SBI PO Prelims 2021: English Language Preparation with Sample Questions


With the SBI PO Prelims 2021 knocking at your door, it is time to pull up your socks and multiply your efforts. Now is as good a time as any to take a good look at what you may expect in the Prelims exam for the English Language section.

SBI PO Prelims: English Language

We have listed some important points that you should bear in mind as you prepare for the SBI PO Prelims English Language section.

  • All questions will be objective-type.
  • There will be 30 questions from this subject.
  • You will be allotted 20 minutes.
  • A 0.25-mark penalty will be applicable for every wrong answer.

SBI PO Prelims: Sample Questions with Solutions

1.     In the following sentence, there are two blanks. Find out the appropriate words for filling up the blanks.

The government had _____________ these moves, initiated by Conservative and Labour MPs in ___________ parliamentary votes. 

a)     made, reverse

b)     forged, future

c)      resisted, upcoming

d)     opposed, recent

e)     none of these

Ans: d

Find the detailed explanation in ixamBee’s SBI PO Prelims Previous Year Paper (2018)

2.     Find out which phrase should replace the phrase given in bold to correct the error, if there is any, and to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required’, mark (e) as the correct answer.

The problem must be acknowledged, and they must be reassured through publicised talk therapy and counselling, a task that calls as a partnership between educational institutions and the public health system.

a) a task that calls as a partnership among

b) a task that calls for a partnership between

c) a task called as a partnership between

d) a task that call back a partnership between

e) no correction required

Ans: b

Find the detailed explanation at ixamBee’s SBI PO Prelims mock test (Test #1)

3.     Read the passage and answer the following questions.

In a major discovery, footprints of three species of dinosaurs have been found in the Thar desert in Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer district, proving the presence of giant reptiles in the western part of the State, which formed the seashore to the Tethys Ocean during the Mesozoic era.

The footprints, made in the sediment or silt of the seashore, later become permanently stone-like. They belong to three species of dinosaurs — Eubrontes cf. giganteus, Eubrontes glenrosensis and Grallator tenuis. While the giganteus and glenrosensis species have 35 cm footprints, the footprint of the third species was found to be 5.5 cm. These footprints were 200 million years old and were found near Jaisalmer’s Thaiat village.

The dinosaur species are considered to be of the theropod type, with the distinguishing features of hollow bones and feet with three digits. All the three species, belonging to the early Jurassic period, were carnivorous.

Eubrontes could have been 12 to 15 metres long and weighed between 500 kg and 700 kg, while the height of the Grallator is estimated to have been two metres, with a length of up to three metres.

Some features of the Grallator tenuis footprint, involving a wide angle of digits, very narrow toes, and long claws, had strong similarities to the early Jurassic ichnogenus of Stenonyx. Jan Schlogl of Comenius University in Slovakia and Grzegorz Pienkowski from Warsaw University in Poland were the first to discover dinosaur footprints in India after the ‘Ninth International Congress on the Jurassic System’ was held in Jaipur in 2014

      I.          Which of the following is a near synonym of the word ‘estimate’?

a) appease

b) apply

c) appear

d) appropriate

e) apprise

    II.          Which of the following is a near antonym of the word ‘prove’?

a)     reuse

b)     refer

c)      refute

d)     report

e)     recur

  III.          Which of the following is a near synonym of the word ‘distinguishing’?

a)     deferring

b)     destroying

c)      declining

d)     differentiating

e)     deleting



II- c

III- d

Find the detailed explanation at ixamBee’s SBI PO Prelims mock test (Test #2)

4.     The following sentence is divided into five parts namely A, B, C, D and E in which one of the parts is given in bold and is grammatically and contextually correct. You have to identify which fragment, apart from the bold one, is correct in terms of grammar and usage.

Google and other payment services (A)/ are getting an “unfair” advantage in (B)/ India’s regulatory regime (C)/ and WhatsApp is looking on other countries (D)/ for a full-scale launch (E).

a) C

b) B

c) D

d) E

e) All are correct

Ans: a

Find the detailed explanation at ixamBee’s SBI PO Prelims mock test (Test #3)

5.     The following sentence is divided into five parts namely A, B, C, D and E in which one of the parts is given in bold and is grammatically and contextually correct. You have to identify which fragment, apart from the bold one, is correct in terms of grammar and usage.

Investigative agencies has (A)/ gathered new evidence (B)/ indicating allege (C)/ irregularities, said people (D)/ within knowledge of the matter (E).

a) B

b) A

c) C

d) E

e) All are correct

Ans: a

Find the detailed explanation at ixamBee’s SBI PO Prelims mock test (Test #3)

SBI PO Prelims Sample Questions for Your Practice

1. Fill up the blank with the word that makes the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

If the federal government does not ____________ a certain part of the law, then the state is responsible for self-governance.

a) Regulate

b) Enhancing

c)  Controlled

d) Regulation

e)  Managing

2. Read the following sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with the error as your answer. If there is no error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer. Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.

A total penalty of Rs 11,000 lakh was imposed / by Competition Commission on pharma companies / in the last three years / of indulging in unfair trade practices.

a)     A total penalty of Rs 11,000 lakh was imposed

b)     by Competition Commission on pharma companies

c)     in the last three years 

d)     of indulging in unfair trade practices.

e)     No error

3. Rearrange the given five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper sequence so as to form meaningful paragraphs and then answer the given questions.

A. This will be a giant step taken by India in eradicating the dreaded disease.

B. Despite the WHO approving the HIV self-test to improve access to HIV diagnosis in 2016, the Pune-based National AIDS Research Institute is still in the process of validating it for HIV screening. 

C. India is yet to come up with guidelines for PrEP use and include it in the national HIV prevention programme. 

D. If it does get validated now, one of the reasons why people shy away from getting tested for HIV, that is stigma and discrimination, will be resolved.

E. A commonly consumed drug to prevent illness and disease is the pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention. 

Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?

a) C

b) D

c) E

d) A

e) B

4. Select the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning expressed in the statement sentences.

I.          The rising power subsidies will only further add to the CM’s woes.

II.          He holds the finance portfolio. 

(i) Besides being

(ii) Although

(iii) The rising power……..who also

a)     Only ii

b)     Both i and ii

c)     Only i

d)     Only iii

e)     None of these

5.     Determine if the verb has been used correctly.

He is too busy a man for tolerating any drama from his colleagues.

a)     to tolerate

b)     to tolerating

c)     at tolerating

d)     with tolerating

e)     No correction required

Once you are done solving these 5 questions, leave the answers for us in the comments below. Remember to indicate which question(s) you are answering in particular if you do not attempt all. You can leave us your answers in the comments and we will let you know if you have answered the questions correctly.

If you want to attempt many more of such practice questions, be sure to take ixamBee’s SBI PO Prelims mock tests that are available completely free. Moreover, we encourage you to take a look at the SBI PO Prelims previous year papers as well that have been curated for aspirants to gain an exact sense of what they can expect in the SBI PO exam. 

Team ixamBee wishes you the very best! 

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