RRB NTPC Medical Test with Required Medical Standards for Each Post 


The Railway Recruitment Board or RRB conducts examinations for various posts of Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC). Under this exam, recruitment for various regional non-technical categories gets organized. The posts include: Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts the RRB NTPC exam for various posts such as Trains Clerk, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice, and Station Master. This year, the RRB NTPC notification has recently been released on the official website of the RRB.

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The recruitment process for RRB NTPC consists of several stages, including CBT (Computer Based Test) 1, CBT 2, Skill/Aptitude Test, Document Verification, and finally, the Medical Test. However, unlike other competitive exams, the medical test for RRB NTPC stands out as it follows strict standards, especially in the final stage of the recruitment process. While clearing the CBT and skill test is important, understanding the specific RRB NTPC Medical Standard Details is equally important for aspiring candidates.

The RRB NTPC Medical Standard Details holds significant importance as it can determine your eligibility to become an RRB NTPC employee. In this blog, we will provide a detailed discussion on the RRB NTPC Medical Test details, explaining the medical standards required for various posts after candidates have passed the document verification stage. Being aware of these medical standards can greatly impact your success in securing a position within the RRB NTPC.

RRB NTPC Recruitment , Medical Standards of RRB NTPC Recruitment, RRB NTPC posts, RRB Ntpc

Eligibility Criteria for RRB NTPC Exam 2024

Before talking about the RRB NTPC medical standard details, let us take a closer look at the RRB NTPC Eligibility Criteria, as mentioned in the RRB NTPC Notification released for the 2024 recruitment cycle. The minimum eligibility criteria for RRB NTPC Posts are divided into two categories i.e., Graduate and Non-Graduates. Given below are the eligibility details for both categories.

Undergraduate Posts with Minimum Educational Qualification of 12th

The RRB NTPC offers various undergraduate posts that require a minimum educational qualification of 12th standard (10+2) from a recognized board. Some of the key posts under this category include:

  • Junior Clerk cum Typist
  • Accounts Clerk cum Typist
  • Junior Time Keeper
  • Trains Clerk
  • Commercial cum Ticket Clerk

These posts cater to individuals who have completed their intermediate education and are looking to work in administrative and clerical positions within the Indian Railways. Along with the educational qualifications, candidates must meet certain age criteria. For the RRB NTPC exam 2024, the age limit for undergraduate posts is between 18 to 30 years as of the notification date.

There is also age relaxation for specific categories:

  • OBC candidates: 3 years
  • SC/ST candidates: 5 years
  • PWD candidates: 10 years

Understanding these requirements is essential for candidates aspiring to secure these positions in the RRB NTPC recruitment.

Graduate Posts with Minimum Educational Qualification of a University Degree

The RRB NTPC also offers several graduate posts that require a minimum educational qualification of a university degree from a recognized institution. Some of the key posts under this category include:

  • Traffic Assistant
  • Goods Guard
  • Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk
  • Senior Clerk cum Typist
  • Junior Account Assistant cum Typist
  • Senior Time Keeper
  • Commercial Apprentice
  • Station Master

These positions demand a higher level of education and involve more responsibilities, such as managing operations, overseeing ticketing, clerical tasks, and administrative duties. A graduate degree is essential for these roles, ensuring candidates have the knowledge and skills required to handle the varied demands of the Indian Railways.

For the RRB NTPC exam 2024, the age limit for graduate posts is between 18 to 33 years as of the notification date.

Age relaxation is available for certain categories:

  • OBC candidates: 3 years
  • SC/ST candidates: 5 years
  • PWD candidates: 10 years

These criteria must be met to qualify for these prestigious posts in the RRB NTPC recruitment process. The syllabus and process for attempting CBT 1 and CBT 2 in the RRB NTPC exam are similar to other government competitive exams. However, what sets the RRB NTPC apart is the stringent RRB NTPC Medical Standards that selected candidates must meet. These medical standards play a crucial role in determining the final selection of candidates. It is essential to pay special attention to the RRB NTPC Medical Test details if you aspire to become an RRB NTPC employee. Let’s dive into a detailed understanding of the RRB NTPC Medical Standards and how they impact the recruitment process.

