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Here, Himani Mam has discussed about padma Awards especially Padma shri Awards in Agriculture in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Sonal Mam has discussed Biofloc Fish Farming in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Himani Mam has discussed the Panchayati Raj Institution in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Sonal Mam has discussed the Primary Agricultural Credit Society and its functioning in a very easy way to understand.

Neha Mam has explained the Offer & Invitation to offer makes you understand effortlessly.

Here, Amit Sir has explained the G20 in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Himani Mam has discussed Regenerative Agriculture in India in a very easy way to understand.

Neha Mam has explained the Communication & Revocation of Offer and Acceptance makes you understand effortlessly.

Here, Sonal Mam has discussed NPOP - (National Program for Organic Production) in India in a very easy way to understand.

Neha Mam has explained the Doctrine of Ultra Vires makes you understand effortlessly.

Amrita Mam has explained Trademark and Passing- off makes you understand effortlessly.

Neha Mam has explained the Consent & Free Consent: Differenceto make you understand effortlessly.

Amrita Mam has explained Strict and Absolute Liability to make you understand effortlessly.

Amrita Mam has explained Public Interest Litigation to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Himani Mam has discussed Homestead Agroforestry in India in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Sonal Mam has discussed Ramsar Wetland Sites in India in India in a very easy way to understand.

Amrita Mam has explained Independence of Judiciary to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Aditi Mam has explained the law of variable proportion in a very easy way to understand.

Amrita Mam has explained the Difference between Partnership and LLP to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Shikha Mam has explained the Derivatives-Options in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Ashwini Sir has explained Malware in a very easy way to understand.

Amrita Mam has explained Manner of Election of President to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Himani Mam has discussed the Purple Revolution and aroma mission in India in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Sonal Mam has discussed the Stubble burning problem in India in a very easy way to understand.

Amrita Mam has explained Criminal misappropriation of property vs Criminal Breach of Trust to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Shikha Mam has explained the BASEL Norms in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Ashwini Sir has explained E-mail in a very easy way to understand.

Amrita Mam has explained to the Is President just a Rubber stamp to make you understand effortlessly.

Neha Mam has explained the Contingent Contract to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Aditi Mam has explained the Price Ceiling in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Himani Mam has discussed the scientific rearing of Lac insect for commercial production i.e. Lacculture in a very easy way to understand.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Evidence: Dying Declaration to make you understand effortlessly.

Pratima Mam ने क्षेत्रीय कार्यान्वयन कार्यालय के बारे में उल्लेख है।

Here, Shikha Mam has explained Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Aditi Mam has explained Are telecom operators Oligopoly or Perfect Competition in India? in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Kailash Sir has discussed the International Year of Millet 2023 - Data & Details in a very easy way to understand.

Amrita Mam has explained the Procedure under CPC to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Ashwini Sir has explained Network Topologies in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Sonal Mam has discussed Multi-layer Farming in a very easy way to understand.

Amrita Mam has explained the President's rule to make you understand effortlessly.

Aditi Mam has explained Are telecom operators Oligopoly or Perfect Competition in India? in a very easy way to understand.

Karan Sir has explained the Tricks to find Cubes to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Himani Mam has discussed Smart fertilizers in a very easy way to understand.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Evidence: Hostile Witness to make you understand effortlessly.

Pratima Mam ने इस वीडियो में राजभाषा नियम, 1976 भाग - 2 के बारे में उल्लेख है।

Here, Aditi Mam has explained Giffen goods and Inferior goods in a very easy way to understand.

Karan sir has explained the Square tricks to make you understand effortlessly.

Ashwini sir has explained the Printers to make you understand effortlessly.

Himani Mam has discussed Biodynamic Farming in a very easy way to understand.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Evidence: Plea of Alibi to make you understand effortlessly.

Amrita Mam has explained the Estoppel to make you understand effortlessly.

Neha Mam has explained the Indemnity v. Guarantee to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Sonal Mam has discussed Drones in Agriculture in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Shikha Mam has explained REITs and INVITsin a very easy way to understand.

