2019 SBI PO: Number of Attempts in Exam


SBI PO 2019

SBI PO 2019 is finally out!! Most of the aspirants who are preparing for competitive exams must be eagerly waiting for this notification and it is here finally. SBI PO is counted among the most important jobs in the industry and therefore it is most awaited by all the students/ aspirants preparing for competitions. As SBI is one of the largest banks, it offers a great scope of growth and opportunities along with unlimited perks and benefits as you climb up the ladder of success through promotions. SBI recruits eligible candidates to the post of Probationary Officer (PO) through a simple three stage process :

  • Preliminary Exam
  • Mains Exam
  • Interview

All the candidates must have started applying for the SBI PO 2019 Exam and also would have started their preparation. Before you apply and start preparing with utmost dedication, you should be aware of one important information related to the SBI PO Exam, which is the number of attempts.

Number of Attempts in SBI PO Exam

Most of the candidates who have been giving the examination since few years now, must already be aware of the fact that SBI has limited the number of chances for you to appear in the exam. The number of attempts will be applicable and counted from the year 2010. The number of chances vary according to the different categories as given below:

Category Number of Chances
General 4
General (PWD) 7
SC/ ST No Restriction
SC(PWD)/ST (PWD) No Restriction
  • This implies that ‘general’ category of candidates can apply and appear for the SBI PO Exam only 4 times.
  • The General (PwD), OBC and OBC (PwD) candidates can appear for the SBI PO Exam 7 times.
  • Whereas, there is no such restriction for SC/ST, SC,ST (PwD) candidates, which means that they can appear for the SBI PO Exam for as many times they wish to until they reach their specified age limit.

SBI PO 2019: How To Count Your Attempts?

Most of you who must be appearing for SBI PO Examination for the first time this year and are not aware of this concept of attempts would wonder that four attempts seem too less based on the current level of competition. But, hold on to your thoughts and understand the concept behind this.

Your attempt will be counted:

  • Only if you qualify the Preliminary examination and appear in Mains – Only appearing in Prelims will not be counted as a chance.
  • From the year 2010 – all chances from the year 2010 where you qualified prelims will be counted as an attempt.

Now that you have complete information regarding the number of attempts in the SBI PO Exam, you can start preparing well. You will not have to actually worry about the number of attempts in the exam if you prepare in the best way possible so that you don’t have to appear in the next one.

To prepare in the best way possible, know about the SBI PO Online Course.

Also Read:

SBI PO 2019: Complete Notification Details

SBI PO Last Six Year Cut-Offs

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