SSC MTS 2019-20: Preparation Tips and Strategy


SSC MTS 2019-20

SSC MTS (MULTITASKING STAFF EXAM) is one of the many exams held by Staff Selection Commission every year to recruit candidates for different posts. It is one of the prevalent jobs for candidates looking for a career in government jobs. It is one of the easiest exams to crack but with increasing competition and more candidates applying every year, this exam becomes highly competitive in nature and so is the level of the exam but it still could be cracked if done systematically. 

An aspirant should first checkout the whole syllabus and exam pattern to understand the nature of the examination and the subjects that are involved in it. We are also going to discuss it below:

SSC MTS Exam Date 2019

SSC MTS 2019 Tier 1 exam will be held from 2nd august 2019 to 6th September 2019. Tier 2 will be commencing on 17th November 2019.

In this article we will discuss how to prepare for SSC MTS 2019-2020, some tips and tricks which we can apply to maximize our score in the exam.

Before starting, we must first know:

 SSC MTS 2019-20: Selection Process

The examination will be conducted in three tiers as mentioned below:

  1. Tier 1- Written examination (objective type) MCQ 100 marks
  2. Tier 2 Descriptive paper in English/Hindi (essay writing) 50 marks
  3. Tier 3- Skills test 

Subjects Involved In SSC MTS 2019:

The subjects which are involved in this exam are:

  1. General English
  2. Numerical aptitude 
  3. General Awareness
  4. General Intelligence and Reasoning 

SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam Pattern:

S.No Subjects No.of Questions Max. Marks Time Duration
1. General English 25 25 90 minutes

(120 minutes

for visually


cerebral palsy


2. Numerical Aptitude 25 25
3. General Awareness 25 25
4. General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 25
100 100


  • This paper is objective type (MCQ)
  • The question will be available in both English and Hindi.
  • There will be a negative marketing of 0.25 marks for each wrongly marked questions.

SSC MTS TIER 2 Exam Pattern:

Mode of Examination Scheme of Examination Marks Time
Pen and


Descriptive paper in


(writing of short

essay in English or

any language

included in 8 th

schedule of the


50 30 minutes


  • Paper 2 is descriptive in nature.
  • This exam is qualifying in nature.

SSC MTS TIER 3 Exam Pattern

  • It’s a skill test that will happen after a candidate qualifies both the tiers.

SSC MTS 2019: Subject-wise Preparation Tips

A. General English :

English for many is not a strong subject to score. It’s maybe due to the schooling medium or maybe they don’t give enough attention to this subject. A student must understand that English is as important as any other subject in this exam as it possess equal marks as to numeric aptitude and reasoning.

The level of English in SSC MTS is doable as far as student is constantly practicing and giving mocks related to the subject.

With Constant effort one can not only clear the cut off but also can score with flying colors. This section could be the section which helps you to boost your score. 

We have divided English into three sections:

  1. Grammar:
  1. Fill in the blanks. 
  2. Error spotting. 
  3. Sentence correction/phrase replacement

2. Vocabulary

  1. One-word substitutions. 
  2. Spelling errors. 
  3. Antonym/Synonym. 
  4. Phrases/idioms 

3. Reading comprehension 

  1. Passage.
  • Start with brushing up all the basic rules of the grammar. It will help you in solving questions related to grammar such as fill in the blanks, error detection sentence correction. Once you’re done with learning all the rules start practicing all the questions. 
  • Vocabulary is a section which requires an ability to memorize stuff. This includes one-word substitution, idioms, phrases, spelling errors and Antonym/synonym. General English of arihant is one book that could help a student with this section. Other than this world power made easy by Norman Lewis is one such powerful book which will help in building your vocabulary but this you can take only if you are ready to give regular time to  it because this book demands time.
  • Reading comprehension is known to be one of the easiest sections of the subject because it just requires a simple and sound approach to this topic. With practice one can easily score in this topic.

