IBPS RRB PO Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme 2025

    Exam Pattern

    IBPS RRB PO Exam Pattern

    It is very important to look at the IBPS RRB PO exam pattern before starting the preparation. This way you will understand the weightage of each section along with the relevance of that section. The RRB PO exam pattern 2025 for Prelims and Mains consists of different sections with different weightage of marks. Let's get more insight on the IBPS RRB PO 2025 exam pattern from the content below.

    IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam Pattern

    RRB PO 2025 exam is an online objective examination. The RRB PO Prelims pattern consists of two sections, unlike other banking exams. These sections are Reasoning & Quantitative Aptitude. Both the tests will be bilingual along with the regional language option to choose. To make sure that you qualify the sectional and overall cut-off of IBPS RRB PO 2025 Prelims, you should be able to score decent marks in both sections. Detailed info on IBPS RRB PO exam pattern 2025 is given below.

    Name of SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDurationDuration for Candidates Eligible for Compensatory Time
    Reasoning Ability 40 40 25 minutes 20 minutes Compensatory time for every hour of examination
    Quantitative Aptitude 40 40 20 minutes
    Total 80 80 45 minutes

    IBPS RRB PO Mains Exam Pattern 

    The RRB PO Mains exam pattern 2025 consists of questions from various subjects: Reasoning, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, English or Hindi Language and Quantitative Aptitude. All the questions will be bilingual along with regional language options to choose from, except the Hindi / English language section. The test of the English language will consist of questions in English and those who will opt for the test of Hindi language will get questions in Hindi language only. Detail of the IBPS RRB PO exam pattern for Mains is provided in the table below. 

    SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime
    Reasoning 40 50 Composite time of 120 minutes (2 hours)
    Quantitative Aptitude 40 50
    General Awareness 40 40
    English/Hindi language* 40 40
    Computer Knowledge 40 20
    Total 200 200  
    * Candidates can opt. either English or Hindi language


    If you are able to qualify for Prelims & Mains, you need to appear for  IBPS RRB PO Interview.  The interview will be of 100 marks. The scores obtained only in the Mains exam of RRB PO will be considered while shortlisting for the Interview. You need to download your interview call letter from the official website of IBPS. The final merit will be prepared on the basis of the online IBPS RRB PO Mains exam and Interview. The mark's weightage will be in the ratio 80:20.

    Marking Scheme

    There will be a penalty for every wrong answer that you will mark in the IBPS RRB PO 2025 exam. One-fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty and an unmarked question will attract no penalty.

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale 1) Marking Scheme

    IBPS RRB PO (Scale1) Marking SchemeConsidered Marks
    For correct answers 1 mark each
    For wrong answers -1/4 marks
    For not attempted 0 (no marks)

    Exam Language

    The online examination for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 post will be conducted in three phases: Prelims & Mains followed by an Interview. Both the phases will consist of questions from various subjects that will be available in both English and Hindi along with regional language option

    • You have the option of choosing your default language of the exam before it starts
    • There is another facility provided in the test to change the language for any particular question from the drop-down menu available on the top right corner of the screen 
    • You will not get any such choice in the ‘language test’

    Sr.No.Name of StateVersion of tests (Medium of examination)
    1 Andhra Pradesh English, Hindi and Telugu
    2 Arunachal Pradesh English and Hindi
    3 Assam English, Hindi and Assamese
    4 Bihar English and Hindi
    5 Chhattisgarh English and Hindi
    6 Gujarat English, Hindi and Gujarati
    7 Haryana English and Hindi
    8 Himachal Pradesh English and Hindi
    9 Jammu & Kashmir English, Hindi and Urdu
    10 Jharkhand English and Hindi
    11 Karnataka English, Hindi, Kannada and Konkani
    12 Kerala English, Hindi and Malayalam
    13 Madhya Pradesh English and Hindi
    14 Maharashtra English, Hindi, Marathi and Konkani
    15 Manipur English, Hindi and Manipuri
    16 Meghalaya English and Hindi
    17 Mizoram English and Hindi
    18 Nagaland English and Hindi
    19 Odisha English, Hindi and Odia
    20 Puducherry English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam
    21 Punjab English, Hindi and Punjabi
    22 Rajasthan English and Hindi
    23 TamilNadu English, Hindi and Tamil
    24 Telangana English, Hindi, Telugu and Urdu
    25 Tripura English, Hindi and Bengali
    26 Uttar Pradesh English, Hindi and Urdu
    27 Uttarakhand English and Hindi
    28 West Bengal English, Hindi and Bengali

    Free Mock Tests 2025

    Preparing for an important exam like IBPS RRB PO 2025 requires thorough knowledge and information. An integral part of exam preparation is nothing else but practice. You cannot underestimate the importance of practice as it gives you a complete idea of the real exam. Without practice, your preparation may go in vain. Therefore, you should not ignore the importance of practice in exam preparation. When it comes to practice, ixamBee is there to help you. We provide absolutely free online mock tests for the IBPS RRB PO exam

    IBPS RRB Officers Scale I Exam Pattern FAQs

    Yes, there is a negative marking in the IBPS RRB PO Prelims and Mains. For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks is deducted as a penalty.
    No, IBPS RRB PO does not have separate sectional timings but a composite time limit of 2 hours.
    Yes. You can attempt the IBPS RRB PO exam 2022 in either Hindi or English Language besides the option of selecting your regional language.
    The combined final score of candidates shall be arrived at on the basis of scores obtained by the candidates in the IBPS RRB PO Mains and Interview.
    Merely passing the IBPS RRB Mains merit list does not guarantee your final selection. You need to score sufficiently high on the overall merit list for final selection.
    There will be three stages: Prelims, Mains followed by an Interview in the recruitment process for IBPS RRB PO.

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