A very good news for all the banking aspirants. SIDBI released the SIDBI Grade A notification 2022-23 for the General stream recently. The SIDBI Grade A 2022-23 exam is expected to take place in January/February 2023. So, if you are planning to take the SIDBI Grade A 2023 exam, we encourage you to read this blog till the end, as we will make a detailed analysis of the previous SIDBI Grade A Online Written Test held on April 16, 2022. This exam analysis will help you in assessing the level of the SIDBI Grade A exam.

SIDBI Grade A 2022: Exam Analysis
The overall level of the exam was moderate to tough. So, let’s look at each section in detail to understand the types of questions that were asked from the respective sections-
This year, the level of the Reasoning section was quite tough. 35 to 37 questions will be considered a good attempt keeping the difficulty level in mind.
Given below are the Reasoning questions that were asked in the exam-

Quantitative Aptitude
The level of this section was very easy looking at the type of questions that were asked. 40 questions will be a good attempt for this section.
The questions in Quantitative Aptitude were asked from the following topics-

English Language
The English Language section was comparatively easy. 25 questions can be taken as a good attempt.
Given below are the questions asked from English Language-

General Awareness
The GA section was surprisingly quite tough this year and therefore, 25 questions will be a good attempt.
Given below are some of the questions that were asked in the exam-

Descriptive English
The Descriptive English section consisted of one Business Letter and two Essays.
Business Letter
- Letter of Gratitude for Government PC Defective
- Desktop Order Delivery Delay
Essay (200 words)
The candidates were required to write two essays out of the eight choices given below. The topics were as follows-
- Cryptocurrency
- Gender Discrimination
- Inter Connectedness of World in Economy
- Rural to Urban Migration
- Financial Inclusion of Village People through Banks
- Poverty Hampers Growth
- Population Increases Adverse Effect of Economy
- GST Implementation
SIDBI Grade A 2022: Expected Cut-off
If we look at the SIDBI Grade A exam pattern, the Online Written Test consists of both Objective as well as Descriptive questions. It will be out of 250 marks, which will also include 50 marks of the Descriptive English section. Moreover, Descriptive papers of those candidates will be evaluated who clear the Objective type of tests.
So, considering the difficulty level of the SIDBI Grade A Online Written Test, the expected cut-off will be around 140 marks out of 250 marks.
We hope the information provided in this blog helps you.
We wish you the best!
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