RRB NTPC Medical Test – General Fitness Standards

Non-Graduate Posts 

The Medical Standards for RRB NTPC are crucial for candidates applying for non-graduate posts, as they ensure the physical fitness required to perform their duties efficiently. For the posts of Junior Clerk Typist, Accounts Clerk Cum Typist, and Junior Time Keeper, candidates must meet the C-2 medical standard, meaning they should be physically fit in all aspects, including vision and general health. Trains Clerk positions require an A-3 medical standard, which involves a higher level of physical fitness, while Commercial cum Ticket Clerk posts demand a B-2 medical standard. These fitness requirements ensure that candidates can handle the responsibilities of their respective roles. Understanding the RRB NTPC medical test details is essential, as failure to meet these standards can disqualify a candidate from the final selection. Therefore, staying informed about the RRB NTPC medical test details is vital for those aiming to secure a job in the Indian Railways through this recruitment process. We have provided the RRB NTPC Medical Standard Details for Non-Graduate Posts in the table below:

Name of the Post Medical StandardGeneral Fitness 
Junior Clerk TypistC-2Physically fit in all aspects 
Accounts Clerk Cum Typist C-2Physically fit in all aspects 
Junior Time KeeperC-2Physically fit in all aspects 
Trains ClerkA-3Physically fit in all aspects 
Commercial cum Ticket ClerkB-2Physically fit in all aspects 

Graduate Posts

The Medical Standards for RRB NTPC graduate posts are critical for candidates aspiring to secure positions within the Indian Railways. For posts such as Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, and Station Master, candidates must meet the A-2 medical standard, ensuring they are physically fit in all aspects, including vision and general health. Positions like Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk and Commercial Apprentice require the B-2 medical standard, which ensures physical fitness for the responsibilities involved. For Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, and Senior Time Keeper roles, the required C-2 medical standard focuses on overall physical health and fitness. These standards are essential for determining a candidate’s suitability for the role. Understanding the RRB NTPC medical test details is vital, as these fitness standards play a key role in the final selection. Failing to meet the RRB NTPC medical test details can result in disqualification, making it important to be fully prepared for this stage. The RRB NTPC Medical Test Details have been provided in the table below:

Name of PostsMedical Standard General Fitness
Traffic AssistantA-2Physically fit in all aspects 
Goods Guard A-2Physically fit in all aspects 
Senior Commercial cum Ticket ClerkB-2Physically fit in all respects
Senior Clerk cum TypistC-2Physically fit in all respects
Junior Account Assistant cum TypistC-2Physically fit in all respects
Senior Time KeeperC-2Physically fit in all respects
Commercial ApprenticeB-2Physically fit in all respects
Station MasterA-2Physically fit in all respects

RRB NTPC Medical Test – Visual/Eyesight requirements

Non-Graduate Posts

The RRB NTPC medical post wise medical standards are crucial, especially when it comes to the visual or eyesight requirements for non-graduate posts. For positions like Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, and Junior Time Keeper, the required NTPC Medical Standard is C-2, which mandates that candidates be physically fit in all respects, including their vision. Similarly, for the post of Trains Clerk, the A-3 medical standard applies, which demands a higher level of physical fitness, including good vision. The post of Commercial cum Ticket Clerk requires candidates to meet the B-2 medical standard, ensuring that their eyesight and overall physical health are adequate for the duties involved.

