SBI Clerk 2019: Promotion From Clerk To SBI PO


SBI Clerk 2019

SBI or State Bank of India Recruitment is one of the most awaited notifications of all times. You will rarely come across anyone who will not be interested in getting a job at one of the largest banks in India. Irrespective of the post, SBI offers numerous opportunities to all its employees. This is the main reason that most of the job aspirants prefer working in this organization. It provides stability along with spontaneity by giving various chances of growth within the job. Being in any particular post, you will get enough chances to learn multiple skills working in a gamut of responsibilities and duties. SBI has rolled out its notification for 2019 SBI Clerk Recruitment and it has announced around 8653 vacancies. Every year lakhs of students apply for it which makes it even more difficult to compete for. SBI conducts an examination every year to recruit eligible candidates for the post of clerk, now called Junior Associate (Customer Support and Sales). One of the major reasons of candidates preferring SBI is the faster process of growth and promotion.

Lets look into the promotion policy and growth opportunities as SBI Clerk.

Promotion Process in SBI Clerk 2019

An SBI Clerk is generally supposed to be on a probation period of two years after which they can appear in the departmental (internal) examinations. The performance in the examination will decide the promotion to next level. Talking about the regular procedure, an SBI Junior Associate (Clerk) is eligible for promotion three times in his/her tenure:

  • 10 Years in service – Senior Assistant
  • 20 years in service – Special Assistant
  • 30 years in service – Senior Special Assistant

This simple procedure is applicable to those who are interested to get a promotion in their clerical cadre only and do not wish to change their designation. Each level of promotion in this case also includes some increments in their allowances. The in-cadre promotions in SBI take place purely on seniority basis.

SBI Clerk to SBI PO: Way To Get Promoted

Apart from the in-cadre promotions, SBI also provides opportunities to all its clerical employees to get through another promotion process with the help of which they can change their designation and become a PO. There are two major ways to get yourself promoted to Officer cadre.

  1. Fast Track Promotion Process: This process is applicable to those clerical cadre employees who have completed 3 years of their service in SBI. Not only this, they need to cross another level to be eligible for appearing in the promotional exams. An SBI Clerk needs to clear two main examinations to be eligible :
  • JAIIB – Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Banking
  • CAIIB – Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Banking

Clearing only JAIIB would make an SBI Clerk eligible only after 4 years of service but if one clears both JAIIB and CAIIB in the same year, will make him/her eligible after 3 years of service straightaway. If they do not clear any of these two, they will have to take the normal promotion route.

2. Normal Promotion Process: If an SBI Clerk is not able to get through the fast track promotion process due to various reasons as mentioned above, he/she has to take the normal route of promotion which is going to be a bit slow. A Clerk in SBI will be eligible for promotion only after 6 years of service in the bank in normal scenario. After 6 years, a Clerk needs to take up the internal examination and if cleared, will be eligible for promotion and will be designated as Trainee Officer which will be equal to the Probationary Officer in rank.

To make your way into the largest banking organization in India, study well and practice SBI Clerk Free Mock Tests to make yourself perfect.

Also Read:

SBI Clerk 2019: Notification and All Details

SBI Clerk 2019: Detailed Pre and Mains Syllabus

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