RRB NTPC 2019: Detailed Syllabus and Preparation Tips



RRB had recently released the notification for Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) for the year 2019. RRB NTPC is a popular exam among job aspirants as it usually releases a huge number of vacancies almost every year and gives a golden chance to all the eligible candidates to start their career in the Railways and secure a good spot. This year RRB released its official notification on 28th February 2019 wherein it has announced more than 44531 vacancies. The exam is expected to be scheduled around June to September 2019. Though we do not have a fixed date yet, but we still do have an idea about how much time we have available with us before the RRB NTPC 2019 Prelims Examination. To prepare and make a plan for the same, this idea should be enough for all candidates. You can put together a well-crafted plan to make sure that you are fully prepared to give the exam on the final day. Before you start your preparation, the most important step is to gather all necessary details related to the RRB NTPC Examination and knowing the syllabus is the first and foremost step.

RRB NTPC 2019 Detailed Syllabus

RRB NTPC 2019 Examination will be held in various stages. It is important to cross the first stage to move on to the second stage. The Ist stage CBT (Computer Based Test) is expected to be held around June-July and therefore it is important to first know the syllabus of the examination so that you can be well prepared and make the best use of this time available.

RRB NTPC 2019 Syllabus for Ist Stage CBT

The Ist stage CBT of RRB NTPC Exam 2019 will test the candidates on the basis of questions that will be asked from General Awareness, General Intelligence & Reasoning and Mathematics. The candidates will have to take care of the negative marking while appearing in the exam, and that will be assured if you prepare yourself well and for that you will have to know the syllabus completely, which is given below:

RRB NTPC 2019 Syllabus for General Awareness

The General Awareness section of RRB NTPC 2019 will contain questions from General Science and Current Affairs. The questions on General Science may cover various topics from Environment, Chemitsy, Physics , Biology etc.

General Awareness General Science
  • Current Affairs
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • History
  • Polity
  • Literature
  • Awards
  • Books & Authors
  • Computers
  • Sports
  • Miscellaneous
  • Environment
  • Living Organism
  • Life Processes in Plants & Organisms
  • Heredity & Evolution
  • Natural Resources
  • Atoms & Molecules
  • Acid, Bases & Salts
  • Metals & Non-Metal
  • Chemical Reactions & Equations
  • Periodic Tables
  • Force & Laws of Motions
  • Work & Energy
  • Sound
  • Light
  • Electricity
  • Improvement in Food Resources
  • Sources of Energy
  • Diseases, Reasons & Cure


RRB NTPC 2019 Syllabus for General Intelligence & Reasoning

This section of RRB NTPC 2019 ‘Reasoning’ tests basic reasoning skills and general intelligence of the candidate through questions based on various kinds of topics, such as given below:

  1. Number
  2. Letter & Meaningful Words
  3. GK Based Questions
  1. Numbers
  2. General Knowledge Based
  3. Meaning & Letter Based
  1. Number & Alphabet Series
  1. Shifting of letters
  2. Letter coding by words
  3. Coding by Analogy
  4. Coding-Decoding based on Numbers
  5. Operations on Place Value
  6. Coding & Decoding in Fictitious Language
Blood Relations
  1. Family Tree
  2. General Blood Relation Problems
Clock & Calendar
  1. Calendar Based Questions
  2. Questions on Clock hands & Time
Ordering & Ranking
  1. Simple Ranking Questions
Directions & Distances
  1. Problems on Directions
  2. Formula Based Distance Questions
Word Formation
  1. Arranging words in meaningful order
Non-Verbal Reasoning
  1. Complete the Pattern
  2. Figure Based Analogy
  3. Classification
  4. Series
  5. Cube Based Questions
Other Topics
  1. Missing Number
  2. Venn Diagram
  3. Puzzle


RRB NTPC 2019 Syllabus for Mathematics

Mathematics is an important part of the RRB NTPC 2019 Exam and qualifying this section may be difficult for some and easy for some others.

