SBI PO Notification 2021: Best Preparation Strategy to Clear the Exam 


With the release of SBI PO notification, aspirants are happy and confused at the same time. Happy, because the uncertainty of the release of this notification has come to a full stop. Confused, because they don’t really know how to proceed with the preparation and make the best use of the upcoming three months. Well, you don’t have to worry about the latter as we have got you covered regarding this. Today’s article is all about how you can start your preparation from scratch and secure your name in the final merit list of SBI PO 2021 exam. 

SBI PO recruitment 2021-22 Mains result is out. Candidates selected for the interview round will be mailed further details soon. Congrats to all selected candidates. Nail this last round under the guidance of ixamBee expert interview panel.

Prepare cumulatively for Prelims and Mains 

This exam consists of three stages; Prelims, Mains and Interview and you need to clear all three to get a job in SBI. Therefore, during the preparation, don’t just think about clearing the Prelims as the time between Prelims and Mains is not even a month. So, prepare for both the exams simultaneously. This will help you in clearing the exams with ease.

Analyse Previous Year papers

Before starting the preparation, analyse what kind of questions are usually asked in this exam. Last two years’ papers will give you enough knowledge about the level of the exam. By analysing SBI PO previous year papers, you will not need any other source to know about the level of the exam further. To assist you in this, ixamBee is providing memory based papers of the last 2 to 3 years. It is highly recommended  that you  attempt these papers.

Analyse Previous Year cut off

Last year’s cut off has stunned aspirants to the next level. The prelims was comparatively easier than the previous year but the mains exam shocked them as the level of the exam was unexpectedly tough. With the ongoing trend and increase in the competition level, analysing SBI PO previous year cut off has become extremely essential. You can check the detailed cut off of last year on our website.  

Start with attempting a mock test of SBI PO 2021 Prelims 2021

After all this, you are advised to attempt one mock test to check where you stand in overall competition. This is highly recommended as you will see a change in yourself after attempting the mock. Your knowledge about the exam will widen. You will also get to know about your weak and strong points and can strategize how to use it to your benefit in the exam. Don’t just attempt the Prelims exam, attempt one Mains mock as well. By doing this, you will understand the difference between the level of both exams. In Prelims, you will be judged based on your speed and how fast you analyze and solve the paper while through mains exam, your knowledge for that particular section will be examined.

On ixamBee platform, thousands of students attempt the mock tests of different exams as we provide them absolutely free of cost, therefore, we advise you to attempt one SBI PO Prelims Mock test and SBI PO Mains free mock test each from our platform. 

Let’s now discuss subject-wise strategy for the SBI PO exam 2021 in detail. 

General English

English can be a nightmare for some as many students who apply for this exam either belong to hindi medium or are not very good in comprehending it.  Well, the good news is that there is no sectional cut off in this exam. If you are not good in this section, try to compensate for these marks with the rest of the sections. Also, you don’t need to have an advanced knowledge of English to clear this exam. Basic understanding of English will also help you in this section provided your basic knowledge of this section is strong. You should be able to comprehend well. 

Here, questions are asked from Reading Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks (fillers) Cloze test, Para Jumble, Grammar (Error Identification, Phrase Replacement), Word interchange, and others. Brush up your grammar and improve your vocabulary by reading daily. By doing this, it will become one of the easiest sections for you to crack. You can watch the playlist on Vocab, RC and Grammar on ixamBee YouTube channel. 

Vocabulary Playlist: 

Root Words Part-01

Root Words Part-02

Root Words Part-03

Root Words Part-04

5 smart Ways to improve your Vocabulary

Descriptive English 

For Descriptive English you can watch the following video and all your query regarding this section will be resolved. 

How to prepare for Descriptive English 

Logical Reasoning 

In Reasoning, Puzzles and Seating Arrangement hold most weightage in the exam and quite frankly, it is one of the topics you will enjoy doing if you take interest in it. In Prelims 20 to 25 questions are asked from this section and in mains as well you can witness around 30 questions from this section. The only way to score high in this section is by practicing as much as possible.  

Other important topics that can fetch you marks and are surely going to be asked in the SBI PO 2021 exam are Syllogism, Direction sense, blood relation, inequalities and others (Prelims) and Input output, Statements and Assumptions in Mains. 

General Awareness will be a game changer. 

One of the most common mistakes students make is that they keep GA for the end and start preparing for this section after the SBI PO Prelims is over. They should understand that this is a vast section and needs regular attention. Trust us! General Awareness will be a game changer if you work on this section from the very beginning. You can get a lead in this section if you are not that strong in other sections. We would recommend you to try our weekly and monthly Beepdia which is absolutely free of cost on our website. 

Quantitative Aptitude

To score in this section, start with completing your basics. You should have a basic understanding of a few topics like Percentage, Profit and loss, Ratio and Proportion, Time and Work, Time, Speed and Distance and others.

You should also be able to do calculations at high speed. Being able to do calculations quickly and correctly in exams will give an edge over others. For this, try to learn squares upto 50, cubes upto 20 and tables upto 30. You also should be able to change any percentage into fraction and vice versa. After this, practice calculations daily for at least 15 minutes. For Mains, practice Data Interpretation as much as possible. 

Lastly, try to score as much as possible in Mains and don’t rely on the interview as the weightage ratio is 75:25. 

All the best for SBI PO exam 2021. 

At ixamBee, you can find free Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of BeePedia, as well as latest updates for SBI PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD and Other Government Jobs.

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