SBI PO/SBI Clerk: Important Triangle Sitting Arrangement Questions


SBI PO 2019 exam is slated on June 8, 9, 15 & 16 2019 and SBI Clerk exam is scheduled on June 22-23, 2019. SBI PO Prelims and SBI Clerk Prelims 2019, both are most sought after exams among students and therefore the competition in both the exams is cut-throat. You need to prepare smartly to be ahead of this cut-throat competition. In this blog let us look at few triangle sitting arrangement questions which are important from SBI PO prelims and SBI Clerk prelims exams point of view.

Let us look at a few triangle sitting arrangement questions:

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: 

Six persons-L, M, N, P, R and S are sitting around a triangular table. Three of them sit at the corner of the table and three of them are sits at the middle of the side. Three of them facing center and three of them are facing outward of the table.

  1. i) N sits at corner seat and faces towards the center. Only one person sits between R and N.
  2. ii) P and R are immediate neighbor but none of them sits at immediate seat of N. S sits second to the left of R.

iii) N sits at immediate right corner of S. L faces inside. M, who is an immediate neighbor of R sits second to the right of P.

Sol. From (i) and (ii) there are 2 possible sitting place of R and S.

Case 1: If R sits at the right corner of N then R will face inside and S will be at left corner of N.

Case 2: If R sits at the left corner of N then R will face outside and S will be at the right corner of N.

From (iii) N sits at immediate right corner of S. M, who is an immediate neighbor of R sits second to the right of P.L faces inside.

Case 1: So, S will face outside. Now, M will sit between N and R and P will face inside. L also faces inside. So this case is not possible.

Case2: So, S will face inside. Now, M will sit between N and R and P will face outside. L also faces inside so M will face outside.

So, the final arrangement will be given as:

  1. Who among the following is second to the left of the L?

1) N

2) K

3) P

4)  J

5) None of these

Ans:  3

  1. Who among the following faces inside?

1) L, S and N

2) R, N and L

3) L, M and N

4) Can’t be determined

5) None of these

Ans: 1

  1. Who among the following sits third to the right of R? 

1) M

2) L

3) J

4) P

5) None of these

Ans: 2

  1. What is the position of the M with respect to L?

1) Second to the left

2) Third to the left

3) Second to the right

4) Fifth to the right

5) None of these

Ans: 3

  1. Who are immediate neighbours of L?

1) N and M

2) S and N

3) M and P

4) P and R

5) None is true

Ans: 2


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