RBI Legal Officer (Grade B) 2021: Last One Month Preparation Strategy


The Reserve Bank of India is raining notifications these days. First RBI Grade B then RBI Office Attendant and now with RBI Non-CSG official Notification, RBI has become a blessing in disguise for aspirants amid the ongoing pandemic. As we all know that RBI is one of the most sought-after banking exams in our country, aspirants’ first preference would always be RBI. RBI has released RBI Non-CSG 2021 notification for a total of 29 vacancies. Among various posts announced by RBI, RBI Grade B Legal is one such post that is very popular among the aspirants. RBI Legal Officer exam is on April 10, 2021. 

RBI Legal Officer (Grade B) Preparation Tips

With mere 30 days left in hand, I hope you have covered your syllabus and are in your revision mode. If you are someone who has just started preparation and is confused about how to approach the exam, this article is for you. In this article, I will explain how you can have a holistic preparation plan to crack the exam. You will be guided with the proper study plan designed for you but before that let’s just discuss some basic but very important tips and tricks for the RBI Legal Officer exam. 

Know Your Syllabus First:

Before anything, take a pen and write down the entire syllabus on a piece of paper. While writing the syllabus, you will be able to identify the topics you are good at and topics that you need to work on. Write it down in order of familiarity. As you have a limited time with you, don’t just read everything. You need to be very selective with the topics. Go through the previous year’s question papers and analyze what topics are mostly asked in the paper. After analyzing the paper, make a separate list that includes strong and weak topics. Always start with difficult topics or topics you are weak at. This may look a lot of unnecessary work right now but trust me this can help you fetch a seat in RBI Grade B Legal 2021 exam.

Work on your weak areas

After identifying your strong and weak areas, write it in an order based on its weightage. Device a preparation strategy accordingly. You can take help from books and Study materials available online. You can also take assistance from ixamBee which has covered each topic in a very crisp and precise way.

Revision is the Key

No matter how much syllabus you have covered, as long as you are not revising it regularly, all your hard work is going in vain. The key to improvise and perform well in the exam is a regular revision of what you have studied. There are various ways to revise effectively and those are

  • Make self-made notes for revision (Don’t read from others notes as this will take more time than usual and also affect your efficiency of retaining the topic)
  •  Highlight important words as this will cancel out a lot of unnecessary words. Doing this will make your revision effective.
  • Include a Flow chart while making notes as this helps in saving a lot of time. Try Parkinson’s Law (Set your own deadline). Limit your time interval to a particular duration, this, in turn, increases your productivity

Analyze previous years question papers

Solving previous year’s papers is the best way to understand the difficulty level as well as the trend of the exam. It will not only help in understanding the difficulty level but also let you know the exam pattern, topic-wise distribution of questions, section-wise weightage, marking scheme, and much more. It will boost your confidence and enhance your problem-solving skills. There are various memory-based papers available online. You can take help of any of them.

Practice RBI Legal Officer (Grade B) Mock Tests

You can’t hire someone to practice for you. – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Mock Tests play a vital role in your preparation. To sharpen your time management skills and to improve your score you should attempt mock tests as much as possible. To take maximum benefit out of it, you should complete your syllabus first.  Mock tests are also a way to know where your preparation is lacking. It also shoves out any fear you may have of the real exam. ixambee is here to help you with this, you can attempt RBI Legal Officer Mock Tests curated based on the latest pattern. You will get 5 Full-length Practice tests for Paper 1 and 5 full-length Practice Tests for paper 2.

