Why should you prepare for SSC Exams? SSC Revised Dates Out!


Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is an esteemed organization and falls under the Government of India. This commission was founded to recruit staff for various posts in the various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India and Subordinate Offices.

The need to form SSC (then Service Selection commission) was initiated from the 47th report (1967–68) by the estimates committee. It was primarily formed to recruit lower categories of posts but with time, SSC now recruits Gazetted officers for various ministries and departments as well. It was finally renamed as Staff Selection Commission on September 26, 2021. SSC functions under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances.

Every year SSC conducts various exams like SSC GD Constable, SSC MTS, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SSC CGL, SSC Stenographer, SSC Junior Translator, SSC Selection Posts and others to recruit subordinates for various ministries and offices.

SSC Revised Exam Dates

SSC has recently released the exam dates for SSC CGL Tier 1 2020, SSC CHSL Tier 1 (leftover dates) 2020 and SSC Sub Inspector 2020.  The Exam Dates are mentioned below.

S.No.Name of ExamsRevised SSC Exam Dates 2020
1SSC CHSL Exam Date 2020 for Tier 1 (For left-over candidates)August 08, 2021, to August 12, 2021
2SSC CAPF 2020 Exam Date- Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police and CAPFs Examination 2019 (Paper-2)July 26, 2021
3SSC CGL Exam Date 2020 for Tier 1August 13, 2021, to August 24, 2021

As you can see above, the exam dates are of 2019 and 2020 FY (this time the further delay has happened due to COVID-19). But in general, also, SSC takes a longer time than usual (1 to 2 years) to conduct its examinations.

If SSC has so many loopholes in the recruitment process, why should you apply for it? 

Reputed Job Profile

SSC is most desired when it comes to central government jobs. Aspirants seeking well-paid jobs in the central government prefer SSC as their first choice. 

Despite the delay in the exam, SSC has remained the first choice of the candidates.  Therefore, the number of aspirants increases for these exams every year. One of the main reasons for this is the job security it provides as well as the reputation for working directly under various ministries (Central Government). Jobs through these exams provide phenomenal career growth.  

Exam for Every aspirant 

The reason why this exam is so popular is that it caters to every aspirant’s dream of becoming a government employee. Through this exam, you can become an Assistant to a Gazetted officer. 

Let’s see how:

S.No.Name of ExamsEducational Qualification
1.        SSC GD Constable10th /High School
2.        SSC MTS10th /High School
3.        SSC CHSL10+2 /Intermediate
4.        SSC Stenographer10+2 /Intermediate
5.        SSC CPOGraduate
6.        SSC CGLGraduate
7.        SSC Selection PostsMatriculation/High School/Graduate (Vary according to the posts)
8.        SSC Junior TranslatorMaster’s degree in various discipline
9.        SSC Junior EngineerDiploma in engineering

Handsome Salary

SSC gives the opportunity to earn Level 1 to Level 8 Payscale.  Let’s also discuss the salary slab of the above-mentioned posts.

S.No.Name of ExamsSalary (Pay Scale)
1.        SSC GD ConstablePay Scale: Rs 21700- Rs 69100
2.        SSC MTSGrade Pay 1800
3.        SSC CHSLRs. 19,900-63,200 (Pay Level-2) to Rs. 25,500-81,100 (Pay Level-4)
4.        SSC StenographerGrade-Pay 2400 to Grade-Pay 4600
5.        SSC CPOLevel-6 (Rs.35400 – 112400)
6.        SSC CGLPay Level-4 (Rs 25500 to 81100) to Pay Level-8 (Rs 47600 to 151100)
7.        SSC Selection PostsPay Matrix Level 1 in Rs.18000 – 41100 – Pay Matrix Level 7 in Rs.44900 – 142400
8.        SSC Junior TranslatorLevel-6 (Rs.35400 – 112400) to Level-8 (Rs.47600 – 151100)
9.        SSC Junior EngineerPay Scale- Rs 35,400-1,12,400/-

Now, if you have just graduated from a University and are looking for a stable career in central government, you can count on SSC exams. You need to be very consistent and patient throughout as SSC jobs have a history of being postponed which kills aspirants’ zeal to prepare for this exam. Despite this, one thing for sure is that SSC will conduct exams as it is the gateway for the major recruitments under various ministries.

SSC was usually called as Slow Service commission due to the delay in the commencement of the examinations but with TCS involvement, the exams are now very well organized and hoping to be better in the coming days. 

Now let’s look at the exams that are lined up by SSC- 

S.No.Name of ExamsExam Dates
1.        SSC GD ConstableNotification to be out soon.
2.        SSC MTSNotification to be out soon.
3.        SSC CHSLAugust 08, 2021 to August 12,2021
4.        SSC StenographerNotification to be out soon.
5.        SSC CPOJuly 26, 2021 (Phase 2)
6.        SSC CGLAugust 13, 2021, to August 24, 2021
7.        SSC Selection PostsNotification to be out soon.
8.        SSC Junior TranslatorNotification to be out soon.
9.        SSC Junior Engineer 2021Notification to be out soon.

You can study about these exams on our website and decide what exams suit you best according to your educational qualification. To assess your preparation level, you can attempt mock tests of these exams on our official website. They are available free of cost. 


SSC is a one-stop solution for every aspirant’s dream of becoming a central government employee, therefore, applicants are increasing every year. You can definitely think about SSC as your career option, especially after graduation. As mentioned above it has an exam for every aspirant. i.e for 10+2, it has SSC CHSL, for Graduation you can opt SSC CGL and so on. 

We at ixamBee always support you in your preparation journey and to help you with this, we have launched SSC CHSL Online Course. We also provide mock tests for the above-mentioned exams free of cost. Do check them out!

At ixamBee you can find free Online Test Series, GK updates in the form of BeePedia, as well as latest updates for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, RBI, NABARD and Other Government Jobs.

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