Understanding the RRB NTPC medical post wise medical standards is vital, as each post has specific requirements that must be met. Failure to meet these visual standards could lead to disqualification, making it essential for candidates to be aware of the NTPC Medical Standard for their respective posts. Take a look at the NTPC medical standards for non-graduate posts given below:

Name of the postMedical Standard
Junior Clerk cum TypistC-2
Accounts Clerk cum TypistC-2
Junior Time KeeperC-2
Trains ClerkA-3
Commercial cum Ticket ClerkB-2

Graduate Posts

The RRB NTPC medical post wise medical standards for graduate posts focus heavily on both physical fitness and visual acuity, as these roles involve higher responsibilities. For posts such as Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, and Station Master, candidates must meet the A-2 medical standard, which includes strict eyesight requirements and overall physical fitness. For positions like Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk and Commercial Apprentice, the B-2 medical standard is required, ensuring candidates have adequate vision and health for their roles.

Graduate posts such as Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Account Assistant cum Typist, and Senior Time Keeper require candidates to meet the C-2 medical standard, which focuses on good overall health and satisfactory vision. Understanding the RRB NTPC medical post wise medical standards is essential for candidates aiming for these positions, as failing to meet the NTPC Medical Standard can result in disqualification from the final recruitment stage. Being aware of these requirements is key to success in the RRB NTPC process. Take a look at the NTPC Medical Standard for Graduates given below:

Name of The PostMedical Standard
Traffic AssistantA-2
Goods GuardA-2
Senior Commercial cum Ticket ClerkB-2
Senior Clerk cum TypistC-2
Junior Account Assistant cum TypistC-2
Senior Time KeeperC-2
Commercial ApprenticeB-2
Station MasterA-2

Now that you are familiar with the medical and eyesight requirements for various RRB NTPC posts, it’s important to understand what these standards entail. The RRB NTPC Medical Standard varies based on the specific post and includes general physical fitness and vision criteria that candidates must meet. These RRB NTPC Medical Standards ensure that candidates are physically capable of handling the demands of their respective roles in the Indian Railways. Refer to the table below to gain a clearer understanding of the specific medical and eyesight requirements for each post.

Various Medical Standards and Their Meaning

The Medical Standards for RRB NTPC play a vital role in determining the eligibility of candidates for various posts within the Indian Railways. These standards are set to ensure that individuals are physically fit to perform the duties required by their respective roles. The Medical Standards for RRB NTPC include specific fitness levels such as A-2, B-2, and C-2, each corresponding to different posts. These medical standards for NTPC focus on factors like visual acuity, general fitness, and physical health, ensuring that the selected candidates can efficiently handle their responsibilities. Understanding these standards is quite important for aspirants. Take a look at the meaning of medical standards for RRB NTPC as given below:

Medical StandardDescription
A-1Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards—Distance Vision: 6/9,6/9 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 2D). Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses and must pass the test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Field of Vision & Night Vision. 
A-2Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards—Distance vision: 6/9, 6/9 without glasses. Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 without glasses and must pass test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Field of Vision & Night Vision. 
A-3Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards—Distance Vision: 6/9,6/9 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 2D). Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses and must pass test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Field of Vision & Night Vision. 
B-1Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards — Distance Vision: 6/9,6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D). Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and must pass test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Field of Vision & Night Vision. 
B-2Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards — Distance Vision: 6/9,6/12 with or without glasses (power not to exceed 4D). Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and must pass test for Field of Vision.
C-1Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards — Distance Vision: 6/12, 6/18 with or without glasses. Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required. 
C-2Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards — Distance Vision: 6/12, Nil with or without glasses. Near Vision, Sn: 0.6 combined with or without glasses when reading or close work is required. 

By understanding the medical standards and eyesight requirements outlined in this blog, candidates can gain insight into the expectations set by the RRB NTPC for the medical test. It’s time to better prepare themselves for a career in the railway sector.


The RRB NTPC Medical Test is a very important step in the recruitment process for various posts under the Railway Recruitment Board. The medical standards and eyesight requirements play a significant role in determining the eligibility of candidates for different positions. The posts are categorized as non-graduate and graduate, each with specific educational qualifications and age limits. Candidates aspiring to become RRB NTPC employees should pay special attention to these medical standards to ensure they meet the necessary criteria. Meeting the required medical standards is essential for successful selection and appointment. We wish all the aspirants of the RRB NTPC Exam the very best!

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