AFCAT Eligibility Criteria 2025 - Age Limit, Qualification

    AFCAT Eligibility Criteria 2024

    To apply for any post under the AFCAT recruitment, you should first have to ensure your AFCAT eligibility for the respective post. The Indian Air Force is quite particular about the details and specifies certain criteria for the aspirants. You are advised to look into the AFCAT 2024 educational qualifications, and age criteria in detail to avoid any kind of errors in your application.

    AFCAT Eligibility Criteria

    AFCAT Exam Eligibility Criteria

    While applying for any important exam like AFCAT, you should check the complete AFCAT eligibility criteria 2023, which includes the educational qualifications, age criteria & other details. Let’s look at the AFCAT eligibility in detail below.

    AFCAT Educational Qualifications 

    In order to apply for the desired post, you must adhere to the AFCAT educational requirements 2023 mentioned by the commission. It is advised to go through the details in depth so that chances of disqualification due to eligibility are nil. Please refer to the table below for complete details.

    AFCAT Educational Qualification (Flying Branch)

    Educational Qualification Flying Branch
    • Candidates should have mandatorily passed with a minimum of 50% marks each in Maths and Physics at 10+2 level and
      • • Graduation with minimum three years degree course in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.
      • • BE/B Tech degree (Four years course) from a recognised University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.
      • • Candidates who have cleared Section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognised University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.

    AFCAT Educational Qualification (Ground Duty (Technical) Branch)

    Educational Qualification Ground Duty (Technical) Branch
    • Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) {AE (L)}: Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks each in Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level and a minimum of four years degree graduation/integrated post-graduation qualification in Engineering/ Technology from recognized University OR cleared Sections A and B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India or Graduate membership examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers by actual studies with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent in the following disciplines:-
      • Applied Electronics & Instrumentation
      • Communication Engineering
      • Computer Engineering/Technology
      • Computer Engineering & Application
      • Computer Science and Engineering/Technology
      • Electrical and Computer Engineering
      • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
      • Electrical Engineering
      • Electronics Engineering/ Technology
      • Electronics Science and Engineering
      • Electronics
      • Electronics and Communication Engineering
      • Electronics and Computer Science
      • Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering
      • Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering (Microwave)
      • Electronics and Computer Engineering
      • Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering
      • Electronics Instrument & Control
      • Electronics Instrument & Control Engineering
      • Instrumentation & Control Engineering
      • Instrument & Control Engineering
      • Information Technology
      • Spacecraft Technology
      • Engineering Physics
      • Electric Power and Machinery Engineering
      • Infotech Engineering
      • Cyber Security
    • Aeronautical Engineer (Mechanical) {AE (M)}: Candidates with a minimum of 50% marks each in Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level and a minimum of four years degree graduation/integrated post-graduation qualification in Engineering/Technology from recognised University OR cleared Sections A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India by actual studies with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent in the following disciplines:-
      • Aerospace Engineering
      • Aeronautical Engineering
      • Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
      • Mechanical Engineering
      • Mechanical Engineering and Automation
      • Mechanical Engineering (Production)
      • Mechanical Engineering (Repair and Maintenance)
      • Mechatronics
      • Industrial Engineering
      • Manufacturing Engineering
      • Production and Industrial Engineering
      • Materials Science and Engineering
      • Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
      • Aerospace and Applied Mechanics
      • Automotive Engineering
      • Robotics
      • Nanotechnology
      • Rubber Technology and Rubber Engineering

    AFCAT  Educational Qualification (Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branch)

    Educational Qualification Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branch
    • Administration& Logistics: Passed 10+2 and Graduate Degree (Minimum three years degree course) in any discipline from a recognised university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent or cleared section A & B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognised university with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent.
    • Accounts Branch: Passed 10+2 and done graduation in any of the following streams with 60 % marks or equivalent from a recognized university:-
      • B. Com Degree (Min three years course)
      • Bachelor of Business Administration (with specialization in Finance)/ Bachelor of Management Studies (with specialization in Finance)/ Bachelor of Business Studies (with specialization in Finance)
      • Qualified CA/ CMA/ CS/ CFA
      • B.Sc. with specialization in Finance

    AFCAT Marital Status of Candidate

    Other than the age limit, nationality and educational qualification, the marital status of a candidate is also one of the important aspects to look at before applying for the AFCAT 2023 examination. Following are some criteria required for a candidate in order to apply for the exam.

    Marital Status
    • Candidates below 25 years of age must be unmarried at the time of commencement of course
    • Widows/ Widowers and divorcees (with or without encumbrances) below 25 years of age are also not eligible
    • A candidate who marries subsequent to the date of his application though successful at SSB or medical will not be eligible for training
    • A candidate who marries during the period of training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the Government
    • Married candidates above 25 years of age are eligible to apply but during training period they will neither be provided married accommodation nor can they live out with family

    AFCAT Age Criteria

    As the Indian Air Force recruits young candidates for the post of Flying Officers and Ground Duty Officers, it is very important for you to check the AFCAT age limit prescribed in the notification. Refer to the table below for complete details.

