SEBI Grade A Legal: Suman Meena’s Success Story


Read Suman Meena’s Success Story in SEBI Grade A Legal exam 2020-2021 to understand How to Prepare for SEBI Grade A Legal Officer

SEBI Grade A 2020 Result

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) announced the final results of the SEBI Grade A Officer Recruitment for the year 2020 on July 02, 2021.

In this article, we will learn about Ms. Suman Meena’s journey to clearing the SEBI Grade A Legal exam and understand what we can learn from her story.

SEBI Grade A Legal : Suman Meena’s Success Story

SEBI Grade A Success Story

To clear the air we are here to share the success story of Ms. Suman Meena who cracked the code this year and will be embarking on her journey of becoming a SEBI Grade A Legal Officer. You can draw inspiration from Ms. Suman Meena’s SEBI Grade A Legal Officer preparation to write your own SEBI Grade A success story.

About Suman

Suman acquired her BA- LLB degree from Jodhpur and has been preparing for various government examinations like NABARD, RBI & SEBI. Finally, she was able to crack the SEBI Grade A Legal exam this year in her very first attempt!!

Let us know in detail what Suman had to say about her exam preparation and how she was able to make her dream come true. 

Hear from Suman

Excerpts from Suman’s Interaction with Vidhika Bansal (expert law faculty at ixamBee)

When asked about how Suman actually started thinking to prepare for SEBI Grade A, she shared that she was already preparing for NABARD & other judiciary exams but was not aware of SEBI Grade A exam by then. When she came to know about SEBI as an organization and its importance, she immediately started reading about ‘Securities Law’.

Useful Tip: Whenever Suman starts preparing for any exam, she ensures that she has enough understanding of the subjects and so she read all about the Securities Market and felt quite comfortable with it. Post that she went on with applying for the same.

Let’s see what Suman shared in her success story and had to say about her exam preparation.

Vidhika: As there are so many phases & so many papers in each phase of the SEBI Grade A exam, can you share with all the aspirants and guide them about how did you manage to prepare for all the sections altogether?

Suman: I was comfortable with Reasoning, English & GA but one of my weakest points was Maths (Quant), therefore I initially concentrated on the three stronger subjects. I devoted only enough time to Maths as much was required to clear the sectional cut-off. Thanks to SEBI, it changed the pattern a bit and set up a minimum cut-off as the only criteria to clear Phase 1.

Vidhika: What about your professional knowledge exam?

Suman: As I had prepared and had prior knowledge on judiciary exams, so I had some knowledge about the overall subjects and my concepts were also clear. But I feel, when we prepare for any particular exam, we have a limited time and have to plan accordingly. Also, every exam has its own requirements which are different from other exams. 

Just like in judicial services, the focus is more on ‘procedural law’ but in SEBI the weightage given to ‘Procedural Law’ was not too much while having vast acts in the area.  

Vidhika: How did you manage Phase 2 while preparing for Phase 1? Was it after your Phase 1 or prior?

Suman: My approach while preparing for any exam is that study in a way that you can tackle Phase 2 as well. Therefore, before Prelims only, the preparation for Mains should also begin. As there is very little time between Prelims & Mains exam. The gap between the 2 phases should be utilized in preparing for the extra subjects that do not appear in Phase 1.

SEBI Grade A: Useful Tips Shared by Suman

English Preparation

  • Reading newspapers is the best thing as it improves your vocabulary and helps you in learning how to apply the Grammar rules.

General Awareness Preparation

  • Use 2-3 platforms. Keeping at least 2 sources for preparation helps you cover almost everything which can be missed if using just one.

Reasoning Preparation

  • Puzzles cover most of the Reasoning section and can be major hurdles, therefore practice a lot of puzzles.

Quantitative Aptitude Preparation

  • Focus more on this section if this is your strong area.
  • Aim at easy topics like Percentages, Equations, Ratio & Proportions that may be easy to cover.
  • Analyze your performance and score from the mock tests that you can practice on ixamBee. This can give you the confidence to fare well in the section.
  • Practice test series every week. 

This was all about the General section preparation.

Suman’s views on ixamBee

  • ixamBee’s BeePedia was extremely helpful in the preparation. BeePedia comes in two types: Weekly & Monthly. Therefore, in the beginning, I read the weekly current affairs and at the end when I had less time, I read the monthly current affairs.
  • For ‘Static GK’ there was no such website or source I referred to. I watched ‘YouTube’ videos and other course videos provided by ixamBee.
  •  ixamBee’s notes which were to the point and brief came to the rescue and helped me decide how much time to devote to which of the topics.
  • One more thing that I liked about ixamBee’s notes was that the Security Laws were explained through diagrams which were very unique and helpful, as this is a very technical subject.
  • Some of the tips & tricks provided by ixamBee were very helpful in preparing for the Reasoning section.
  • ixamBee’s level of SEBI Grade A mock tests was very good and quite high for both Phase 1 & 2. It gave me an idea about where I stand in my preparation for the SEBI Grade A exam.

Suman’s Mantra

Read Suman’s mantra that helped her crack the SEBI Grade A Legal Exam.

“Determination and consistency in these unpredictable times is the key to success”.

“Do not refer to a lot of things, rather refer to limited sources and revise”.

To know about how Suman prepared for the final Interview round, watch her YouTube video where she discusses her strategy & experience with us in detail.

SEBI Grade A Legal Officer Online Course

If you too want to prepare for the SEBI Grade A 2022 Legal Exam, take a SEBI Grade A Legal Online Course demo class to understand how you too can achieve your dream like Suman.

Get Free Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of BeePediaSimilarly, get the latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD and Other Government Jobs as well.

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