SSC CHSL 2019 Tier 1 Result Declared: Check SSC Result Here


SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam 2018-19

Staff Selection Commission or SSC exams have always been most awaited among the government job aspirants. SSC conducts various examinations to recruit eligible candidates in the Central government minintries and departments. SSC had conducted the SSC CHSL  (Combined Higher Secondary Level) 2018-19 Examination in the month of July. The exam was held for 9 straight days from 1st July – 11th July 2019. The exam was conducted in around 361 exam centres all over the country. A huge number of candidates appeared for the SSC CHSL 2018-19 Exam. SSC has now released the result for SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam. Earlier as per the SSC notification, the SSC CHSL Tier 1 result was supposed to be released on 11th September 2019 but due to some reasons, it got delayed by a day. SSC had released 5789 vacancies which included various posts like: Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC)/Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant (PA),Postal Assistant(PA)/Sorting Assistant (SA) & Data Entry Operators (DEO).

SSC CHSL Exam will be conducted in three stages: Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3. SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam 2018-19 will be conducted on 29th September 2019.

Check your SSC CHSL Tier 1 result here.

Also Read:


SSC CHSL 2019 Notification & All Details

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