RBI Legal Officer (Grade B) Important Books

Paper Book Author/Publisher
Reasoning Ability A modern approach to verbal & Non-verbal reasoning R.S. Agarwal
Professional Knowledge Rajbhasha/Hindi (Officers, Assistant, Managers) Recruitment Exam Guide (Popular Master Guide) RPH Editorial Board / Ramesh Publishing House
Economic and Social Issues Indian Economy Uma Kapila or Mishra Puri
Indian Economy  Ramesh Singh
Finance & Management Financial Management Prasanna Chandra or IM Pandey
Indian Financial System Bharti Pathak
Principles of Management LN Prasad
Organisational Behaviour SP Robins
Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning S.Chand  
Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Arihant Publication  
English Language English Grammar Wren & Martin
Made Easy for English Norman Lewis
Descriptive General English SP Bakshi
General Awareness Lucent GK Knowledge Lucent Publication

Books are man’s best friend. Good preparation requires effective study marital as this can make or break your chances of selection in RBI Grade B Legal. Good quality study material will help you all along in your preparation journey. Pandemic brought everything to digital form, therefore, there are enough online sources of information i.e. PDFs, Videos, and even books.  To make it easier for you, I have listed down some really helpful books for the RBI Grade B Legal 2021 exam. You can add or eliminate as per your needs or understanding. 

RBI Legal Officer (Grade B) Study Plan

It is quite impossible to devise a single study plan for everyone as each has its own way of imbibing knowledge therefore, no one can make a better schedule than yourself. Having said that, if you are still clueless about approaching the exam and need assistance, we are here with a 36 days study plan.This study plan has been designed by our experts. 

RBI Legal Officer (Grade B) 36 Days Study Plan 

If you need any assistance in the preparation of RBI Legal Officer, ixamBee has just launched an Online Course for RBI Legal Officer (Grade B). It  comprises of

  • Study Notes: Study notes covering the syllabus wherever required.
  • Mock Tests: Get 5 Full-length Practice tests for Paper 1 and 5 full-length Practice Tests for the paper 2.
  • Descriptive Legal Paper: Our mocks for Descriptive Legal have been customed in such a way to give you a real exam feel and get accustomed to writing the paper. These will be evaluated by the faculty and feedback will be emailed to you.
  • Descriptive English: This can be a real game-changer. Get access to video lessons and study notes on writing skills, sample essays, suggested topics, and 5 Descriptive English Mock Tests with individual Performance Feedback.
  • Online Live Classes: Daily Live classes with experts for better clarification of your queries.
  • Interview Guidance: Our experts will provide interview guidance in the form of Mock Interviews and personal feedback on your performance.
  • Study plan: To guide you on how to go forward in your preparation.

Know your Course Coordinators

Manali Mukherjee

Ms. Manali has 7+ years of teaching experience. She has done B.Ed. from Loreto College, Calcutta, and Masters (English Literature) from Calcutta University. She has also completed MS.ED in Special Education, Univ. of Miami. She is an expert faculty for English Language and English writing (descriptive).

Vidhika Bansal

Ms.Vidihka is an Ex- Bank PO Union Bank of India. She has done B Tech from YMCA University Faridabad and LLB from Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut. She has also worked in TCS as an Assistant System Engineer. She is an expert faculty for Legal.

Dr. Sanjeev Sharma

Dr Sharma holds a PhD in English from IIT Kanpur. He has obtained a Master’s degree in English from Hindu College, Delhi University and B.A. (Hons) English from BHU. He is a Former Chief General Manager RBI, Ex Executive Director NHB (on deputation from RBI). He is Ex Resident Director Kisetsu Saison and also a Visiting Faculty at IIM Ahmedabad. He is an expert for English writing and for interview and career guidance

Neha Dubey

Ms.Neha has 5+ years of experience in law firms including contract drafting, vetting, reviewing, research work on various legal issues, due diligence and regulatory issues. She has completed graduation from Women’s College, Patna University & has done LLB and LLM from ILS Law College, Pune University. She is an expert faculty for Legal.

Amrita Johar

Ms. Amrita is a practising lawyer at District and Sessions Court Aurangabad. She has done LLB (merit holder and 2nd batch topper) from Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad. She is pursuing LLM from Manikchand Pahade Law College, Aurangabad and has several research papers and articles published to her credit. She is an expert for Legal.

Arunima Sinha

Ms. Arunima is an Ex- Grade B SIDBI Officer and an Ex- Bank PO. Since 2010, she has been teaching for competitive exams and has successfully coached more than thousands of students. She is a Bachelor in Arts (Hons.)- English. She is an expert faculty for English Language, English Writing, Reasoning, and also preparation guidance.

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