Tag: RBI
In- Hand Salary of an RBI Grade B Officer
Reserve Bank of India
The Reserve Bank of India or RBI is the highest banking organization in India, being the Central Bank of India. It...
RBI Grade B 2019: How To Increase Your Chances of Success?
RBI Grade B 2019
RBI or Reserve Bank of India is the ‘central bank of India’, which is famously called the bankers’ bank. It is...
RBI Grade B 2019 Phase 2 Preparation Strategies
As promised, ixamBee is back with preparation strategies for Phase 2 of RBI Grade B exam. Now that the Phase I exam is done...
Preparation Strategies For RBI Grade B 2019 Phase 1 Exam
The countdown for RBI Grade B 2019 exam begins now; November 09, 2019 is D-day for the Phase 1 exam . As many of you...