Mathematics Chapters
  • Number System
  • Decimals
  • Fractions
  • LCM
  • HCF
  • Ratio and Proportions
  • Percentage
  • Mensuration
  • Time and Work
  • Speed, Time and Distance
  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • Profit and Loss
  • Elementary Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Elementary Statistics


After knowing the complete syllabus, you can move on with preparing a good study plan that should cover all the topics equally. Here are some useful general preparation tips for RRB NTPC 2019 Prelims or Ist Stage CBT exam that you should follow:

RRB NTPC 2019 General Preparation Tips

  • One ‘Extra’ – Before you start your preparation, you need to make up your mind that you will have to put that ‘one extra’ effort which will make you stand out in the crowd.
  • One Each – Try to take one chapter of each subject each day. Take it slow and easy to avoid missing any important part.
  • Set achievable goalsGoals should be set keeping in mind your own potential and strengths.
  • Avoid rushYou need to calm your nerves before you start your preparation and also when you appear in the exam and avoid rushing off with the preparation and paper respectively.
  • Adopt Optimistic ApproachNo matter if you are not able to catch up with the study plan or time-table you made for yourself, but you need to stay positive and hopeful and try again and harder the next time. It’s okay if you are not able to follow your time-table the way you thought of.
  • Choose the best booksStudy material forms the most important part of your preparation and thus try to research before you opt for books to study.
  • Go onlineOne of the trending study options these days is going online! There are plenty of online sources which can provide you with complete exam guidance and relevant information.
  • Revise ‘wise’Whenever you study a chapter or a new topic, make sure you save some time for its revision. Keep track of your time and keep aside enough time required for each chapter.
  • Practice EnoughRevision alone would not be enough for any subject and thus to ensure complete preparation, you need to practice well. Practice RRB NTPC mock tests whenever possible as they give an edge to your preparation and make it full-proof.

RRB NTPC 2019 General Preparation Tips for General Awareness

  • Keep track of Current Affairs – To be able to score well in General Awareness, it is very important to be in regular touch of daily news. Read the newspaper on a daily basis.
  • Maintain a Diary – If possible, note down all important daily news in a diary from various sources. You can also get back to this diary whenever you want to revise.
  • Refer good booksTry to read magazines that cover all recent news. Grab books with trustworthy content. Get hold of good books having static GK.
  • Attempt GK QuizzesAttempting quizzes will brush up your knowledge faster.

RRB NTPC 2019 General Preparation Tips for Mathematics

  • Divide the chapters – Go through all the chapters and divide them according to their levels.
  • Learn your Formulae – Learn all important formulae, which will help you in solving questions.
  • ShortcutsIt will be helpful to learn some useful short tricks, but do not depend on them completely. The original formulae and technique of solving any questions will go a long way, not these shortcuts as they may deceive you at the last moment.
  • Practice hardPractice as many questions as you can which will make you perfect. Practice gives you the expertise of solving any question in lesser time when you solve it next time.

RRB NTPC 2019 General Preparation Tips for General Intelligence & Reasoning

  • Puzzle it – Puzzles form a very important part of any reasoning test in any examination. Rarely you will not find a puzzle in an examination.
  • Code-decode – Reasoning is majorly about how well you decode any given question or situation. Practice enough questions of coding-decoding. It seems tough by the name, but if you give enough time to practice, this can be one of the easiest chapters that you can attempt.
  • Equal the Inequalities – Practice makes you learn things that seemed difficult at the start. Inequalities is a topic that appears frequently in many examinations. Thus, it is an important part that should be paid attention to. Once you get into practice, you will be able to solve a question without the need of pen and paper.
  • Easy- difficult- Start-off with easier topics and then gradually move on to the difficult ones.This will build up your confidence.

Read more about RRB NTPC 2019 Recruitment and Exam Pattern.

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