Test Yourself: Computer Knowledge Questions (Mixed) for RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk Exams


The RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk exams are highly competitive and require candidates to have a solid understanding of computer knowledge. Computer literacy is essential as it encompasses various aspects of technology and its applications.

To help aspiring candidates prepare for the RBI Assistant exam and SBI Clerk Exam, we have compiled a set of computer knowledge questions that cover a wide range of topics. These questions will not only test your expertise but also help you identify areas where you may need further improvement. By regularly practicing these questions, you will be able to assess your strengths and weaknesses and tailor your preparation accordingly.

In the continuity of the series of Test Yourself, today’s blog is about important questions from the Computer Aptitude section. Below are 10 questions (Mixed) from computer knowledge which are required to be solved in 5 minutes. 

Answers with detailed solutions are provided at the end of the questions. It is recommended to note down these questions in your notebook so that you can revise them in future. These questions are useful for upcoming exams like RBI Assistant & SBI Clerk  and other upcoming banking exams.


1. What holds true for  “Internet”?

1)It is interconnection of few computers.

2)It is confined to a space.

3)It is called network of networks.

4)It is centralized network.

5)It enables the exchange of text only.

2. Which extension is for executable/installation files?

1). exe



4) .pdf

5) .doc

3. Smallest unit of an image is ____?






4. EDVAC belongs to which generation?






5. Which of the following enables an object , variable or a method in OOPs to take multiple forms?






6. Which among the following does a computer understand?

1)Binary language

2)High level language

3)Object oriented language

4)Fourth generation language

5)Fifth generation language

7. Full-Form of VIRUS?

1)Virtual information resource under size

2)Virtual infected resource under size

3)Very infected resource under size

4)Virtual information resource under structure

5)None of these

8. What does ‘E’ stand in E-Commerce?





5)None of these

9. What is the base of Octal system of coding?






10. Which among the below is not a component of a computer?

1)Input device

2)Output device


4)Primary Memory



Answer: 1-(3) It is called as network of networks.

A general network connecting several million of computers.

It enables the exchange of data and information.

Internet is decentralized.

Answer: 2- (1) .exe is for executable file that are also for installation purpose.

.gif is for graphical interchange format that is for animated images.

.jpeg is joint photographic expert group for image .

.pdf is portable document format for adobe files.

.doc is document format file in Microsoft document.

Answer: 3- (3) Pixel is the smallest unit that compose an image. Pixels are the small dots.

Answer: 4- (1) EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) belongs to 1st generation computer made from vacuum tube.

Answer: 5- (3)

Polymorphism : It is a OOPs concept that is refers the ability of an object/variable/method  to take multiple forms.

Example: “Animal” class has different sub-classes like horse, fish, tiger etc. “Animal” class has one method called “Move” which will be defined in different ways in subclasses.

Like when for “horse” class it will be as “trotting” while for “Fish” class it will be “Swimming”.

Inheritance : It refers to the ability of subclass to inherit features of the parent class. It leads to helps re-usability of code.

Encapsulation : It refers to binding of methods/variables/objects of one class together.

Abstraction : It refers to the hiding of the data.

Generalization : It refers to grouping of subclasses into one class. Like Permanent faculty and Guest

Answer: 6-(1) Computer understands only binary language or machine level language comprised of 0 and 1. With the use of translator like complier and interpreter high level language is converted into machine level language or low level language which computer understands and perform the tasks.

Answer: 7- (1) VIRUS- Full form of VIRUS is Vital Information Resource under Sieze. Virus is generally a malicious software program in computer.

Answer: 8- (1) E-commerce is Electronic Commerce that is selling and buying of goods and services over internet without using paper and done over only electronic means.

Answer: 9-(2) In Octal coding system a value is represented by 3 bits which in general represents the decimal value from 0 to 7 with each digit having a weight or value of just 8 starting from the least significant bit (LSB).It has hence base of 8.

Answer: 10- (5) Computer has five components namely input device, output device, primary memory, secondary memory and CPU. Internet is not the component, it is the network of computers.

Tips To Solve Computer Knowledge Questions For RBI & Clerk Aspirants 

 Aspirants need to have a good understanding of computer basics and concepts to score well in this section. Let’s take a look at some tips that can help aspirants solve computer knowledge questions effectively.

  1. Understand the exam pattern and syllabus: The first step in preparing for the computer knowledge section is to go through the SBI Clerk exam pattern and syllabus and RBI Assistant exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly. Understand the topics that are included in the syllabus and make a list of important topics. This will give you a clear idea of what to study and focus on.
  2. Build a strong Base In Computer Knowledge: Computer knowledge questions often test your understanding of basic computer concepts. Therefore, it is important to build a strong foundation by studying the fundamentals of computer science. It is advisable to start with topics like computer hardware, software, operating systems, and basic computer terminology.
  3. Stay updated With Current Goings In Computer World: Computer knowledge is a subject that keeps evolving with new technologies and advancements. It is crucial to stay updated with the latest developments in the field of computers. Follow technology news websites, blogs,  magazines and Beepedia to keep yourself informed about the latest trends.
  4. Practice with previous year question papers: Solving RBI Assistant previous year question papers and SBI Clerk Previous Year Question Papers is one of the most effective ways to prepare for the computer knowledge section. It gives you an idea of the type of questions asked in the exams and helps you identify your weak areas. Try to solve as many papers as possible to improve your speed and accuracy.
  5. Take online mock tests: Online RBI Assistant mock tests and SBI Clerk Free practice tests are a great way to assess your preparation level and track your progress. ixamBee offer mock tests specifically designed for RBI and Clerk exams. Take advantage of these tests and practice regularly to improve your performance.
  6. Focus on shortcuts and tricks: Computer knowledge questions often involve lengthy calculations or complex problem-solving. Look for shortcuts and tricks that can help you solve these questions quickly and accurately. Practice these shortcuts regularly to improve your problem-solving skills.
  7. Use mnemonic techniques: Mnemonic techniques are memory aids that can help you remember complex information easily. Create mnemonics for important computer terminologies, abbreviations, and formulas to recall them quickly during the exams.
  8. Follow a study schedule: Create a study schedule that includes dedicated time for computer knowledge preparation. Divide your time wisely among the different topics and allocate more time to the areas that you find challenging. Stick to your schedule consistently to ensure effective and disciplined preparation.
  9. Take help from study materials and resources: There are numerous books, study materials, and online courses available specifically designed for banking exams. Make use of these resources to understand the topics in depth and practice different types of questions.
  10. Seek guidance if needed: If you find certain topics difficult to understand or solve, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from experienced faculties or subject matter experts. Join online forums or discussion groups where you can interact with fellow aspirants and clear your doubts.


Computer knowledge is an important section in the RBI and Clerk exams. By solving the above questions and following these tips, aspirants can enhance their preparation and solve computer knowledge questions effectively. It is crucial to study on regular intervals if you want to clear the RBI assistant and SBI clerk exam. With consistent effort and dedication, success in the computer knowledge section of these exams can be achieved.

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