SBI Clerk 2021: Last Minute Tips


SBI Clerk 2021

State Bank of India (SBI) had recently announced 5454 vacancies for SBI Clerk 2021 post on April 26, 2021. SBI has now released the admit cards for SBI Clerk Prelims and the exam is scheduled to be held on July 10,11,12 & 13

SBI Clerk is an excellent opportunity that has come your way in these difficult Covid times and you should leave no stone unturned if you really wish to crack this exam. Remember, there will be a huge number of aspirants appearing for this exam and therefore the competition is not going to be so easy.

As the exam date is approaching, all the candidates must be well prepared by now. This is the time to sit back and revisit what you have learned till now. You can go through the below-mentioned tips before you sit for the exam that might help you in forming a final day strategy.

SBI Clerk Prelims 2021: Let’s Crack It!

To help you prepare for the final day, we have put together a few simple tips to be kept in mind, that may be helpful in preparing yourself for the D-day.

  • Two doesn’t mean few: Though you have just 2 days in hand, you can and should make them count. You have more than 24 hours to catch up on important points.
  • Two Cs- Concept & Clarity: Clearing your concepts should be your priority at this moment.
  • Don’t get mocked-practice mocks: During your final practice, you might come across some questions that might make you familiar with the concepts and will refresh your mind which will help you in attempting similar questions on the day of the exam.
  • Old is Gold: Remember that learning new things right now could prove quite dangerous for you as it will lead to a lot of confusion and mixing up with your acquired knowledge and can spoil things for you. Thus, stick to old.
  • Negative can be Positive: One thing to be kept in mind is the ‘negative marking’ in the exam, which can not only prove negative but also positive if a smart strategy is applied. You have to be careful while attempting the questions. Don’t commit the same mistake like others. Attempting less will give you more.
  • Cut Out the Stress- You can cut off all the stress as there is no sectional Cut-off in SBI Clerk Prelims.
  • Stay Optimistic: Optimism is the key to fighting all odds. If you stay optimistic, nothing can beat you.
  • Perseverance: Just as you stayed persistent throughout your preparation, you need to show a bit more perseverance on the exam day also. This can make you score well in the exams by staying patient.
  • Don’t lose your mind, lose your pressure:  Stressing out will make things difficult for you, so rather not do that while giving the exam. It can affect your performance.
  • Relax, Reflect & Recharge: Relax yourself before the exam, reflect on your knowledge and recharge yourself by imagining yourself in the position.

“All things are ready if our minds are so”! – Shakespeare

All the Best! Do your Best!

Also Read:

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2021: Admit Cards Out!

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