SBI PO/Clerk 2019: What Should Be The Main Ingredients In Your Recipe of Success?


SBI Exams 2019

SBI is one of the largest banks in India and it has released its notifications for both SBI PO 2019 and SBI Clerk (Junior Associates) 2019 recently. SBI jobs provide dignity,respect,status and a stable future and due to this, a career in SBI is one of the main objectives of a job aspirant today. For anyone who is preparing to get into the banking sector, entering SBI seems like a dream. And the ‘dreams’ can only turn into reality. So, all those who are aiming for SBI PO or SBI Clerk this year, staying motivated will be a major task looking at the level of competition currently. There has been a boom in the banking sector since few years and since then, a bank job has been the main aim of any regular job aspirant. SBI PO & SBI Clerk both are equally important posts and getting into any one of them as a career will be enough for you to make a good start. There is a process that any aspirant needs to go through while planning to appear in any examination:

  • Notification
  • Application
  • Preparation
  • Examination
  • Selection

Probably, the first four points in the above-mentioned process are going to be common for everyone, but the last point will definitely vary. In an examination process anyway, this is a prefixed thing. The number of seats will always be far less than the actual number of people appearing in the exam. Considering the popularity of SBI PO & Clerk, you can very well imagine the level of competition. The question here is: What will make it different for you than for others?

What is that one thing which will make you stand out among the rest? How would you make that one seat yours? These are some basic questions that any candidate will face. Everyone hopes for success but what makes it better or worse for you is the recipe of success and the ingredients you use while you make that success your own.

SBI PO/Clerk 2019: The Main Ingredients for Success

When you plan to appear in any examination like SBI PO or SBI Clerk, the most important thing that counts is your consistency. Before any examination, it is important for you to first sketch a preparation plan that is practical enough and then follow that plan religiously. To follow something sincerely, you need a lot of consistency and stability which would be achieved only if you stay motivated throughout. Everybody out there is trying to cook a dish called ‘success’ but not every dish is going to come out delicious in the same way. Why? Because every now and then the recipe would have a wrong mix of ingredients. Why do you prefer a dish from a high quality Hotel to the one that is homemade? Because there is something special there! This ‘special’ is what you need in your recipe for success which will make you win eventually. Let’s look at some ‘main ingredients’ that will make your recipe special:

  • Practical Goals: If you want to cross that gap of examination and selection, it is necessary to make yourself a list of short-term goals that are practical enough. Making high-end goals will end up soon! Make ‘achievable goals’ which would not make you feel lost in midway.
  • The Right Mix: You will need just the right and balanced mix of factors that would lead you to success. Your preparation plan should be the right balance of thought,sweat,determination,dedication and planning.
  • Consistency is the Key: That one thing which will lead you through the path of success is nothing else but ‘consistency’. Efforts that are consistent will always make you win in all walks of life. If you tend to leave something midway, you can never reach your desired destination.
  • One Extra: Always try to go that extra mile. ‘The woods may seem lovely,dark and deep, but remember there are promises to keep and miles to go before you sleep’. These lines from ‘Robert Frost’ are perfect to remind yourself that there is no resting before you achieve your dream.
  • Self-Motivation: While you venture on the journey of achieving your dream job, you will face hurdles and lot many obstacles that will demotivate you and try to bring you down. But, that’s where your mental strength will come into play. You will have to keep yourself motivated. You don’t have to depend on external factors to keep you from demotivation, but do it yourself. Noone understands you better than your ownself.
  • Avoid Procrastination: While you go on with your preparation, you will face that temptation of procrastinating things. You may face that feeling of leaving everything for that just one day and start over from another day, but that’s what you have to fight the most. That feeling will lure you over and over again, but you will have to fight through it.  Just Start!
  • Optimism: Nothing else will make you win than your sheer feeling of positivity. An optimistic attitude can take you places. While you prepare for your dream job, you need to have enough positivity in your mind to help you sail through the ocean of hurdles.
  • Practice makes a man perfect: You need to practice mock tests as much as you can to ensure success in any tough examination. Practice as many mock tests for SBI PO and SBI Clerk to check yourself, so that you can assess your improvement since the point you started.

There are numerous recipes around the world, but all do not fit in your choices and requirements,therefore you should find your right mix of ingredients which would give you just the right recipe for the success you are meant to have.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

                                                                                                     —Arthur Ashe

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