Sonal Mam has discussed conventional tillage and conservation tillage in a very easy way to understand.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Evidence: Admission and Confession to make you understand effortlessly.

Pratima Mam ने इस वीडियो में राजभाषा नियम, 1976 भाग-1 के बारे में उल्लेख है।

Vidhika Mam has explained the Evidence - Facts in Issue and Relevant Facts to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Prachi Mam has explained Nifty and SENSEX in a very easy way to understand.

Ashwini Sir has explained the Computer Languages to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Kailash sir has discussed Priority Sector Lending in a very easy way to understand.

Karan sir has explained the Find Cube Root of any number within 2 sec to make you understand effortlessly.

Neha Mam has explained the Contract of Bailment to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Shikha mam has explained Social Stock Exchange (SSE) in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Himani Mam has discussed Hydroponics in a very easy way to understand.

Pratima Mam ने इस वीडियो में CPSS सीरीज के अनुसार राजभाषा के एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रकरण राष्ट्रपति का आदेश 1960 के बारे में उल्लेख है।

Vidhika Mam has explained Pledge, Mortgage & Hypothecation to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Amit Sir has explained Inflation-Indexed Bond in a very easy way to understand.

Jayanti Mam has explained the DCL and TCL COMMAND IN SQL to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Sonal Mam has discussed Precision Farming in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Tushar Sir has explained Investment over FD or FD over investment in a very easy way to understand.

Tushar Sir has explained Important Banking Terms to make you understand effortlessly.

Vidhika Mam has explained the What is SARFAESI to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Kailash Sir has discussed Zero Budget Natural Farming in a very easy way to understand.

Ashwini Sir has explained the Operating System to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Aditi mam has explained Are Monopolies always bad? in a very easy way to understand.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Types of Negotiable Instruments - Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange, Cheque. to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Himani Mam has discussed the most important concept of Entomology i.e., Apiculture. in a very easy way to understand.

Karan sir has explained the Find Square Root of any number within 5sec to make you understand effortlessly.

Pratima Mam ने इस वीडियो में राजभाषा सीरीज के अनुसार एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रकरण ‘प्रथम राजभाषा आयोग तथा समिति ‘ के बारे में उल्लेख है।

Here, Tushar Sir has explained Green Shoe Option in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Sonal Mam has explained micro-irrigation techniques - Drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation in a very easy way to understand.

Neha Mam has explained the Insolvency vs. Bankruptcy to make you understand effortlessly.

Jayanti Mam has explained the DML COMMAND IN SQL to make you understand effortlessly.

Tushar Sir has explained Inflation base Effect to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Kailash Sir has explained Meiosis in a very easy way to understand.

Ashwini Sir has explained the Components of Computer to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Prachi mam has explained Equity and Debt in a very easy way to understand.

Amrita Mam has explained the Arbitration, Conciliation, and Mediation to make you understand effortlessly.

Arunima Mam has explained Why Tenses are important? to make you understand effortlessly.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Procedure under CrPC to make you understand effortlessly.

Karan sir has explained the Surds and Indices to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Himani mam has explained Nutrient deficiency symptoms or disorders in a very easy way to understand.

Anshul sir has explained the Analytical/Critical Reasoning to make you understand effortlessly.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Government Securities to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Tushar Sir has explained What is IPO? in a very easy way to understand.

इस VIDEO में राजभाषा अधिनियम 1963 के बारे में वर्णन किया गया है I

Here, Sonal ma has explained Dryland Farming in a very easy way to understand.

Concepts पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे | Concept 18 | Laffer Curve

Tushar sir has explained "AA - Will this be the new game changer in Indian Financial System"

Ashwini Sir has explained the Types of Computer to make you understand effortlessly.

Amrita Maam has discussed with you all the concept of the Golden Triangle.This is a very commonly questioned topic from constitutional law. To get conceptual clarity on this topic watch this video till the end and understand the nexus between these 3 articles and why they are known as the Golden Triangle.

