RBI Non-CSG Posts Information Handout Released!


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released the information handout for the recruitment to various Non-CSG posts (Assistant Manager, Manager, Legal and Technical) on its official website. The recruitment examination is scheduled for April 10, 2021. To know more about all the important details mentioned in the information handout keep reading further.

Important information about all the streams

Factors Legal Officer in Grade ‘B’Manager (Technical-Civil)Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha)Assistant Manager (Protocol and Security)
No. of Papers2 Papers
Paper 1 (Part A): Objective
Paper 1 (Part B): Descriptive
Paper 2: English 
2 Papers
Paper 1: Objective type
Paper 2: Descriptive type
2 Papers
Paper 1 (Four parts)
Paper 2: Descriptive test
1 objective type Paper containing 4 sections 
Penalty for Wrong answersNo penalty In Paper-I (Part A), for every wrong answer, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deductedIn Paper-I for every wrong answer marked, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deductedFor every wrong answer marked, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted 
Duration of ExamPaper 1: 3 hoursPaper 2: 3 hoursPaper 1: 1 hourPaper 2: 3 hourPaper 1: 2 hoursPaper 2: 1 hour2 hours
Shift of examPaper 1: Morning shift
Paper 2: Afternoon Shift
Paper 1: Afternoon shift
Paper 2: Morning Shift
Single Shift
Break Between papersYesYesNoNo 
Mode of Question paperPaper 1 is bilingualPaper 1 and Paper 2 are bilingualPaper-I (except English language test) and Paper-II will be setbilinguallyAll the questions except the test of English Language will be available in English and Hindi

Exam Pattern for all the streams

To see the complete exam pattern for these streams click on the  RBI Legal Officer in Grade ‘B’ or Manager (Technical-Civil), Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha), and Assistant Manager (Protocol and Security).

Common Points between all these streams

  • The number of candidates to be called for an interview will be decided by the Board based on the marks scored in Online Examination. The final selection will be on the basis of the performance in the Online Examination and the interview taken together.
  • In the case of two shifts, you will have to log in twice. Separate Admission Letters will be issued for the two shifts. In the case of the Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha), no separate login is required to take the test. This test will start automatically upon the auto-submission of the objective test.
  • You can opt for the language at the beginning of the objective-type test. However, as required, you will be able to switch between the two languages, even after choosing the language.
  • The number of questions answered correctly by you in each objective test is considered for arriving at the Corrected Score after applying penalty for wrong answers. Test-wise scores are reported with decimal points up to two digits.
  • Descriptive Type Paper: Questions will be displayed on the computer monitor. Answers are to be written on a separate answer paper provided for this purpose. Only one question will be displayed at a time.
  • Paper-II of only such candidates who score sufficiently high aggregate marks and minimum qualifying marks in all tests in Paper-I as decided by the Board would be assessed except in the Assistant Manager (Protocol and Security), here the candidates who qualify in the online test in the order of merit as decided by the Board depending on the number of vacancies, will be interviewed for their final selection
  • Candidates can opt for the interview in Hindi or English
  • Final selection will be done on the basis of performance in Paper-I, Paper-II, and interview were taken together

Important Points to Remember

You are advised to bring with you the following:

  • Admission Letter with photo affixed thereon and photo ID card in Original and photocopy. Staff candidates have to bring RBI Identity Card and its photocopy.
  • One ballpoint pen and a stamp pad with you
  • A login screen will be displayed to you. You have to log in using Login ID and Password which will be printed on the Admission Letter.
  • Your profile (name, roll no. etc.) will be displayed and you have to confirm the same by clicking on the ‘I Confirm’ button if the profile is correct. Thereafter the instructions will be displayed on the screen.
  • You may ask the Test Administrator about your doubts or questions only before the commencement of the test. No query shall be entertained after the commencement of the examination.
  • Under no circumstances should you click on any of the ‘keyboard keys’ during the objective test once the exam starts as this will lock the Objective Test exam. For objective-type papers use only mouse clicks.
  • Mark your answer and either click on “Save and Next” or “Mark for Review” to get the answer evaluated
  • To deselect an answer, either click on the option again or click the “Clear Response” button
  • You will not be allowed to “finally submit” unless you have exhausted the actual test time of the examination

How to Submit the exam?

  • You are not permitted to submit your answers before the entire test time is over
  • You can only change your answer before submission
  • After the expiry of the exam duration, you will not be able to attempt any questions or check your answers. Your answers would be automatically saved by the computer system even if you have not clicked the ‘Submit’ button

Instructions to be followed by Persons With Benchmark Disability (PwBD)

  • PwBD (i.e. person who has benchmark disability of 40% or more) candidates who have physical limitation to write including that of speed will only be allowed the facility to use the services of a scribe
  • The facility of a scribe would be allowed only to those PwBD candidates who have physical limitations to write, including speed. at the time of the interview, the candidate will have to produce a medical certificate from an authorized Govt. of India/State Govt. Department/Hospital, to the effect, that the candidate has physical limitation to write including that of speed
  •  PwBD candidate should arrange his/her own scribe at his/her own cost
  • Only those candidates with disabilities who have physical limitations in writing, including speed, and who use the services of a scribe may be granted the additional/compensatory time of twenty (20) minutes for every hour of examination. However, all Visually Impaired PwBD candidates will be given an additional/compensatory time of twenty (20) minutes for every hour, regardless of whether they use a scribe, self-write, or use assistive devices like magnifiers.
  • The scribe needs to adhere to the Covid-19 instructions as well

Covid-19 precautions

You will be permitted to carry only the following items with them into the venue.

  • Personal transparent water bottle (Candidate should bring his / her own water bottle)
  • Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)
  • A simple pen and a stamp pad
  • Exam related documents (Admission Letter and Photocopy of the ID card stapled with it, ID Card in Original.)
  • Admission Letter should be brought with the Photocopy of the Photo ID stapled with it. Original ID (same as Photocopy) is also to be brought for verification. The name on the ID and on the Admission Letter should be exactly the same.
  • In the case of Scribe Candidates – The scribe form should be duly filled and signed with a Photograph affixed
  • No other items are permitted inside the venue.
  • You should not share any of their personal belonging/material with anyone
  • You should maintain safe social distance from one another

How to Download the Admit Card for RBI non-CSG posts 2021?

  1. Go to the official website of RBI Career – opportunities.rbi.org.in
  2. Click on ‘Current Vacancies’ and then on ‘Call Letter’
  3. A new window will open where you are required to click on ‘Admission Letters & other guidelines and information handouts for Recruitment examination under Non – CSG posts (2020) in RBI’
  4. A new page will open, click on ‘Admission Letters for recruitment examination under Non – CSG posts in RBI’
  5. Now, enter your details such as ‘Registration No / Roll No’ and ‘Password’ and click on the ‘Login’ Button
  6. Download RBI Assistant Manager Admit Card
  7. You can download the admission letter for RBI Legal Officer, Tech/Civil, Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha), and Assistant Manager (Protocol and security) with the direct link given below

RBI Non-CSG Admit Card Download

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