AAI Junior Executive ATC Exam Syllabus 2025

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    AAI JE ATC Syllabus 2023

    AAI ATC Syllabus

    The AAI ATC Syllabus 2025 is divided into two parts Part A and Part B. The syllabus of AAI JE ATC exam Part A is General in nature with subjects like General English, General Knowledge, General Aptitude and General Intelligence. The second part i.e. Part B syllabus has Physics and Mathematics as the two subjects. For complete information with regard to the AAI ATC syllabus 2022, please refer to the table below.

    AAI Syllabus 2025: Part A

    General Knowledge/ Awareness Current Affairs [BeePedia], Topics under GK regarding various countries all around the Globe, History, Economy, Geography, Polity
    English Language Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Basic English Grammar, Idioms and Proverbs, Synonym and Antonym, Para Jumbles, Cloze Test
    General Intelligence/ Reasoning Order and Ranking, Sequence and Series, Seating Arrangement, Order, Coding-Decoding, Alphanumeric Series and various topics covered under Reasoning
    General Aptitude/ Numeric Ability Questions from Elementary Mathematics from topics such as Algebra, Number System, Decimals, Percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Mensuration, Statistics, Probability, Profit and Loss, Discount

    AAI Syllabus 2025: Part B

    Mathematics Permutation and Combination, Probability, Three Dimensional Geometry, Quadratic Equations, Straight Lines, Binomial Theorem, Differential Equations, Integral , Maxima & Minima, Differentiation, Limits, Probability
    Physics Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Moving Charges with Magnetism , Electro-Magnetic Waves, Laws of Motion, Optics , Thermal Physics , Electronic Devices, Scalars and Vectors, Modern Physics , Waves and Optics , Statics and Dynamics, Electricity

    AAI JE ATC Important Books

    Books play a vital role in one’s preparation. It can be counted as a crucial resource that can improve your preparation level. In order to prepare effectively, you should have important information and things about the exam like an exam, a list of books and a syllabus in one place. We have listed down some very very helpful list of books that will help you in the AAI JE ATC exam preparation.

    PaperBooksAuthor/ Publisher
    Reasoning A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal/ S Chand
    A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal/ S Chand
    English Language High School English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin
    Objective General English SP Bakshi
    Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
    Daily News Paper and Vocabulary Preferable The Hindu
    General Awareness Static General Knowledge Arihant Publication
    General Knowledge Lucent
    Current Affairs [BeePedia] -
    Physics & Maths Basic Physics: A Self Teaching Guide Karl F Kuhn/ Wiley
    NCERT Physics and Mathematics for Class 11 and 12 NCERT
    Maths Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Abhijit Guha

    Aai Atc Exam Syllabus FAQs

    Yes, you can prepare AAI ATC syllabus in four months if you prepare well. To prepare for the AAI exam it is essential to know correct syllabus. Apart from the syllabus, you should also know the exam pattern and the mark distribution of each section. To strenghten your preparation, practice AAI ATC mock tests as much as possible to get a good idea of what kind of questions to expect in actual to increase your chances of cracking the exam.
    You can get the complete list of AAI JE ARC Books on our syllabus page.
    Right now, we are not providing  AAI JE ATC online course. It is advised to keep visiting the online course section regarding any updates on the same. 
    There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Your preparation for the AAI JE ATC exam will depend on the level of preparation you have at present, if you have taken the exam before, and so on. The general rule of thumb is to study between 8 and 12 hours a week.
    If you prepare for an exam with dedication and hard work, then no exam is difficult per se. Start by studying the syllabus and exam pattern for the AAI JE ATC officer exam. This will enable you to begin your preparations accordingly.
    Technically, all the parts of the AAI JE ATC syllabus are important. You cannot leave out any part as such. However, if you would like to check which topics are tested more than others, you can look at the AAI JE ATC previous year papers to understand which topics you could emphasize more.
    To cover the complete AAI ATC exam syllabus adequately, an aspiring candidate normally needs six months. Nevertheless, candidates may differ in this regard.
    For your AAI exam preparation, you should review the AAI JE ATC previous year papers and also the AAI JE ATC mock tests. By doing this, you can find out which topics are tested more often, so you can focus on them more. In addition to that, this is a very competitive exam, so we recommend you dedicate adequate study time.
    The subjects tested in the AAI Phase 1 exam are Physics and Mathematics, Reasoning, General Awareness and English.
    We have a complete list of books you can use for AAI JE ATC exam preparation here at ixamBee. Check the same at the top of the page.

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