Here, Kailash Sir has explained How Body Makes New Cells in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Himani Mam has explained vegetable Gardening in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Tushar Sir has explained the Gini coefficient in a very easy way to understand.

Arunima Mam has explained Why Tenses are important? to make you understand effortlessly.

Amrita Maam has discussed with you all the concept of FRs. Vs. DPSPs. This is a very commonly questioned topic from constitutional law. To get conceptual clarity on this topic gets a bit confusing as there are many variances in all the case laws on the point. Amrita Maam has discussed it very keenly and explained it lucidly. Watch this video and stay tuned for more videos out of this campaign.

Here, Prachi mam has explained the Understanding Bank’s Profit & Loss Statement in a very easy way to understand.

Karan Sir has explained the Mixed Fractions to make you understand effortlessly.

Arunima Mam has explained the Statement Inference Analytical Reasoning to make you understand effortlessly.

Vidhika Mam has explained the What are Derivatives? &Types of Derivatives to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Sonal Mam has explained the cropping Intensity & Rotational Intensity in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Susheel A Ragade (Ex. Manager, Reserve Bank of India) has explained the Why is this Swiss city so famous? in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Arunima Mam has explained the NPA & Bad Banks Is your Bank Safe? in a very easy way to understand.

इस CPSS की श्रृंखला में आज हमने प्रादेशिक भाषाओं के बारे में चर्चा किया है । यह टॉपिक सभी राजभाषा परीक्षाओं के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण है ।

Here, CP Sir has explained the Liquidity in a very easy way to understand.

Ashwini Sir has explained the Generations of Computer to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Amit Sir has explained the purchasing Power Parity in a very easy way to understand.

Jayanti Mam has explained the DBMS: EF CODD RULE to make you understand effortlessly.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Types of Securities to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Kailash Sir has explained the Horticulture Statistics in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Aditi mam has explained the Law of Demand in a very easy way to understand.

Tushar Sir has explained the Sovereign Green Bond to make you understand effortlessly.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Role of Depository in Securities Market to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Himani Mam has explained the Problematic soils in a very easy way to understand.

Satakshi Mam has explained the Reading Comprehension Solved Example to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Tushar Sir has explained Phillips Curve in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Prachi Mam has explained Understanding Bank’s Balance Sheet - Capital in a very easy way to understand.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Types of Prospectus to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Sonal Mam has explained the System of Rice Intensification (SRI in a very easy way to understand.

Karan Sir has explained the BODMAS to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Susheel A Ragade (Ex. Manager, Reserve Bank of India) has explained Capital Adequacy Ratio in a very easy way to understand.

Arunima Mam has explained the Statement Assumptions Analytical Reasoning to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Arunima Mam has explained CRR and SLR in a very easy way to understand.

Vidhika Mam has explained the Types of Securities Market to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Kailash Sir has explained the Agriculture Statistics in a very easy way to understand.

Jayanti Mam has explained the DBMS Architecture to make you understand effortlessly.

Ashwini Sir has explained the history of computer to make you understand effortlessly.

Pratima Mam has explained the union language (संघ की भाषा) to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Amit Sir has explained Inflation in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Sonal Mam has explained the Dapog Method in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Vidhika ma'am has explained in a very easy way how a Company goes public.

Here, CP Sir has explained the Recession in a very easy way to understand.

Tushar sir has explained the Open Network for Digital Commerce.

Here, Aditi Mam has explained Monetary Aggregates – M1, M2, M3, and M4 in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Vidhika ma'am has explained How a company raises capital basics in a very easy way to understand.

Arunima Mam has explained Reading Comprehension questions to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Himani Mam has explained the Criteria of Essentiality in a very easy way to understand.

Here, Tushar Sir has explained Central Bank Digital Currency in a very easy way to understand.

Karan Sir has explained Important Percentage Fractions questions to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Prachi Mam has explained Understanding Bank’s Balance Sheet-Assets and Liabilities in a very easy way to you to understand.

