the number of applicants, vacancy availability, and exam difficulty level. 

The RBI Grade B Exam is divided into three phases—Phase I (Preliminary Exam), Phase II (Main Exam), and Interview. Candidates need to clear each phase by securing the required sectional and overall cut-off marks. Analyzing previous years’ cut-off trends helps aspirants set realistic preparation goals and optimize their study plans accordingly. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the RBI Grade B previous year cut-offs, analyze cut-off trends, and provide key insights to help candidates prepare effectively. This will enable aspirants to develop a well-structured approach, focusing on high-scoring sections and improving weaker areas to enhance their chances of success. 

Understanding the RBI Grade B Exam Structure 

Before diving into previous years’ cut-offs for the RBI Grade B Exam, it’s essential to understand the structure of the exam after ensuring you clear the RBI Grade B Eligibility Criteria. The recruitment process consists of three stages: 

Phase I (Preliminary Exam) 

This stage comprises an objective test with four sections: 

Section Questions Marks 
General Awareness 80 80 
English Language 30 30 
Quantitative Aptitude 30 30 
Reasoning Ability 60 60 
Total 200 200 

Candidates must secure minimum sectional and overall cut-off marks to qualify for Phase II. 

Phase II (Main Exam) 

The main exam includes both objective and descriptive sections: 

Section Type Marks 
Economic and Social Issues (ESI) Objective 100 
English (Writing Skills) Descriptive 100 
Finance and Management (FM) Objective   100 
Total 300 

The marks obtained in this phase play a major role in determining the final selection. 


Candidates who clear Phase II are shortlisted for the Interview round, which carries 50 marks. 

Final Selection 

The final merit list is prepared based on the combined scores of Phase II and the Interview. Aspirants should aim for high scores in Phase II, as these marks hold the highest weightage in the final selection process. 

Factors Influencing RBI Grade B Cut-Offs 

The RBI Grade B cut-off varies every year based on several factors, such as: 

Number of Vacancies 

The number of vacancies plays a crucial role in determining the cut-off marks for the RBI Grade B exam. If the number of vacancies is high, more candidates can be accommodated, leading to a lower cut-off. On the other hand, if the vacancies are limited, the competition becomes more intense, and the cut-off marks rise. Therefore, aspirants should closely monitor the official vacancy announcement each year to understand the competition level. 

Number of Applicants 

The total number of applicants directly impacts the cut-off trends. When a large number of candidates appear for the exam, the competition increases, and the cut-off is likely to be higher. In contrast, if fewer candidates apply, the cut-off may be relatively lower. Over the years, the RBI Grade B exam has witnessed a significant rise in applicants, making it even more competitive. 

Exam Difficulty Level 

The difficulty level of the exam is another major factor influencing the cut-off marks. If the exam is more challenging, candidates tend to score lower, leading to a lower cut-off. Conversely, if the question paper is relatively easier, candidates score higher, resulting in a higher cut-off. Exam difficulty is assessed based on the complexity of questions, new question patterns, and time constraints. 

Overall Candidate Performance 

The overall performance of candidates in a particular year also impacts the cut-off. If the majority of test-takers score well, the cut-off will naturally be higher. Conversely, if the overall performance is weaker, the cut-off will be lower. This is why aspirants should focus on comprehensive preparation to stay ahead of the competition and ensure they meet the expected cut-off criteria. 

RBI Grade B Previous Year Cut-Offs 

To help aspirants get a better understanding of the expected cut-off range, let’s analyze the cut-off marks from previous years. 

RBI Grade B Cut-Off 2023 

Phase I (Preliminary Exam): 

Category Cut-Off Marks (Out of 200) 
General 66.75 
OBC 63.75 
EWS 66.75 
SC 53.50 
ST 52.75 
PwBD 52.75 

Phase II (Main Exam): 

Category Cut-Off Marks (Out of 300) 
General 193.34 
OBC 193.34 
SC 179.34 
ST 179.34 
PwBD 193.34 

Final Cut-Off (Phase II + Interview) 

Category Cut-Off Marks (Out of 375) 
General 249.25 
OBC 235.50 
SC 220.50 
ST 211.25 
EWS 235.50   

RBI Grade B Cut-Off 2022 

Phase I (Preliminary Exam): 

Category Cut-Off Marks (Out of 200) 
General 63.75 
OBC 60.75 
EWS 63.75 
SC 54.25 
ST 52.25 
PwBD 52.25 

Phase II (Main Exam): 

Category Cut-Off Marks (Out of 300) 
General 201.25 
OBC 201.25 
EWS 201.25 
SC 180.25 
ST 180.25 

Final Cut-Off (Phase II + Interview) 

Category Cut-Off Marks (Out of 375) 
General 252.25 
OBC 241.25 
EWS 212.25 
SC 205.25 
ST 218.25 

RBI Grade B Cut-Off 2021 

Phase I (Preliminary Exam): 

Category Cut-Off Marks (Out of 200) 
General 68.25 
OBC 65.75 
EWS 68.25 
SC 57.25 
ST 55.75 
PwBD 55.75 

Phase II (Main Exam): 

Category Cut-Off Marks (Out of 300) 
General 187.75 
OBC 187.75 
EWS 187.75 
SC 167.50 
ST 166.75 

Final Cut-Off (Phase II + Interview) 

Category Cut-Off Marks (Out of 375) 
General 238.25 
OBC 223.75 
EWS 218.25 
SC 212.25 
ST 205.25 

Analysis of RBI Grade B Previous Year Cut-Off Trends 

Analyzing the cut-off trends over the past few years provides valuable insights into the level of competition and the scoring pattern required for success. Here are some key observations: 

Understanding these trends allows candidates to set realistic preparation goals and fine-tune their exam strategies accordingly. 

Preparation Strategies for RBI Grade B Exam 2025 

With a detailed understanding of the exam pattern and the syllabus candidates are expected to study, it’s time for the next step. A comprehensive plan to prepare for the exam is essential for candidates hoping to enter the RBI Grade B recruitment process. Let’s look at some strategies you can use:  

Summing Up

Understanding the RBI Grade B previous year cut-offs is essential for aspirants to develop a targeted preparation strategy. By analyzing these trends, candidates can set realistic goals, work on weaker areas, and focus on high-scoring sections. With consistent practice, strategic preparation, and strong conceptual understanding, cracking the RBI Grade B exam is achievable. 

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