SSC GD Constable 2019: Last Week Preparation Tips


SSC or Staff Selection Commission conducts an examination every year to recruit eligible candidates as constables through the posts in BSF, CISF, ITBP, CRPF etc. This time also SSC had announced close to 54000 vacancies in its official notification that was released in July 2018. SSC GD or General Duty Constable notification is awaited by many students who want to have a physically challenging job and want to serve their country by entering into various forces. This year SSC scheduled the GD Constable examination from 11th Feb to 11th March. The exam is conducted in three phases:

  1. Written Examination (Online)
  2. Physical Efficiency Test
  3. Medical Examination

A candidate who clears all these three stages is finally appointed by SSC in the respective job. SSC has set the minimum cut-off percentage for the computer-based online examination in advance, i.e.

  • General / Ex-Servicemen – 35%
  • SC/ST/OBC – 33%

SSC GD Constable Exam 2019

The important part of an examination is the preparation phase. To be sure about your success, you have to keep in mind all the aspects of the examination. Before you start the preparation, you should know all about the exam. The SSC GD Constable Exam consists of four subjects/sections:

  • English Language
  • Reasoning
  • General Awareness
  • Mathematics

Each section contains 25 questions which makes it a total of 100 questions carrying 100 marks with a total time duration of 90 minutes or 1 and a half hour.

SSC GD Constable Exam 2019 (Ist Shift) Analysis:

As the first shift of the SSC GD Constable Exam has already been conducted, it is a golden chance for those candidates who still have to give the examination. They can check the analysis and change their preparation plan accordingly. Let’s first look into the analysis in brief :

As per the analysis, the SSC GD Constable Examination was of an easy-moderate level overall, where the Reasoning section was easier than all other sections. The major surprise or good news for the candidates is that there was no negative marking in the exam as was expected. This came with relief for all candidates.

Based on the analysis, all those who still have to give the examination, can make some additions/subtractions in their preparation plans and go ahead with their last-minute practice. To make it easier we have put together some important points which you should keep in mind for the SSC GD Constable Exam.

SSC GD Constable 2019: The Plan Ahead

Preparation is the most important part of any examination process, so it is extremely necessary to keep all information related to the exam. As the SSC GD Constable Examination has already started, it is natural that all of you must be well aware of the exam details such as SSC GD Constable Syllabus, SSC GD Constable Exam Pattern etc. Also, each one of you who are still going to give the examination must be in the middle of the preparation phase and it is the right time to start your revision. It is very less time left in hand and you can not bring major changes in your preparation strategy but only make a few changes in it if required. While preparing for the exam, it will be good to go through these few pointers that might help in your last minute preparation.

SSC GD Constable 2019: Last Week Tips

  • Keep your calm – Do not panic or get too excited after reading the analysis of the exam. You should remember that you cannot totally depend on the analysis. We cannot predict or guess the next shifts’ exam and its difficulty level. The analysis can only give you a small idea about what can you expect.
  • Take down the useful pointsTry to write down the good points from the analysis available. You need to see the points which may prove beneficial in your performance.
  • Revise, revise till you succeed There is nothing more useful than last minute revision. If you do not revise what you have studied till now, it will all go waste. Revision is the only way to make your learning permanent. Also, through revision, you may come out with some such things which you were not really able to understand earlier but now you may find a new way to understand or learn it. This holds true for subjects like General Awareness.
  • Keep up with old, avoid newIf you are still left with a lot of syllabus to study, it would be better if you do not touch anything new anymore. Studying something that is totally new to you will not be a good idea at the last moment. Try to make your strong areas stronger and leave those that are not as strong. As it’s not the right time to collect extra information, it is better to revise what you already have studied and confirm your success in those areas.
  • Follow a dedicated routineIf you want to ensure your success, it is good to stick to your routine and follow it sincerely. There is no shortcut to success and no alternative to dedication & hard work.
  • Avoid ShortcutsDo not try to mug up or learn shortcut methods, especially at the last moment. Shortcuts can never prove useful even if you have the time or you don’t.
  • Practice as much as you canPractice is the only way to improve your performance, especially when it comes to subjects like Mathematics and Reasoning. Practicing mock tests is a good way to boost your preparation which will give you an added advantage over others. If you practice more, you learn more.
  • Track your timePracticing will also help you in keeping the track of your time. As there are no individual timings for the sections in this SSC GD Exam, you do not have to worry about running out of time while attempting any section. But, it is equally important that you give enough time to each section so that when you attempt those on the final day, you do not fall short of time.
  • Work on Speed – Attempting more number of questions will improve your score, therefore it will be good if you improve your speed by giving proper attention to all sections.
  • Be careful – No negative marking will not mean no risks! Though there is no negative marking in the SSC GD Constable Exam according to the recent analysis, it may lead to careless choices of the answers. You need to keep in mind, if you select answers randomly, it will still cost you your marks and you will not be able to get selected. Wrong answers still mean no marks. So, be careful when you select your answers.
  • Keep time for yourself – Apart from the exam-related tips, as the examination approaches, it is very important to think for yourself too. It is necessary to take some free time and focus on both your mental and physical health. It will be a waste if you prepare yourself well and fail to perform on the actual day due to too much pressure or bad health.
  • Eat healthy, think healthy – Don’t forget that a healthy mind stays in a healthy body. So, to make sure that you are able to perform better on the exam day, focus on your health and do not eat unhealthy food.

To boost your preparation, practice mock tests for SSC GD Constable.

Check out more about SSC Exams Dates.

Check out Detailed SSC CGL Exam Pattern.

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

All the Best!

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