Arunima ma'am has explained Analytical Reasoning - Statement Assumptions basics to make you understand effortlessly.

Here, Susheel A Ragade Sir has explained GDP and GVA in a very easy way to you to understand.

Here, Vidhika ma'am has explained the Type of Companies basics in a very easy way to you to understand.

Here, Kailash Sir has explained UNFCCC & COP 27 Climate Change in a very easy way to you to understand.
Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे
A few weeks ago, during an interaction with a student, our faculty members and mentors at ixamBee had an epiphany. The aspirant shared with us how he only attempted 5 questions that he was absolutely sure about for the Phase 1 Quantitative Aptitude paper and got them ALL CORRECT! What is more, he even cleared the Prelims exam using this tactic.
From one perspective, this trick might sound a tad bit risky. However, he has proven that with confidence and calculated tactics, you can prepare smarter and 50% faster for your competitive exams. In line with this thought, our mentors came to a realization that often while preparing for government job exams, aspirants prepare for all subjects without trying to clear the basics, i.e., concepts.
If you are completely clear about your concepts, you will find it manifold easy to answer ANY question that may be asked based upon that concept. This has given birth to the Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे campaign that will be brought to you by subject experts at ixamBee!
What is Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे?
Through our YouTube channels, our subject experts and faculty members will come online and talk about specific core concepts that will help you in government job exam preparation. These concepts will range from a variety of subjects such as English Language, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and such that are generally tested in most competitive exams. However, this is not to say that these are the only subjects that will be covered through this novel mode of learning and teaching. You will also find concepts explained from subjects like Agriculture, Law, ESI, ARD and more that will help you with exam-specific preparation as well. Please watch the video below to better understand what is the Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे Campaign newly launched by ixamBee!
How is Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे Useful?
As already clarified, if your concepts are clear, that is half the battle won for your competitive exam preparation. However, there are other benefits as well! Such as;
The Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे videos are available completely for free on YouTube.
Concepts will be clearly explained on a variety of subjects and topics from all subjects that are important for competitive exams such as RBI, NABARD and SEBI and Bank PO, Bank Clerk, and Bank SO Exams like IBPS PO, SBI PO, IBPS AFO and other Bank PO & Clerk Exams.
The videos for relevant subjects will be available through the following four dedicated YouTube Channels.
So, if you are preparing for one specific stream exam, you can follow the channel to find the content most relevant and helpful for YOU!
You can get your doubts clarified in real-time. All you need to do is drop a comment in the chatbox while a particular Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे video is being streamed and the faculty member will get back to you.
You can always give us your feedback about some concepts that you would like to get clarified. So, please let us know how we can help you prepare better and 50% faster!
Q: What is Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे?
A: Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे is a novel teaching campaign that has been launched by ixamBee through YouTube. In this series, experts from relevant subjects and fields will make concept-clarification videos on many topics and sub-topics that are very important for aspirants to understand clearly if they wish to clear a government exam.
Q: Which subjects are covered under Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे?
A: Essentially, all exam subjects will be covered under the Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे campaign. Common subjects like English, Quant and Reasoning will be covered on the main ixamBee YouTube Channel. However, you will need to refer to the dedicated channel for stream-specific subjects. The list of channels has been provided above.
Q: Is any sign-up required for Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे?
A: No, you just need to watch the live stream for on our YouTube channels if you want to clarify the concept being discussed that day. No registration or sign-up is required. The videos will be freely available for all. In case you miss the live stream, you can always watch the video later but you may not be able to get your doubts clarified as quickly as in a live stream where the faculty responds to all questions online.
Q: Where can I get Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे videos?
A: You can find the Concept पढ़ाएँगे, Sabko सिखाएँगे videos on our YouTube channels. You can refer to the following channels depending on the exams that you are preparing for in order to make the most out of them.
Q: Can I suggest concepts that I need clarification on?
A: Yes! Absolutely! We recommend that you drop a comment under a subject-related video and our experts will certainly get back to you with a concept clarification video.