SBI Clerk Mains 2020: Previous Year Cutoffs


The result of the SBI Clerk 2020 Prelims exam which took place on February 22nd, 29th and March 1st and 8th got postponed due to the COVD-19 outbreak. The postponement of the result may have made you a little anxious about the status of the SBI Clerk exam. Be assured, the SBI Clerk Prelims exam result is going to be released soon after this pandemic gets over and the rescheduled dates of SBI Clerk Mains exam will be also be announced by the SBI. If you are confident enough about your result, I recommend you to not wait for the same and utilize this lockdown in the most fruitful way. You must start your SBI Clerk Mains 2020 preparation as soon as possible. Before starting the preparation for SBI Clerk Mains 2020, I suggest you to go through the previous year’s cut-offs. Previous year cutoffs really helps in analyzing the difficulty level of the exam. It actually depends on two major factors, first on the number of vacancies available and second on the level of the question paper. This article will provide you the previous year cutoffs of the SBI Clerk Mains exam but before that first, let go through SBI Clerk Mains examination pattern.

SBI Clerk Mains exam pattern 2020:

Let’s have a look at the previous year’s cutoffs for the SBI Clerk Mains exam 2020.

SL. No. Name of the Test No. Of Questions Marks Duration
1. General/Financial Awareness 50 50 35 Minutes
2. General English 40 40 35 Minutes
3. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 Minutes
3. Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 50 60 45 Minutes
Total 190 200 2 Hour 40 Minutes

SBI Clerk Mains cutoff 2019:

States Category
Andhra Pradesh 99.75
Bihar 98.75 87.5 66.75 85.5 94 95.25 84.75
Chhattisgarh 87.75 81 70.5 60 73.50 60.75 91.75
Delhi 99.75
Gujarat 91.25
Haryana 103.25
Himachal Pradesh 101.25 78.5 70.75 74.75 84.5 71.75
Jharkhand 97.50
Karnataka 85.75
Kerala 96.25
Madhya Pradesh 94.75
Maharashtra 89.75
Odisha 94.75 89.75 69.25 60 87
Punjab 102.75
Rajasthan 97
Tamil Nadu 98
Uttarakhand 96.50 79
Uttar Pradesh 97.5 83.75 69.25 61.75 88.75
West Bengal 97.75 76.50 71.50 61.25 70 66.50 74

SBI Clerk Mains cutoff 2018

SBI Clerk Mains Sectional cutoff 2018

S. No. Subject Total Marks Marks Obtained
1. General/Financial Awareness 50 22.5
2. General English 40 21.75
3. Quantitative Aptitude 50 30.25
4. Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 60 19.5
5. Total Marks 200 93.75

SBI Clerk Mains Category wise cutoff 2018

Category Marks Obtained
SC 67.25
ST 60.4
OBC 82.5
GEN 96
LD (OH) 75.2
VI 90.85
HI 63.3
XS 63.05
DXS 66.2

SBI Clerk Mains State-wise cutoff 2018:

State Name Cut-Off
Uttar Pradesh 96.00
Haryana 99.00
Madhya Pradesh 92.60
Punjab 100.65
Rajasthan 96.75
Bihar 96.00
Gujarat 85.00
Chattisgarh 91.50
Maharashtra 85.65
Jharkhand 86.00
Tamil Nadu 93.75
Karnataka 83.90
Himachal Pradesh 98.25
Delhi 104.80
West Bengal 95.30

SBI Clerk Mains Online Course:

With the amount of time left for the exam, you can make the best out of it by giving all you can in the preparation. If you are confused or stuck somewhere and need assistance you can buy our Online course for SBI Clerk exam 2020. There is also a demo video available on the SBI Clerk online course 2020 page in case you need to see what we have to offer in the SBI Clerk Mains 2020. This course can also be beneficial for you if you have missed SBI clerk exam this time and wants to start early. You can check the course on the SBI Clerk Online Course page. There is various features of the SBI Clerk exam 2020 that are provided below for your reference.

  • For Prelims, the entire syllabus of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and English Language through Video Lessons & Live Discussions will be covered.
  • For Mains, the course covers Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, Data Analysis & Interpretation, General/Banking Awareness and English Language relevant for the exam, again in the form of Video Lessons & Live Discussions.
  • All the Video lessons have to-the-point, crisp and relevant study content.
  • Video Lessons are followed by concept clearing questions (Offline/Online Assignments) to check progress and for reinforcement of learning.
  • The course also provides enough practice in the form Concept Clearing Questions after each Video Lesson, chapter test, assignments, section test, and full-length practice test.
  • Access to all Video Lessons, tests, and other study material will be provided till selection.
  • Live online classes will be conducted by Ms. Arunima Sinha, Mr. Chandraprakash Joshi and Mr. Karan Sardana for discussions and doubts clarifications.
  • The course is primarily in English but in live classes, students may ask questions in English or Hindi.
  • Apart from study content; Guidance, Tips and Preparation Strategy from Subject Experts at each stage of preparation is also provided.
  • Provides the comfort and ease to study at your pace and timings. 

Do not forget to attempt mock tests while preparing for the SBI Clerk Mains exam 2020. Attempting mock tests will keep your preparation on track and you’ll get to know about your preparation level each time you attempt a mock test. It is also extremely necessary to analyze the mock test to see what topics you are good at and what topics need your attention. To assist you with this, ixamBee is providing Free full-length Mock tests series for the SBI Clerk Mains exam 2020. Make sure you attempt them in order to have an edge over your competitors.

We also provide free mock tests on various examinations related to banking, SSC, Defence and more. Also, do subscribe to our Youtube channel BankBee where you will get useful videos related to banking and SSC exams.

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