B. Numerical Aptitude:

  • Accuracy and time management is what is required to ace this section.

 We can divide numeric aptitude into two parts:

  1. Arithmetic:
  1. Ratio proportion
  2. Percentages
  3. Speed time and distance
  4. CI and SI
  5. Problem on ages
  6. Time and work
  7. Average 
  8. Mixture and alligation
  9. Profit loss and discount
  10. Miscellaneous.
  11. Simplification
  12. Number series and number system 

2. Advance Math:

  1. Geometry
  2. Mensuration
  3. Data interpretation
  4. Trigonometry
  5. Algebra
  • Mensuration along with geometry and trigonometry are some topics that need to be eyed upon because they hold significant amount of weightage in exam.
  • As the chapters involved in it are of 10th standard one should start solving NCERT class 9th and 10th book to have a deeper understanding of the chapters. Other than that, a candidate can start with R S Agrawal (quantitative aptitude) as well.
  • When you’re done with the syllabus start solving it on time because it is what matters the most. Imbibe some tips and tricks to solve as many questions in the allotted time.
  • Mock tests are highly recommended once you’re done with syllabus because that way you can scale your preparation.

C. General Awareness:

General awareness is a section which needs constant effort because of its vast syllabus. It can become one of the scoring sections as well if you give it a certain amount of time every day. The main topics of a general awareness section consists of:

  1. Environment 
  2. Economy        
  3. Polity 
  4. Culture 
  5. Geography 
  6. Indian history 
  7. Books and sports 
  8. Current affairs 
  9. Date, portfolio and schemes 
  10. General science 
  • You can start with the topic you like reading about it maybe history, geography or science Ncert of class 9th and 10th will help you the most as maximum no of question come from these books.
  • Lucent (general knowledge) is also recommended if you don’t like to go with the ncerts.
  • Reading newspapers will help you cover the current affairs topic as well as help you with the descriptive paper as well.
  • You can also check out our daily gk update and weekly gk update if you don’t have time for reading newspapers everyday but want to be updated with the current happenings.
  • Mock tests and previous year questions can help in practicing this section. You can check out free mock tests as well.

D. General Intelligence and Reasoning:

General intelligence section is all about practice because although the sums are doable but approach could take time. So, as many as you practice will give you the upper hand in this section. This way you can attempt maximum no of questions. 

The reasoning section consists of the following topics:

  1. Alphabet test
  2. Analogy
  3. Arithmetic reasoning
  4. Blood relation
  5. Classification
  6. Coding decoding
  7. Distance direction test
  8. Matrix
  9. Logical venn diagram
  10. Missing number
  11. Word formation
  12. Non verbal reasoning 
  13. Verbal reasoning
  14. Puzzles
  15. Series 
  • RS Agrawal Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning is recommended for this section as that books covers all the topics that are there in the exam. With vast number of questions, it provides you with, one can able to master this section.
  • Analyze the weightage of the topics and plan accordingly.
  • Practice is the only key to get a hold on this section.
  • Previous year questions are always helpful to see the weightage of different topics in the exam.

SSC MTS 2019 Exam: Some Useful Tips

  1. Don’t waste too much time on one question, skip that and come back to it after you’re done with the whole paper.
  2. To analyze your preparation level give mocks as much as you can after completing the syllabus. You can do it from our website absolutely free of cost. Try it!
  3. Try to focus on questions according to the weightage of the topic so that you can attempt maximum no of number of questions in the allotted time
  4. In exam always look out for questions you are strong at and try to solve them first this will give you confidence as well as saves your time.
  5. SSC always tends to repeat its previous year questions so try to solve them as much as you can because this will help you immensely in the exam.
  6. You can practice SSC MTS free mock tests and improve your score.

We the team of Ixambee wish you all the best for SSC MTS 2019.

Also Read:

SSC MTS Syllabus



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Ankit Kumar
5 years ago