    Name of the PostAge Criteria
    Flying Branch through AFCAT 20 to 24 years as on January 01, 2024 i.e. born between January 02, 2000 to 01 January 2004 (both dates inclusive). Upper age limit for candidates holding valid and current Commercial Pilot License issued by DGCA (India) is relax able upto 26 years i.e. born between January 02, 1997 to January 01, 2003 (both dates inclusive)
    Ground Duty (Technical & Non-Technical) Branch 20 to 26 years as on January 01, 2024 i.e. born between January 02, 1998 to January 01, 2004 (both dates inclusive)

    AFCAT Visual Standard Criteria

    There are certain visual standards prescribed by the Indian Air Force for various posts in the Flying branch, Ground Duty (Tech & Non-Tech.) branches. This will be tested at the time of AFSB (Interview). These standards must be fulfilled by you in order to apply for the desired post.

    Visual standard for Flying Branch

    A flying Officer needs a keen eye to be able to detect an enemy. That's why there are certain parameters which need to be fulfilled by the aspirants before applying. Candidates who habitually wear spectacles are not eligible for the Flying branch. In case they report for testing they will be tested for other branches (if applied for).

    Sl No.Med. CatBranchMaximum Limits of Refractive ErrorVisual Acuity ErrorsColour Vision
    1 A1G1 F (P) including WSOs, Flying branch cadets at NDA and AFA Hypermetropia: + 1.5D Sph Manifest Myopia: Nil Retinoscopic Myopia: Nil Astigmatism: + 0.75D Cyl (within + 1.5 D Max) 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in other, correctable to 6/6 only for Hypermetropia CP-I

    Visual standard for Ground Duty (Tech.) Branch

    The visual standard for Ground duty (Tech branch) is shown as follows. A candidate can look at the parameters required for the post below.

    Sl No.Med.CatBranchMaximum Limits of Refractive ErrorVisual Acuity ErrorsColour Vision
    1 A4G1 AE(M) AE(L) Hypermetropia: + 3.5 D Sph Myopia: -3.50 D Sph Astigmatism: + 2.50 D Cyl Corrected visual acuity should be 6/9 in each eye. Wearing of glasses will be compulsory when advised CP-II

    Visual standard for Ground Duty (Non- Tech) Branch

    Visual Standard for Ground duty branch (Non-Tech) is shown as follows.

    Sl No.Med.CatBranchMaximum Limits of Refractive ErrorVisual Acuity ErrorsColour Vision
    1 A4G1 Adm:AT C/FC Hypermetropia: + 3.5D Sph Myopia: - 3.50D Sph Astigmatism: + 2.50 D Cyl Correctable to 6/6 in each eye. Wearing of glasses will be compulsory when visual acuity is below 6/6 CP-II
    2 A4G1 Met Hypermetropia: + 3.5 D Sph Myopia: -3.50 D Sph Astigmatism: + 2.50 D Cyl Corrected visual acuity should be 6/6 in the better eye and 6/18 in the worse eye. Wearing Glasses will be compulsory. CP-II
    3 A4G1 Accts/ Lgs/Edn Hypermetropia: + 3.5 D Sph Myopia: -3.50 D Sph Astigmatism: + 2.50 D Cyl Corrected visual acuity should be 6/6 in the better eye and 6/18 in the worse eye. Wearing Glasses will be compulsory. CP-III

    Afcat Eligbility Criteria FAQs

    As far as the educational qualifications go, aspirants for the AFCAT is very particular about those they select for this role. The Indian Air Force has some specific qualifications that AFCAT aspirants need to follow. If you are keen on getting into the Indian Air Force, check the notification and read the AFCAT eligibility criteria that is required for the different posts.
    No, candidates need to clear their 10th and 12th exams. Along with that, they need a degree from a recognized university. Along with that, aspirants also need to ensure that they have scored at least 50% marks to be eligible for the exam. The complete qualification details are provided in the AFCAT eligibility criteria.
    Yes. To be eligible for the AFCAT exam, candidates need a bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 60% marks. They must also have passed their 12th standard exams with a minimum of 50% in Math and Physics. They must also be between the ages of 21 and 24. Unless a candidate meets this eligibility criteria, they will not be able to appear for the AFCAT exam.
    Yes. BSc graduates are eligible to apply for the AFCAT exam. BSc graduates must have a minimum of 60% marks in their bachelor's. They must also have passed their 12th standard exams with a minimum of 50% in Math and Physics. They must also be between the ages of 21 and 24. These qualifications are necessary for the AFCAT exam and will make a BSc graduate eligible for the exam.
    No. To be eligible to apply for the Ground Duty (Technical & Non-Technical) posts, a candidate must have been born between January 02, 1998 and January 01, 2004.
    No. Only those candidates who are below 25 years of age and married will be disqualified from the AFCAT recruitment process. Widows/ Widowers/Divorcees under 25 years are also not eligible to apply.
    The minimum educational qualification required for the AFCAT application is a Graduate degree.
    No. All such candidates who failed in their last attempt in the Computerized Pilot Selection System (CPSS) or a Flight Cadet who has been suspended from Flying training at Air Force Academy will not be eligible to apply.
    To apply for the Flying Branch, the maximum age to apply is 24 years. If you’re applying for the Ground Duty (Technical/Non-technical) Branch, the maximum age to apply is 26 years.

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