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Tag: Static GK

International Yoga Day 2024: Everything to Know

“Yoga adds years to your life and life to your years” To emphasize the necessity of yoga in this...

Everything to Know About World Environment Day 2024

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5. This day is observed to encourage environmental awareness and protection. According to...

RBI Moves 100 Tonnes of Gold to India: What It Means 

Recently, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) processed more than a hundred tonnes of gold shipped from the United Kingdom returned to...

The Importance of SEBI for the Stock Market

The Indian stock market is an important pillar when it comes to India’s financial frame work. It has a rather large voice...

Why is SEBI Called a Watchdog of the Indian Securities Market?

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) a regulatory body which plays a significant role in the Indian economy. It helps...

A Comparison of Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy

How do governments steer their economies and achieve important economic objectives? What tools do they have at their disposal? When it comes...

Top 10 Important Dockyards in India

Ships have been serving as a means of transportation for centuries now. Ships were/are used for the transport of goods, travel and...

Van Dhan Yojana

The Government of India has launched a number of schemes for the benefit and upliftment of various marginalized groups over the decades....

Uniform Civil Code (UCC): Meaning and Recent Developments

India is a land of diversities and is known for its multiple ethnicities, religions and cultural backgrounds. So, naturally, this diversity also...

Surviving the SEBI Storm: A Survival Guide for Finfluencers

In the world of the digital era, where every person wants to stand out from the crowd and leave footmarks behind by...