About The Editorial
The Supreme Court in the exercise of its extraordinary power has ordered the release of A.G. Perarivalan, one of the seven convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assasination case. His mother, many political parties and vast sections of the public opinion have been campaigning for years for his freedom. The suicide bombing took the life of 15 others, including nine police personnel on Tamil soil. Moreover, Perarivalan drew public sympathy because he was just 19 years old when he got involved in this conspiracy. However due to the delays made by the Governor and the President in remitting Perarivalan sentence, the Supreme Court invoked its extraordinary powers under Article 142 of the Constitution.
SBI PO Prelims IBPS PO PrelimsVocabulary Check
Meaning:wicked and cruel
Usage: Selfless heroes and heroines pitted against dastardly villains - it 's the eternal bout between good and evil.
Editorial Discussion
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