SBI PO Last Six Year Cut-Offs


State Bank of India (SBI) has released recruitment notification for appointment of Probationary Officer (PO) from eligible candidates. A total of 2000 vacancies have been announced by SBI and candidates can apply from April 2-20, 2019. SBI PO is one of the most sought after exams and therefore a huge number of students apply for the examination. This is a golden opportunity for students who want to crack the exam and join SBI. What are you waiting for?? Pull up your socks and start your preparation for SBI PO 2019 right away.

It is very important to know the SBI PO previous year cut-offs before planning your SBI PO exam preparation. Being acquainted with SBI PO Prelims and Mains previous year cut-off will help you strategize your preparation.

Before looking at previous year cut-off, let us look at the factors that determine the cut-off of any Exam:

  1. Vacancies:

NThe number of vacancies announced is one of the factors which determine cut-off of any exam. We can say the cut-off will be low when the number of vacancies are high and vice-versa.

  1. Number of Candidates:

The number of candidates applying for the exam is also one of the factors which determine cut-off of any exam. It can be said that if the number of candidates applied is higher then the cut-off goes higher.

  1. Level of Question Paper

One more important factor which determines cut-off is the difficulty level of questions in the exam. If the questions paper is of a difficult level then the cut-off can be expected to remain low ad vice-versa.

SBI PO Previous Year Cut-off

We have seen the factors which determine cut-offs and these factors hold true even for SBI PO exam. Now, let us look at SBI PO cut off for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

SBI PO Cut Off 2018 for Prelims

SBI PO cut-off for 2018 Prelims is as follows:

Categories General OBC SC ST OH VH HI
Marks 56.75 54.25 49.00 43.00 45.25 49.00 14.75


SBI PO Mains Cut-Off 2018

Minimum Marks to be secured to be shortlisted for GE-cum-Interview (Objective + Descriptive Test): 250

Categories General OBC SC ST LD VH HI
Marks 93.10 86.42 77.1 75.01 75.03 88.91 75.16


Category wise SBI PO cut-off for the GD and Interview Rounds of SBI PO 2018 Exam (Out of 50 Marks)

Categories General OBC SC ST LD VH HI
Marks 20 18 18 18 18 18 18


Overall Cut Off for SBI PO 2018 

SBI PO Mains 2018 over all cut-off is as follows.

Categories General OBC SC ST VH HI LD
Marks 43.99 46.26 43.99 39.87 47.09 32.69 43.04


SBI PO Cut Off for 2017

We have seen SBI PO 2018 cut-off, now let us look at SBI PO Cut Off for 2017.

SBI PO cut-off for 2017 Prelims is as follows:

Categories General OBC SC ST VH HI
Marks 51.50 48.25 43.25 31.25 42.50 18.50


Sectional Cut Off for SBI PO Prelims 2017

The previous year cut-off for the individual sections for the SBI PO Prelims 2017 is given in the table below:

Sections Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude English Language
Marks (for GEN) 6.50 10.25 8.75
Marks (for OBC/SC/ST/PWD) 4.00 7.00 5.75


SBI PO Cut Off 2017 for Mains

Sectional Cut Off for SBI PO Mains 2017

The tables given below indicate the previous year cut-offs for the year 2017 for SBI PO Mains Examination.

Sections Reasoning Data Interpretation General Awareness/ Computers English Language
Total Marks 60 60 40 40
General 9 9 13 6
SC/ST/OBC/ OH/VI/HI 6 6 10 4


Overall Cut Off for SBI PO 2017 Mains

The table given below shows the overall cut-off for SBI PO Mains 2017 Exam.

Categories General OBC SC ST VH HI
Marks 70 60 60 60 60 60


SBI PO Prelims Subject Wise Cut off for 2015 and 2016:

Subject 2015 2016
General SC/ ST/ OBC/ VH/ HI/ VI General SC/ ST/ OBC/ VH/ HI/ VI
Reasoning Ability (30) 9.25 5.75 7.00 4.25
English Language (35) 5.75 3.25 8.75 6.00
Quantitative Aptitude (35) 5.75 3.50 7.25 4.25


SBI PO Prelims Category wise Cut off for 2015 and 2016

Category Overall Cut off Marks (out of 100)
2015 2016
General 47.50 47.50
OBC 42.25 44.50
SC 37.25 38.75
ST 19.75 29.25
OH 29.25 36.00
VI 30.75 37.00
HI 15.75

SBI PO Mains (Objective Type) Subject Wise Cutoff for 2015 & 2016

Subject 2015 2016
General SC/ ST/ OBC/ VH/ HI/ VI General SC/ ST/ OBC/ VH/ HI/ VI
Reasoning Ability 12.5/50 10/50 9/60 6/60
Data Interpretation and Analysis 12.5/50 10/50 9/60 6/60
General Awareness 21.5/50 18/50 13/40 10/40
English Language 12.5/50 10/50 6/40 4/40


SBI PO Mains (Descriptive Test) Category wise Cut off 2015 and 2016:

Category Overall Cut off Marks (out of 50)
2015 2016
General 20 20
OBC 17.5 17.5
SC 17.5 17.5
ST 17.5 17.5
OH 17.5 17.5
VI 17.5 17.5
HI 17.5


SBI PO Final Cut off 2015, 2016 and 2017:

Category 2015 2016
General 49.25 49.75
OBC 52.33 44.43
SC 49.2 34.25
ST 34.78 34.73
OH 47.63 38.45
VI 43.8 43.08
HI 40.78


SBI PO (Objective Type) Subject Wise Cut-off 2013 & 2014:

Subject 2013 2014
General OBC/ VH SC/ ST/HI/ VI General OBC/ VH SC/ ST/HI/ VI
Reasoning Aptitude 13/50 10/50 8/50 13/50 10/50 8/50
Quantitative Aptitude 13/50 10/50 8/50 13/50 10/50 8/50
General Awareness/ Computer
Knowledge/ Marketing Aptitude
14/50 10/50 10/50 14/50 11/50 11/50
English Language 13/50 10/50 10/50 13/50 10/50 8/50


SBI PO (Descriptive Test) Category wise Cut-off 2013, 2014:

Category Overall Cutoff Marks (out of 50)
2013 2014
General 20 20
OBC 18 18
SC 18 18
ST 18 18
OH 18 18
VH 18 18


SBI PO Final Cut off 2013, 2014:

Category Overall Cutoff Marks (out of 100)
2013 2014
General 63 55.2
OBC 54.2 50.2
SC 52.4 49.4
ST 50.4 33
OH 50 44.3
VH 54.5 43.8


Now you know previous year cut-offs for SBI PO, therefore it will be easy for you to start your preparation keeping in mind the cut-offs. Make these SBI PO previous year cut-offs as a benchmark for practicing mock tests and analyze your performance. Remember plans are nothing; planning is everything. Therefore, start preparation for SBI PO 2019 with proper planning.

Click Here to read SBI PO 2019 notification

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5 years ago

Thanks for explaining the detailed SBI PO exam analysis.